Blaze you moron IF YOU TALK SHIT AT LEAST LET ME DEFEND MYSELF YOU FUCKING IDIOT [Archive] - UnrealTournament Siege, Bunnytrack, Combogib, Instagib, UT99, UT4 clan & Server Discussion



12-24-2011, 10:23 AM

Dices que yo he sido un administrador falso?, cuál administrador falso?, siempre que entro a un servidor al menos UNA persona sabe quién soy así que no me vengas con pendejadas, en verdad estás tarado y más pendejo aún, solo sabes desprestigiar a los demás cuando no sabes como ocultar tus mentiras, si a todos les gusta lamerte el trasero es problema de ellos, pero DEJA DE DECIR MIERDAS SIN FUNDAMENTO Y SIN PRUEBAS.

Pobre infeliz me dices que soy un administrador falso?, no seas pendejo, cómo puedo ser un administrador falso, además TODO MUNDO SABE AQUÍ que soy el ÚNICO ecuatoriano activo en siege además de Babylon y Kraken no seas tan imbécil, basta con ver la bandera y saber que soy yo el que está jugando pedazo de retardado. Además cómo puedo ser un administrador falso pendejo si para entrar como admin hay que tener la contraseña, pedazo de tarado LA PRÓXIMA VEZ VERIFICA A QUÉ PAÍS PERTENECE LA IP, eres un pobre imbécil Blaze sinceramente, CRECE y deja de desprestigiar a todos los que representan una "amenaza" para ti pedazo de IDIOTA.

Si bien en anteriores ocasiones he causado peleas con todos dentro del juego entro a TS para conocer a las personas y cuando empiezo con las cosas bien me topo con un TARADO como vos, que ni bien entro a un canal solo dice "WHAT YOU WANT CHOCHOS", qué CHUGHCHAS TE IMPORTA LO QUE QUIERO PUES PEDAZO DE PENDEJO APRENDE MODALES NO ES TAN DIFÍCIL QUEDARSE CALLADO SI NO SE VAN A DECIR COSAS BUENAS. Eres bueno para decir mentiras de los demás pero no eres capaz de ponerte frente a un espejo y ver la MIERDA que eres.

I apologize to all people that doesn't know spanish but I needed to say to Blaze what He is. Basically I said that He is a MORON, JERK , RETARD, "JOTO", S O A B, and many the other things because is the true. HE CLOSED A POST TALKING SHIT ABOUT ME JUST BECAUSE I TOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT OTHER THINGS!/page6 and the moron called me IMPOSTER ADMIN? YOU ARE SHIT BLAZE THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE, JUST PROOF I ENTERED THAT DAY AND DID WHAT YOU SAID, BUT LIKE ALWAYS YOU KEEP TELLING SHIT ABOUT ALL AND WITHOUT PROOFS, THAT MEANS A LOT ABOUT YOU.

In the other hand, Psicho knows when I'm playing in the server, because I'M THE ONLY ECUADORIAN ACTIVE SIEGE PLAYER (there are 2 more Babylon and Kraken but they used to enter long time ago) you only need TO SEE MY FLAG to know that I'm playing, SO PROOF YOU MOTHERFUCKER that I was a fake admin.

Blaze you gay moron, closed a post talking shit about me, like a COWARD KID, that's what You are, A COWARD KID, next time before talking shit about SOMEONE POST A BELIEVABLE PROOF . You Blaze are a retard kid, you rent the server but your lies are each time harder to hide. YOU SPEND 3 -4 HOURS reviewing a log and can't post a believable proof. NICE MAN, now I understand why people tells you all time "GROW UP", you need to do it, seriously, You turned ALL A POST about your shitty lies in a post that says MORE LIES about someone. Well you fagget, be happy thinking about you are "someone" in a game, because there outside is a real life that all people have to live, and if We enter to a game is to have fun and get distracted but I can see It is your real life, and You wanna be someone here showing lies to all people, that's your problem, but seriously what your looking for is to DISCREDIT ALL WITH OR WITHOUT evidence. Nice Blaze keep posting shit in a forum controlled by you, where no one has chance to defend itself because you do shits like closing the thread where you say shit.

