- zp| [=======] [PURE] [INSTAGIB] [UK] [=======]
- New maps You wish to play on our wonderful server:-)
- Mod positions
- Map rotation changes
- Server offline
- Tracert's
- New IP, New server. Hopefully less lag
- I'm Banned and I can't play nowhere else :(
- Kicked - please review log
- 13 players are able to join - please fix!
- Need a section for PURE INSTAGIB US
- Is it allowed to def on this server?
- Utstats
- Extra slot in pure instagib us
- Merge of stats?
- Extreme lag ( 12:23 pm central time )
- bouncing
- Pure instagib US
- Ut stats for pure instagib US
- Some dm maps?
- zp| [====] [PURE] [INSTAGIB] [UK] [====] still down
- US Stats
- Server has 90% packet loss and disconnects
- zp| [====] [PURE] [INSTAGIB] [UK] [====] + US down again? :(
- Banned cause of solid aim?
- Why is J-wU.mH banned on PURE INSTAGIB UK server?
- INSTAGIB DM anybody?
- W00tabulous
- Anyone else...
- Us server
- zp| [====] [PURE] [INSTAGIB] [UK] [====] Down
- Lost stats
- skin hack or bug?
- Server updates for instagib uk & us
- Shockwhore®2013
- banned?
- Cheater currently on US Insta server
- JaSs incapable of taking objective decisions
- Whats Up!
- newnet showstats command
- newnet unplayable
- DM server bug cant stay connect can't vote
- Question regarding ban
- admin player "lol" dming respect rules
- *Auto Update UTStats*
- spyz' ban.
- Uk server down Sam.
- put cap limit
- Just a sugestion
- [MIGRATION] Instagib UK - In progress
- maps not working!
- Vote for Duku Maps to be Put back on UK Server
- Problem with demos
- DM server
- Vote for map rotation to be lowered
- Most covers of all time?
- hitsound problem!
- UK Public server down!
- glowing skins?
- teamsay delay
- GlobalUnreal.com KOTR IV IS HERE!!
- CTF-Control / Control_LE
- server bug
- Server US Insta - - Down?
- newnet bugs
- Instagib :'Wanted'
- DM server
- Jajaja
- packet lost on us server
- hello friends. please unban a panamanian friend called YEYO
- Care For A Map?
- UK and US servers
- why is ace set to high performance automatically?
- Server Issue
- Your server is fucking weird....
- Lag
- Mod applications
- Country flag problem on UK server?!
- Server keeps defaulting to Klondike
- UK Server down again
- Please fix anti idle
- New tab for the mapvote
- is the UK server off??
- ban "no reason" from dm server from nordog
- Kicked by ace
- Map List - Pure Instagib US/UK
- ctf-abreez-se
- demo bug
- new server settings
- Connection to the us server
- Remove Niven
- admin request for
- Suggestion: Separate chat message box
- Can you fix the team balancer on UK/US server?
- Getting kicked from servers after 5 min.
- Been banned for no real reason on UK server
- Banned on US public server by timtim
- Banned by TimTim for what?
- cant log in
- weird sh*t in US server
- ctf-volliandra bad files redirect
- respond time
- iCTF uK videos
- US IG server UTStats not updating?
- uk public
- Banned by someone
- can somebody explain me whats this ?
- Mod request
- lagging player
- ridiculous map voting priority
- Christmas thingy
- Banned on US public server by Tim :x
- Banned from UK Server
- Ban for 2000+ matches.
- Server keeps crashing
- May I be unbanned plz?
- Ahora me banean del insta us? si traen algo conmigo ya diganme
- Coming back to UT, just to be harassed by admins non-stop.
- Shooting like it's reg
- Forced highperftoggle?
- illegal ufonction call
- Actual Instagib server rules?
- Crosshair Scaling not working?
- connection problems Insta US
- Ban From US Server
- ban.
- people kicking over nothing
- Issue with the UK server
- Ban
- US server needs reset
- Amaz1ng
- Game events and chat
- Keep an eye on "lostishowifeel"
- Nickname
- Banned? Why?
- Blaze admin abuse moderator rights?
- [Glue]CantMove
- tea party
- UT crash several times after playing 8 mins.
- About Revenge
- 2 uk server cctf nox? cant access to one of them
- banned
- why did I get banned?
- cant access new UK server
- banned by trigger happy admin
- about the SCORING SYSTEM
- bUseTeamColor=True
- seabass
- about PING
- 2 week experiment
- Tickrate on UK server
- Banned for not demoreccing.
- how to change kill message by "fap"
- Banned???
- uk maps rotation?
- nordog...
- fake players mod
- stupid question about joining the US server
- cheater on US server?
- Connection issues without packetloss in WinMTR
- US servers offline again
- High ping on uk sometimes
- wtf?
- Banned?
- Banned cuz of backshooting???
- Small Rant And Rave
- posting just to be bitched at for such a brilliant request
- what happen if people kick spectating mods for no reason? lol
- Just to be sure about a case o.o
- UK server down
- Banned aswell..
- Banned
- voice taunts
- kicked for strange error
- To everybody who dont understand what shooting a useless frag can result in.
- ACE Performance mode OFF/ON
- Instagib Server - Can Someone unban me please - thank you
- UK server unplayable
- More Mods Needed...
- Review for NDorCm requested
- Laggy player causes empty server
- Ban?
- This guy really makes me *LOL*..
- Review of Scream admin abilities. Another admin opinion on the case.
- Team balancer for PURE is broken
- laming
- No boost option available?
- Lift my ban?
- seabass why the ban???
- Banned
- Connection Failed, Rejected By Server
- Review the Defending Rule Please
- bane
- How to do the Sealing off base?
- gg aim'
- Map duration
- Server Problems?
- Post your TOP 6 MAPS you always love to play on CTF insta UK/US
- Game Fun Fun :-)
- Banned for just laming
- imaginary vpn ban?
- server in maintenance?
- possible server hack-don't know what happend
- UK server lagging
- So was I banned?
- how much days of my ban
- dafuq is dis?
- when country flags will be back?
- Banned again & farewell
- request for unban :o
- Why im banned ?
- Im flattered
- Server rejected
- UK server ban.
- is US server suffering issues?
- New versions of Command and Mesmerize
- UK/US server ban
- State of the game from my pov
- blaze??
- Got banned
- "Teams look unbalanced! Type !t to balance teams." --> "Teams are already balanced."
- banned
- kidding me? ban?
- Please stop banning me.
- Ban Error
- New D3D renderers, please add to ACE whitelist
- UK iCTF Server Frozen Crash!
- Seriously?
- Can't change settings while playing (music volume, player name etc.)
- Ban! :c
- I've been banned?
- Something here is really suspect
- Banned, but no idea why?
- joined just for fleecy
- Server's version is outdated
- ban why ??
- Banned, finfet/TraceR for ban upgraded to Perm due to bypassing
- Banned ?
- Nickname was changed