z p | - = | C O M B O I N S T A G I B | N W C T F | S A C T F | = - [Archive] - UnrealTournament Siege, Bunnytrack, Combogib, Instagib, UT99, UT4 clan & Server Discussion


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  1. max slots
  2. Universal unreal
  3. Server restart
  5. ZP mutator for combo insta
  6. Hit boxes
  7. wootabulus
  8. UTstats
  9. No Cap limit
  10. Grapple glitch
  11. Combo Gib server
  12. ComboInstagib Server
  13. two players Cheat's in the comboinstagib server
  14. NEW MAPS
  15. Combo probs...
  16. F3 Enhanced Scoreboard: glitch or ?
  17. stats?
  18. ComboInstaGib command list
  19. Servers...
  20. Map Rotation Inquiry
  21. Hacks
  22. stats
  23. Hi everybody
  24. Combo Server is MOVING new ip is
  25. NW Map List
  26. Spawnkiller Lamerz
  27. UT Stats
  28. Map suggestion
  29. Stats
  30. Bots out of control
  31. Server Down?
  32. Apparently I cheat..
  33. Yeah so I cant get in
  34. Combo and Siege
  35. !AdminAlert
  36. [RELEASE] ComboGib Update
  37. admin why i was banned?
  38. alot of noob out there
  39. am i banned!
  40. Offering Assistance to Admin
  41. this kind of ppl are who you should ban , they dont play.
  42. Suggestions + bugs
  43. Constant and repetitive spawnkiller lamer
  44. Is grapple spam intended or an exploit?
  45. servers down
  46. Combo still Down
  47. Where are the admins?
  48. Combo server changes my preferences
  49. all the players with 0 grabs should be banned fu******* coño, at least for 5 matches
  50. Can there be an ignore button for the annoying people?
  51. anti idle
  52. Spawn protection?
  53. Head shots/Smart ctf
  54. a_little_girl hack, requesting IP
  55. What is your opinion about a Combogib Tournament?
  56. Combo + lag + packetloss
  57. W dming
  58. Problem with the ACE in DMComboGib? :(
  59. NW MAPS!
  60. Combo :)
  61. Who banned me for 300 matches?
  62. Combo needs admining
  63. Server rebuilt
  64. More w00t maps
  65. who is this f**** lamer ?
  66. Kick vote abuse on Combogib
  67. Sharkeisha
  68. Grappling hook not working...
  69. Normal Weapons Maps
  70. TranssssS
  71. Low FPS
  72. Secondary fire
  73. Cheaters
  74. Server popularity
  75. Rifle Taking No Damage
  76. Baned I don't know why, please unban me
  77. combo server being a bitch
  78. server is offline
  79. rare bug
  80. Applying For Moderator
  81. hey!
  83. Applying to be a Moderator
  84. alot of crash recently
  85. Removing Simple Weapons
  86. Ban Jst2b pls
  87. NWCTF & SACTF Server With LGI & DM Normal Weps
  88. can´t use the translocator, teleporter
  89. comboinsta pugs
  91. To Much Lame @ zp| | - = | C O M B O I N S T A G I B | = -
  92. Missing Country Flags
  93. DM-Backstabber][
  94. latency
  95. Combo server having a few issues
  96. trans/grappling not working
  97. redirect not working
  98. Minor changes?
  99. Odd message on NW CTF server
  100. server lagging when players join
  101. about server normal weapons & snipers
  102. combo server spawn protect
  103. To TimTim's Shit Talking
  104. ban or error?
  105. combo server how to set grapple
  106. Banned for 300 games
  107. Jst2Blond the n00b police bastard moderator from hell.
  108. Bug on Normal Weapons Server
  109. Nan-d Aimboter Cheater
  110. Cheater currently playing
  112. ut99 combo normal weps error message
  113. NW
  114. Server down?
  115. weaps iz wonky
  116. I was just banned for an unknown reason.
  117. unban me please.
  118. who's fucking with me?
  119. Unban Please
  120. banned...no reason given
  121. saCTF removed ?
  122. Yet another unwarranted ban
  123. Kik in nw CTF
  124. Why was I banned?
  125. Spawn protection again plx!
  126. hello i banned?
  127. confusion
  128. rejected by server.
  129. i cant connect banned
  130. Normal weapons...
  131. Combo map suggestions
  132. WTF? Who moved my thread to some place I have no permission to reply to it?
  133. So... Toad played 5 maps 1100 ping getting 70% eff...
  134. normal weapon maps
  135. Banned from server?
  136. WTF? jst just banned me on combo server?
  137. Eh? What's with the server redirect, eh?
  138. mapvote
  139. Oooper in spec PM spamming
  140. Nothing about new server?
  141. do we need kickvote on or what?
  142. Server is stuck..
  143. Banned
  144. What happened to NW
  145. Banned
  146. a old vid.
  147. Question
  148. ISSUE1018
  149. Looking for map name
  150. some were crying
  151. NW stuff
  152. crash
  153. am I banned?
  154. Acitve mods/admins on here?????
  155. CTF-Gataka-SE on C O M B O I N S T A G I B server
  156. spectator slots
  157. CTF Combo_King won't download
  158. Capture sounds
  159. combo is borked
  160. the server is kapout!
  161. hello
  162. Request