YOU ARE SHIT, that's all, PROOF WHAT YOU SAY because you only say bullshit without proofs, AND LET PEOPLE DEFEND ITSELF instead closing a post like a COWARD, why you talked about me?, only because I said the truth about "DON'T DOWNLOAD IT, IT HAS VIRUSES!!!" wow NICE, but you wanted to say was "DON'T DOWNLOAD IT, IT'S A BETTER SIEGE ULTIMATE VERSION AND I WILL LOSE THE CONTROL OF SIEGE SERVERS", lol, even the leader programmers of siege (I will not say names but you obviosly know they who are) told me what they think about that, so stop being a guinea pig you coward fag, and stop telling LIES like the kid you are. GROW UP, but man if You really feel happy telling shit about all people here, is well, you rent server and forums, and spend all your lifetime here, I suggest you to get a life, and don't get crazy here reading a log 4 hours to find something that's not there.

For the people that doesn't know who am I, I'm: ChoChoS!, Barbie!, MasterOfPuppetS!, Loser!, Liar! and sometimes I enter without a name. 2 days I entered with the nickname Mrs._Bubblebutt WITH SHE INSIDE THE SERVER AND TELLING HER WHO AM I (She never had problem with it, even we had mention something about a Butt Team! joking).

Thanx for make me lose 10 minutes in my life you fucking idiot writing this shit specially for you.


12-24-2011, 11:48 AM
rly ?

12-24-2011, 12:25 PM

12-24-2011, 12:28 PM

12-24-2011, 12:45 PM
nice pic rays :D

12-24-2011, 12:48 PM

Hahahahaha Omg Hahaha

12-24-2011, 01:42 PM
alright il give it to you, you are probably the dumbest person ive seen in a while who thinks he can hide from admins when hes done something wrong

osyris asked me to close the thread because he didnt want any more to be said so go talk to him about it not me and he also showed me an image where he asked me to find out who the other beetlejuice was and i told him who it was and thats what i meant when i said i told him who the imposter was. i never said you were the player20 admin or an imposter admin you just assumed that with your feeble brain that you have.

^Osyris;21341']Perhaps the log is true but you saw the image of an impostor using his identity while nick

Please close this topic, dont lead to anywhere

and now my quote from the topic

ive told you who the imposter was it was chochos the guy you so kindly hang out with

it seems you need to learn how to read retard.

ok now to prove to you that you have been aliasing as other people team removing and doing loads of other stuff i will now show you the previous nicks you have used to try to get other people in trouble.
2011-10-09 01:48:14
2011-09-29 22:07:56
2011-10-01 00:41:39
2011-09-25 23:13:07
2010-08-17 01:29:04
2011-10-01 20:12:05
2011-07-20 13:13:41

now please kindly shut the fuck up

thanks for coming

12-24-2011, 01:51 PM
btw rays that pic is epic. ahahahaahaha

12-24-2011, 02:09 PM
i just read a translation of some of the stuff you said you seriously need help if you think your a threat to me ahahahaha THANKS FOR THE LOLS

