- Bugs with new siege
- Super Protector Limit
- sgSProtector Strikes again!
- Code review: Mines
- Code review: Supplier (50%) and WeaponFiding optimization.
- Code review: Supplier ammo-giving optimization.
- Code review: sgProtector
- Discussion: Rewriting the Pulse Gun
- Code review: sgTeleporter
- Code review: Mines 2
- Teleporters
- Code review: sgHUD
- Code review: Jetpack
- Code idea: Relating buildings directly among themselves.
- Weapons
- Skin ideas.
- Siege Ultimate
- Suggestion: Reduce damage to players standing in the supplier.
- Partial Fix: Nuke Siren
- Clientside options.
- Currently Bugged
- Idea: Dimensional transport
- Shared Siege resources
- Indenting Messages and Console logs
- Epic Games vets license Unreal for triple-A mobile adventure
- Code review: Individual construction distance.
- RE: the Shrinker
- Code review: Fixing platforms + Generic collision for global usage.
- Neutron & Emp
- Concept: Improving spectator quality
- sgTranslocatorTarget rewrite
- Fix: AnimatedSprite log warning (server and client)
- Code review: Poison Guardian
- Code review: ReduceDamage(...) > v1
- Fix: client glow after nuking + Listenserver host glow
- Concept: dynamic updaterate > higher playercount.
- SiegeUltimateRC13A & SiegeUltimateRC13B Release Note:
- SiegeUltimateRC13A Comments and Suggestions
- Orb progress
- AdvancedTeamBalancer
- SiegeUltimateRC14a comments and suggestions
- Kickidlers is retarded
- Fed up with Shieldbelt, what to do?
- RC15 Milestone: Client settings class
- RC15 Milestone: Category info actor
- trans bind on UT works on other servers but not on siege
- Build messages storing, light version.
- RC15 Milestone: Constructor
- Siege Ultimate RC15 Comments, Suggestions & Bug reports
- SiegeUltimate
- XConsole - Extended System Console
- SiegeKeyBinder for RC15
- Future versions of Siege. A more competitive and team play based Siege. Have your say
- Siege Ultimate RC15a
- AI Test
- SuperContainer fixed by a noob : D
- Your first experience on siege
- sgHUD: RU Color
- noggieB fixes weapon damage, brokers peace in middle east
- Better than a nuke siren:
- sgNukerSuit
- sgSafetyZone
- Nuke Siren
- Nuke Siren poll
- Siege balance proposition: RU in/out
- Siege Ultimate RC16
- The Freezer gun display maybe?
- UT Community SDK
- Concept: The concentrated resource orb.
- FerBotz - new AI
- Siege Ultimate RC18
- (Full disclosure) > Resurrector mutator.
- Cause of message blocking in Siege servers:
- [SUGGESTION / SIEGE] Add Marker to Constructor
- Which reminds me... the F3 page...
- [SUGGESTION / SIEGE] Include Obligatory Siege Tutorial Map
- Development Journal > SiegeUltimate
- Neutron and EMP take down messages.
- SuperMine and TeamBalancer switching Bug
- Super Mine glitch Higor?
- Known map glitches that need fixing
- Trans past SC NOT FIXED
- A Simple Solution to Team Removal Griefing
- Siege Suggestion: Compass, Communication Relay, Sweep Visor
- Current issues
- Betrayal Gametype
- Siege Ultimate RC20 (fix 3)
- Supplier - queue and rotation
- Bug Reports
- HTML/Java and All related items
- Standard Software Version System
- AntiAimCheat UT Linux Crash
- 4Way Siege Concept for Pugs
- Siege Ultimate RC21
- Troll crystal
- Siege 4th Generation - 0011
- New compiler language coming to UT
- Maps with kickers.
- Crash
- Public server changes.
- Siege for UT4
- CacusMapVote backend [RC2]
- Help with new gametype code
- SiegeIV Bug Reports
- bNoLockDown
- Updated balancer
- Serverside map alterations for Siege.
- Siege 0017 suggestions
- LCWeapons_0015
- DemoPlay, common package mismatches that prevent you from watching demos?
- thank you
- SiegeIV Bug's, Nag's and Complaints.. and IDEAS!
- LCWeapons (build 0016) [LCWeapons_0016]
- RC block
- Git
- RE: iCTF Backshoot mod?
- Banned IP adresses
- Let's do some CSS (downloads2.css)
- postbitlegacy .postfoot
- postbitlegacy .postfoot
- Siege Public Server - and all other servers too..
- FlameThrower rework - concepts:
- Get a LOAD of these entries I found in my Windows 7 Task Scheduler
- Happy New Year ! ! !