09-22-2011, 07:07 PM
UT Name (Common name and Aliases as well): ThE_SiTuAtIoN
Age: 26
Email/MSN: [email protected] [email protected]
Location (What country you are from & are living in): city:Tampico state:Tamaulipas country:Mexico
What do you think of |uK|: Its a Good communtity, and I think that is the maximum.
What can you bring to this clan: I can contribute my effort and dedication, I am a good friend and teammate, and the truth do not play that bad (in the area of screenshots I have some examples)
How many years have you been playing UT: 12 years
Preferred gametype (Siege, LGI, NGI, Binslayer, BT): Siege, only siege
Have you been or are you in any other clans: I've never been in any clan
What is your UT history: My story begins in 1999 when UT leaves appears, it started to play and 2 years ago my nephew taught me how siege, siege single game since then whenever I can, excuse my bad English.
Have you got or can use Teamspeak 3: I have not, but if necessary I can use
Have you got XFire or can you use XFire: No.
Other Comments: I can only say that I really want to belong to the clan, I think I can bring good things, and much more if I am given the opportunity, thank you very much for your attention:)
UT Name (Common name and Aliases as well): ThE_SiTuAtIoN
Age: 26
Email/MSN: [email protected] [email protected]
Location (What country you are from & are living in): city:Tampico state:Tamaulipas country:Mexico
What do you think of |uK|: Its a Good communtity, and I think that is the maximum.
What can you bring to this clan: I can contribute my effort and dedication, I am a good friend and teammate, and the truth do not play that bad (in the area of screenshots I have some examples)
How many years have you been playing UT: 12 years
Preferred gametype (Siege, LGI, NGI, Binslayer, BT): Siege, only siege
Have you been or are you in any other clans: I've never been in any clan
What is your UT history: My story begins in 1999 when UT leaves appears, it started to play and 2 years ago my nephew taught me how siege, siege single game since then whenever I can, excuse my bad English.
Have you got or can use Teamspeak 3: I have not, but if necessary I can use
Have you got XFire or can you use XFire: No.
Other Comments: I can only say that I really want to belong to the clan, I think I can bring good things, and much more if I am given the opportunity, thank you very much for your attention:)