12-25-2011, 04:01 AM
2011-10-09 01:48:14
2011-09-29 22:07:56
2011-10-01 00:41:39
2011-09-25 23:13:07
2010-08-17 01:29:04

Only those, LOL? kraken and Babylon where inside when I used nicknames and they knew I was using their nicknames, same situation with beeteljuice!, but you are a fag kiddy because for second time you post only what you wanna show. What I mean? LOL, I mean there are many more in that list, and you can't show it because you never knew about it (that hash is generated from NexGen so kiddie, your tools worked because I wanted you to know that I was using them, why in that log is not showed Mrs._Bubblebut and SketchTurner? LOL? or the other nicknames? and well you copied and pasted the same has for my ip, lol, no those are some of my dynamic ip's but those aren't the "exact" nicknames I used). First, how I entered at the same time with them inside? using the same nickname? easy, press ALT+0160 it generates an ASCII code <space> and UT recognizes it as a character and then I wrote their names, so when I used those nicknames the people inside knew I was using their nicknames and that's not aliasing, because I haven't say anything or did something to discredit them as you do all time :) and additionally I told them I was using their nicknames, and as I said, is only necessary to put on console mutate iptocountry to show my country and see who am I. Man really, I'm gonna cry all night because you posted something that all people knew LOL? (but I see you admins never knew about it before :S ) you are a master, why don't you go and edit a log with my hash and put me using a cheat, oh no no.. please do it with a triggerBot and call it ChoChoBot!. :D I will be really happy if you do it :D.

Second, ENGLISH IS NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE así que por mí muérete pobre pendejo me da lo mismo, he de cagar encima de tu tumba y listo así seré feliz, oh what? you can't understand it? yeah so you are a retard too, don't be a fucking stupid talking shit about languages, because you even can't read a spanish text so don't feign to be a "SMART" person because you are ignorant :)

Now, go and try to search how many hashes I have LOL, last three months I used the same hash and mac address but before it I used to delete nexgen entries and change mac address each day (well I did a script sry.. I'm guilty about using knowledge against a moron that thinks is a genious for using tools made by others and for understanding his own LANGUAGE LOL). Well man as I said be happy as you want, but for me you are a Fucking Moron Liar and that's all.

Well ban me, I request it :D, wanna see how much time more you ban me, you banned me 1, 2 ,3 ,4 times... well I lost the count, no matter what, you banned me with or without reason many times so are not news that you are a dumb with the bans, all people says it, all time everywhere but no one spits It in your face because they don't wanna get banned by a moron (I mean you). Is sad but true man, better to know who hates you and don't have a group of asslickers using their tongue to lick your ass because they are scared about getting a ban for saying the truth :)

Well I know after this you will try to lifeban me, and is well, do it, but I told you the truth in your face, try to don't be a guinea pig (I had read that in another post and loled with it xD) . MAN GROW UP REALLY, understand one thing, only one thing, this is internet, I don't know if you are a dog or a bitch, all this is not real, and when you post how I used other people nicknames trying to discredit me has no sense. When you publish that I hurt someone in the real life, or if I killed an animal I will really cry, for now I'm waiting for the ban to search the way to evade it, because I love ITC security and I really love to be searching backholes and many shit that can be exploited (even the UT encoding charset :D). Well YOU MORON BLAZE, you made spend 10 minutes more of my life in it, not wasting more time on you shitty fag :D, tell what you want, not gonna answer more, is like talking to a dog, it returns to bark but still keeps doing the same shit. Este versito es para un pendejito, llamadito Blazito, que se cree machito pero no es más que un mariconsito :D, bye fag, not gonna read more this thread, write or answer what you want, not gonna give you more of my time :D

PS: I never use a translator, I try to do it by myself all time. And maybe I failed reading your post, pero si puedes leer esto sin usar un traductor blaze, en serio, crece hombre ya deja la mariconada de lado, pagar 400 dólares y gastar 4 horas diarias de tu vida por algo que no te da rentabilidad ni productividad demuestra que eres alguien sin vida y desocupado, si al menos solo gastaras ese tiempo jugando entendería que quieres distraerte, pero tus actitudes solo dicen lo contrario :D.

That was for you, I hope you can translate it without a translator, demonstrate how smart you are. :)

12-25-2011, 05:21 AM
Something is suspicious about people complaining SO HARD :S

12-25-2011, 05:23 AM
LOL, I mean there are many more in that list, and you can't show it because you never knew about it (that hash is generated from NexGen so kiddie, your tools worked because I wanted you to know that I was using them, why in that log is not showed Mrs._Bubblebut and SketchTurner? LOL?

