- max slots
- Universal unreal
- Server restart
- ZP mutator for combo insta
- Hit boxes
- wootabulus
- UTstats
- No Cap limit
- Grapple glitch
- Combo Gib server
- ComboInstagib Server
- two players Cheat's in the comboinstagib server
- Combo probs...
- F3 Enhanced Scoreboard: glitch or ?
- stats?
- ComboInstaGib command list
- Servers...
- Map Rotation Inquiry
- Hacks
- stats
- Hi everybody
- Combo Server is MOVING new ip is
- NW Map List
- Spawnkiller Lamerz
- UT Stats
- Map suggestion
- Stats
- Bots out of control
- Server Down?
- Apparently I cheat..
- Yeah so I cant get in
- Combo and Siege
- !AdminAlert
- [RELEASE] ComboGib Update
- admin why i was banned?
- alot of noob out there
- am i banned!
- Offering Assistance to Admin
- this kind of ppl are who you should ban , they dont play.
- Suggestions + bugs
- Constant and repetitive spawnkiller lamer
- Is grapple spam intended or an exploit?
- servers down
- Combo still Down
- Where are the admins?
- Combo server changes my preferences
- all the players with 0 grabs should be banned fu******* coño, at least for 5 matches
- Can there be an ignore button for the annoying people?
- anti idle
- Spawn protection?
- Head shots/Smart ctf
- a_little_girl hack, requesting IP
- What is your opinion about a Combogib Tournament?
- Combo + lag + packetloss
- W dming
- Problem with the ACE in DMComboGib? :(
- Combo :)
- Who banned me for 300 matches?
- Combo needs admining
- Server rebuilt
- More w00t maps
- who is this f**** lamer ?
- Kick vote abuse on Combogib
- Sharkeisha
- Grappling hook not working...
- Normal Weapons Maps
- TranssssS
- Low FPS
- Secondary fire
- Cheaters
- Server popularity
- Rifle Taking No Damage
- Baned I don't know why, please unban me
- combo server being a bitch
- server is offline
- rare bug
- Applying For Moderator
- hey!
- Applying to be a Moderator
- alot of crash recently
- Removing Simple Weapons
- Ban Jst2b pls
- NWCTF & SACTF Server With LGI & DM Normal Weps
- can´t use the translocator, teleporter
- comboinsta pugs
- To Much Lame @ zp| | - = | C O M B O I N S T A G I B | = -
- Missing Country Flags
- DM-Backstabber][
- latency
- Combo server having a few issues
- trans/grappling not working
- redirect not working
- Minor changes?
- Odd message on NW CTF server
- server lagging when players join
- about server normal weapons & snipers
- combo server spawn protect
- To TimTim's Shit Talking
- ban or error?
- combo server how to set grapple
- Banned for 300 games
- Jst2Blond the n00b police bastard moderator from hell.
- Bug on Normal Weapons Server
- Nan-d Aimboter Cheater
- Cheater currently playing
- ut99 combo normal weps error message
- NW
- Server down?
- weaps iz wonky
- I was just banned for an unknown reason.
- unban me please.
- who's fucking with me?
- Unban Please
- banned...no reason given
- saCTF removed ?
- Yet another unwarranted ban
- Kik in nw CTF
- Why was I banned?
- Spawn protection again plx!
- hello i banned?
- confusion
- rejected by server.
- i cant connect banned
- Normal weapons...
- Combo map suggestions
- WTF? Who moved my thread to some place I have no permission to reply to it?
- So... Toad played 5 maps 1100 ping getting 70% eff...
- normal weapon maps
- Banned from server?
- WTF? jst just banned me on combo server?
- Eh? What's with the server redirect, eh?
- mapvote
- Oooper in spec PM spamming
- Nothing about new server?
- do we need kickvote on or what?
- Server is stuck..
- Banned
- What happened to NW
- Banned
- a old vid.
- Question
- ISSUE1018
- Looking for map name
- some were crying
- NW stuff
- crash
- am I banned?
- Acitve mods/admins on here?????
- CTF-Gataka-SE on C O M B O I N S T A G I B server
- spectator slots
- CTF Combo_King won't download
- Capture sounds
- combo is borked
- the server is kapout!
- hello
- Request