View Full Version : Code Reviews

  1. Bugs with new siege
  2. Super Protector Limit
  4. sgSProtector Strikes again!
  5. Code review: Mines
  6. Code review: Supplier (50%) and WeaponFiding optimization.
  7. Code review: Supplier ammo-giving optimization.
  8. Code review: sgProtector
  10. Discussion: Rewriting the Pulse Gun
  11. Code review: sgTeleporter
  12. Code review: Mines 2
  13. Teleporters
  14. Code review: sgHUD
  15. Code review: Jetpack
  16. Code idea: Relating buildings directly among themselves.
  17. Weapons
  18. Skin ideas.
  19. Siege Ultimate
  21. Suggestion: Reduce damage to players standing in the supplier.
  22. Partial Fix: Nuke Siren
  24. Clientside options.
  25. Currently Bugged
  26. Idea: Dimensional transport
  27. Shared Siege resources
  28. Indenting Messages and Console logs
  29. Epic Games vets license Unreal for triple-A mobile adventure
  30. Code review: Individual construction distance.
  31. RE: the Shrinker
  32. Code review: Fixing platforms + Generic collision for global usage.
  33. Neutron & Emp
  34. Concept: Improving spectator quality
  35. sgTranslocatorTarget rewrite
  36. Fix: AnimatedSprite log warning (server and client)
  37. Code review: Poison Guardian
  38. Code review: ReduceDamage(...) > v1
  39. Fix: client glow after nuking + Listenserver host glow
  40. Concept: dynamic updaterate > higher playercount.
  41. SiegeUltimateRC13A & SiegeUltimateRC13B Release Note:
  42. SiegeUltimateRC13A Comments and Suggestions
  43. Orb progress
  44. AdvancedTeamBalancer
  45. SiegeUltimateRC14a comments and suggestions
  46. Kickidlers is retarded
  47. Fed up with Shieldbelt, what to do?
  48. RC15 Milestone: Client settings class
  49. RC15 Milestone: Category info actor
  50. trans bind on UT works on other servers but not on siege
  51. Build messages storing, light version.
  52. RC15 Milestone: Constructor
  53. Siege Ultimate RC15 Comments, Suggestions & Bug reports
  54. SiegeUltimate
  55. XConsole - Extended System Console
  56. SiegeKeyBinder for RC15
  57. Future versions of Siege. A more competitive and team play based Siege. Have your say
  58. Siege Ultimate RC15a
  59. AI Test
  60. SuperContainer fixed by a noob : D
  61. Your first experience on siege
  62. sgHUD: RU Color
  63. noggieB fixes weapon damage, brokers peace in middle east
  64. Better than a nuke siren:
  65. sgNukerSuit
  66. sgSafetyZone
  67. Nuke Siren
  68. Nuke Siren poll
  69. Siege balance proposition: RU in/out
  70. Siege Ultimate RC16
  71. The Freezer gun display maybe?
  72. UT Community SDK
  73. Concept: The concentrated resource orb.
  74. FerBotz - new AI
  75. Siege Ultimate RC18
  76. (Full disclosure) > Resurrector mutator.
  77. Cause of message blocking in Siege servers:
  78. [SUGGESTION / SIEGE] Add Marker to Constructor
  79. Which reminds me... the F3 page...
  80. [SUGGESTION / SIEGE] Include Obligatory Siege Tutorial Map
  81. Development Journal > SiegeUltimate
  82. Neutron and EMP take down messages.
  83. SuperMine and TeamBalancer switching Bug
  84. Super Mine glitch Higor?
  85. Known map glitches that need fixing
  86. Trans past SC NOT FIXED
  87. A Simple Solution to Team Removal Griefing
  88. Siege Suggestion: Compass, Communication Relay, Sweep Visor
  89. Current issues
  90. Betrayal Gametype
  91. Siege Ultimate RC20 (fix 3)
  92. Supplier - queue and rotation
  93. Bug Reports
  94. HTML/Java and All related items
  95. Standard Software Version System
  96. AntiAimCheat UT Linux Crash
  97. 4Way Siege Concept for Pugs
  98. Siege Ultimate RC21
  99. Troll crystal
  100. Siege 4th Generation - 0011
  101. New compiler language coming to UT
  102. Maps with kickers.
  103. Crash
  104. Public server changes.
  105. Siege for UT4
  106. CacusMapVote backend [RC2]
  107. Help with new gametype code
  108. SiegeIV Bug Reports
  109. bNoLockDown
  110. Updated balancer
  111. Serverside map alterations for Siege.
  112. Siege 0017 suggestions
  113. LCWeapons_0015
  114. DemoPlay, common package mismatches that prevent you from watching demos?
  115. thank you
  116. SiegeIV Bug's, Nag's and Complaints.. and IDEAS!
  117. LCWeapons (build 0016) [LCWeapons_0016]
  118. RC block
  119. Git
  120. RE: iCTF Backshoot mod?
  121. Banned IP adresses
  122. Let's do some CSS (downloads2.css)
  123. postbitlegacy .postfoot
  124. postbitlegacy .postfoot
  125. Siege Public Server - and all other servers too..
  126. FlameThrower rework - concepts:
  127. Get a LOAD of these entries I found in my Windows 7 Task Scheduler
  128. Happy New Year ! ! !