Really? Weird, when I look up your information I find many more names. He just didn't bother to post them. And no, that hash is not generated by NexGen. Oops, maybe you aren't the awesome hacker you thought you were. Oh Snap!

... and many many more

Not that it matters anyway.

Rest of your post: NOGAFF

12-25-2011, 10:48 AM
you must really think im some nooby admin i got news for you. i could tell you everything you want to know about your pc and more the only thing stopping me is that im in a trusted position and im not someone to go around posting other peoples personal information to the public as much as i want to right now because you are acting like some idiot hanging off my nuts

lastly i didnt post the other aliases you had because i felt i didnt have the need to explain myself to someone as dumb as yourself, i laughed at the fact you claim to have changed mac hashes whenever you want, i know how easy it is to change a nexgen id and your own IP, let me just say the way i can identify your pc as well as beeltejuices or any cheaters that do come on the server is by doing several checks, your pc is unique to only you just remember that.

you claim to know how mac hashes work and yet youve had the same mac hash for what 2 years now? LOLOL GJ APE

btw i have nothing against you, ive had several complaints from people in pm's on the forums in the server and by email asking me to ban you for acting up, so you might want to look a little closer to home because some of the people who complained are people you hang out with.

and no i wont give you the pleasure of being banned from the servers simply because youve done nothing but insult me and to be honest nothing you say makes sense let alone "hurt" me so go ahead carry on doing this.

12-25-2011, 11:11 AM

12-25-2011, 11:42 AM

12-25-2011, 01:19 PM
Oops, maybe you aren't the awesome hacker you thought you were. Oh Snap!

I had never say I'm a hacker you are using words that I had never say, LOL?
Termi, creéme, hay mucho más de lo que piensas atrás de esto, y si les duele es porque se les dice las verdades en la cara, por eso empezó todo esto. :D

I feel bad because I knew great people here but others only want to make it a jerarchy of dumbs instead of a place to have fun.

Obviously, if you install a client in my pc you can know things about it, is only necessary to use a virtual machine to prevent sending real information, no clues about it, but well, this has no sense, I told you what most of the people think about you, no matter what they think about me because must of the time I only enter to play, and the people you say that was requesting a ban for me in pm told me that many times, no complainings or whatever you say. I'm out, have a lot of work for new Year, I apologize to all that people that read this post but I did it because is easy to talk shit about someone when you have the control, but is hard to see yourself in a mirror and accept your own errors. GG's.

Pdta: Termi, no todo lo que brilla es oro, y algo si te digo, el simple hecho de que te obliguen a hablar un idioma que no es el tuyo da mucho que desear. Si bien hay personas que algo podemos entender inglés, hay otros que no, y estos idiotas se abusan de eso para decir mierdas e insultar a la gente. Si ellos hacen eso, qué más podrías esperar? piénsalo. :)

12-25-2011, 01:52 PM
rofl errors like what? the accusation that i "fake" logs are dumb because i have no reason to "fake" a log on anyone here, if the server produces a log it gets checked and it gets posted if its a positive catch.

i know im not a saint when it comes to behaving myself, but at least i dont act out and fuck other peoples games up for them. yes i talk trash but thats in the spirit of the game or if youve provoked me, otherwise i wont talk to you at all unless you have done something like removed containers or you constantly boosting people out of the supplier etc. you cant expect anyone to be talked about in front of you and think they wont say anything back to you, i know for sure you wouldnt talk about me like you would now in front of me and not expect me to say anything back to you, so do what you gotta do :)

12-25-2011, 05:47 PM
Blaze I think it's time to leave home and meet real friends, plus you can get live job and a girlfriend to stop wasting time.
every time you say something, you get younger and make me laugh


I have not stopped laughing when I put this post, and you answered me

Originally Posted by [R]^Dikhan

mature and boys that makes them look bad, especially Anthrax who is the creator of the ACE (but he is in uK :S)

but they have no evidence, but a simple and reissued log
no screenshots, no complaints, and failed like any other player


[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: | Player Kick |
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: PlayerName...: |uK|Diablo
[ACEv08h]: PlayerIP.....:
[ACEv08h]: OS...........: Microsoft Windows 7/2008 R2 x64 (Version: 6.1.7601)
[ACEv08h]: CPU..........: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz
[ACEv08h]: CPUSpeed.....: 3067.428056 Mhz Measured - 3066.924782 Mhz Reported
[ACEv08h]: NICDesc......: Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
[ACEv08h]: MACHash1.....: 21846934FD9E4CDC65BC5D7C1624D3D1
[ACEv08h]: MACHash2.....: 52B6266519BC71317DE68BFAEA02F525
[ACEv08h]: HWID.........: 76719DEF5F664DD40A8CF0E97FF971A1
[ACEv08h]: UTVersion....: 436
[ACEv08h]: Renderer.....: D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice
[ACEv08h]: SoundDevice..: Galaxy.GalaxyAudioSubsystem
[ACEv08h]: CommandLine..: <none>
[ACEv08h]: KickReason...: VTable Hook
[ACEv08h]: TimeStamp....: 21-12-2011 / 00:51:07
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: | Extra Info |
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: ModuleHandle.: 0x10300000
[ACEv08h]: ModuleName...: Engine.dll
[ACEv08h]: HookedObject.: ActorChannel Transient.ActorChannel88710
[ACEv08h]: HookedEntry..: 0
[ACEv08h]: Found........: 0x2DF124C0 -> Unknown Module!Unknown Function+0x0000
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: ModuleHandle.: 0x10300000
[ACEv08h]: ModuleName...: Engine.dll
[ACEv08h]: HookedObject.: ActorChannel Transient.ActorChannel88710
[ACEv08h]: HookedEntry..: 1
[ACEv08h]: Found........: 0x00000001 -> Unknown Module!Unknown Function+0x0000
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: ModuleHandle.: 0x10300000
[ACEv08h]: ModuleName...: Engine.dll
[ACEv08h]: HookedObject.: ActorChannel Transient.ActorChannel88710
[ACEv08h]: HookedEntry..: 2
[ACEv08h]: Found........: 0x2FCE1020 -> Unknown Module!Unknown Function+0x0000
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: | Screenshot Status |
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: Success......: FALSE
[ACEv08h]: FileName.....: ../Shots/[ACE] - zp_ _ _ _ -=[SIEGE]=- _uK_ One Night Stand -=[SIEGE]=- Server _ _ _ In Loving Memory of _uK__STARS__2011.'uK-Simplex][_|uK|Diablo.jpg
[ACEv08h]: Error........: Couldn't create file
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+

And Psico will not return to any server, leaving to cry like a tiny girls than speak more till the bottom falls


Originally Posted by |uK|B|aZe//.

you really are dumb dikhan i dont think you understand how ace works or anything about ip's

if you did you would know no ones

are different for every player that is why i said it is 100% psico because no ones info will be the same

also the ip you "faked" isnt even a real ip of diablos

lastly you of all people should not be talking considering you tried and FAILED to cheat on the comboinstagib server so kindly fuck off before i remove you. its classic a cheater defending a cheater GOOD JOB YOU NEVER FAIL TO AMAZE ME

Taked from this post:!-alg%C3%BAn-UK-que-traduzca!-por-que-no-se-ni-me-gusta-hablar-ingles!/page4

I took you seriously??

and effort trying to explain to all that the log was fake


Madura ya imbécil, es increible ver que un niño tan idiota es el que administra un servidor, por eso te ganas tantos enemigos careculo, primero educate

a pero claro, este idiota pierde yo creo que mas de 10 horas de su dia tratando de hacer amiguitos virtuales, y por eso no va a la escuela


I laugh with another ridiculous post yours trying to defend your integrity

Today is Sunday and is the only day I have time to look at the forums, make me laugh a while

12-25-2011, 06:08 PM
how classic is this... assholes botting and then forming a club flaming the guys who caught them.. reminds me of butt buddies crash and blackout. Spare everyone your moronic posts Dikhan. I wont think twice before banning you from the forums as well. And Blaze is more of a "man" than you will ever be. He is twice the player you are aswell. So dont come in here talking crap about the one admin who really gives a shit about keeping this game clean.
Noone needs shitstains like you around here. First you fucking get caught cheating at a 12 yr old game thats how pathetic you are you little runt. Get some fucking skill before you talk shit to ppl who can crap all over you even with your lousy bot.

Any other asshole who thinks this thread is a good chance to talk smack to uK or its admins better watch out. I dont give empty warnings and I dont intend to take this shit lightly. We wont miss a bunch of ingrateful cheating fuckers... trust me.

12-25-2011, 06:20 PM

^ Dikhan posted your own face

12-25-2011, 06:27 PM

12-25-2011, 06:30 PM
Bann from forums :P

poor cowards, defending a tiny boy

I no need nobody, and cya
I do not lose much time here

12-25-2011, 07:35 PM
pfff blaze apesta a mentira
UK apesta a mierda

y para nadie es un secreto lo que hacen
son un grupo de farsantes...y lo que digan sobra...
y lo triste es que aun hay idiotas que les siguen besando el culo...son basura,blaze eres un niño asustado, con el pañal lleno de mierda..
CHOCHOS!!! mi gran amigo no pierdas mas tiempo, la basura la recoje el carro no tu..

eres el chupón de blaze junto con antrax..

12-25-2011, 07:48 PM
you really are dumb i KNOW the log you posted is fake why? because your just that dumb to make up an IP and to copy beetlejuices pc info and unique player id's and insinuate that that is what i did with beetlejuices log

do you want me to educate you the ways of english and UT as well? o wait you might install a bot to do the latter part for you, carry on talking shit, i bet you i could take you on even with this shitty cheat and still beat you could you say the same about playing me legitly and winning? no.

lastly, your opinion of who i am and might be in my real "life" is what a typical ex cheater would come out with because they have nothing better to say about someone who plays ut the way it should be played, hell i can drop ut at the drop of a bat if i wanted but the same cant be said for you, 3 months went past and you tried to bypass and evade the ban because you were so eager to play like a nerdy kid on crack. and beeltejuice i dont see what "lies" you are talking about and there are no "lies" here so take your tears elsewhere because no one here has a shoulder for you to cry on other then your gay cheating butt buddy dikhan over here. its funny how you can also say "get a life" maybe you should considering you tried to join the server 10 times over the last two days since your ban has taken effect and failed to get in as a result.

you might want to bring flack into your little group of blaze haters i heard hes looking for a new cheating crew

12-25-2011, 08:05 PM
They aren't really trying to bring up any points, just taking shots now. That's fine and all, but to be honest Shiva fucking raped all the retard cheating spicos with that last post. /thread

Off to watch bball now, hope you guys had a good Christmas.

12-25-2011, 09:33 PM
Just go ahead and ban them i am tired of seeing this crap all over the forums. But sketch buddy what happened i never knew you had all this hate in you. But i still love you cupcake

12-25-2011, 10:14 PM
Just go ahead and ban them i am tired of seeing this crap all over the forums. But sketch buddy what happened i never knew you had all this hate in you. But i still love you cupcake

Reminds me of Crash , funny stuff to read imo .

12-25-2011, 10:59 PM
90 percent of the drama on the internet is bullshit anyway.

Ban/close this their just embarrassing themselves.

12-25-2011, 11:42 PM
how classic is this... assholes botting and then forming a club flaming the guys who caught them.. reminds me of butt buddies crash and blackout. Spare everyone your moronic posts Dikhan. I wont think twice before banning you from the forums as well. And Blaze is more of a "man" than you will ever be. He is twice the player you are aswell. So dont come in here talking crap about the one admin who really gives a shit about keeping this game clean.
Noone needs shitstains like you around here. First you fucking get caught cheating at a 12 yr old game thats how pathetic you are you little runt. Get some fucking skill before you talk shit to ppl who can crap all over you even with your lousy bot.

Any other asshole who thinks this thread is a good chance to talk smack to uK or its admins better watch out. I dont give empty warnings and I dont intend to take this shit lightly. We wont miss a bunch of ingrateful cheating fuckers... trust me.

Ouch. Better back down boys before we start getting serious.

12-26-2011, 12:38 AM

12-26-2011, 01:07 AM
Shiva > ALL !

12-26-2011, 02:33 AM
Icey babey, man I'm sorry with you, but I posted It for two reasons: first I got banned many times without a reason and second many people here is talking shit about others.

Why do I say it?, many times got banned only for entering server and win, the noobs say "Cheater" and then, an admin who can't understand spanish enters and bans me (even 1 game ban is a ban) without a reason. 2 times banned for "Removing" because an idiot enters to the server, make conts in the frontal door, the enemy comes and rape them, then I'm at base, and when they come, start to say "he removed" and boom!, got banned (redundant, 1 game ban without a reason is a ban). I d k who banned me, but I will not be coming all times to a forum to post about it, is stupid, so I let it.

Well, about psycho, I'm not sure what he did, and I'm not referring if He used a cheat or not, because I can't know it, but only for requesting a Screenshot then I see my name in the last message of a thread that is closed and it says something about complaining? LOL MAN, Saying bad things about others behind their back? (what will you be saying to many people about others.. at least post it with a proof to make it credible) that's the point.

And Shiva, think about it, they haven't used the cheat because ACE kicked them in less than 10 seconds (according to your version), so when they have used the cheat? why to call them cheaters? if they haven't used it? I mean, you like to discredit people instead taking real actions about the situation. As I said, I can't know if they have entered to the server with the cheat activated or no, but if you say "Cheater" people here gets crazy and start saying "oh yeah, that's why Fulanito always wins, because he used a cheat", and that's not true, but most of the people can't understand what a cheat or bot is, so when you say "Fulanito was caught with a cheat" people thinks that He really used it and for long periods of time.

Personally, I disagree with that version of the game when Psycho was banned because I was there in his team, and I had the same time.

Btw, sry cupcake, you are one of the great people I met here, so I'm really upset about this situation. GGs, and bye.

12-26-2011, 04:14 AM
That was really ownage Shiva lol

12-26-2011, 05:04 AM

^ Dikhan posted your own face

Is this Mugs thread?

12-26-2011, 09:05 AM
I had never say I'm a hacker you are using words that I had never say, LOL?

A common definition of a hacker is someone who tries to bypass certain security functions or restrictions. Pretty much what you described earlier.

your tools worked because I wanted you to know that I was using them{..}
easy, press ALT+0160 it generates an ASCII code <space> and UT recognizes it as a character{..}

Now, go and try to search how many hashes I have LOL, last three months I used the same hash and mac address but before it I used to delete nexgen entries and change mac address each day (well I did a script sry.. I'm guilty about using knowledge against a moron that thinks is a genious for using tools made by others and for understanding his own LANGUAGE LOL).

You're awesome but please don't give up your daytime job for it.

12-26-2011, 11:06 AM
And Shiva, think about it, they haven't used the cheat because ACE kicked them in less than 10 seconds (according to your version), so when they have used the cheat? why to call them cheaters? if they haven't used it? I mean, you like to discredit people instead taking real actions about the situation. As I said, I can't know if they have entered to the server with the cheat activated or no, but if you say "Cheater" people here gets crazy and start saying "oh yeah, that's why Fulanito always wins, because he used a cheat", and that's not true, but most of the people can't understand what a cheat or bot is, so when you say "Fulanito was caught with a cheat" people thinks that He really used it and for long periods of time.

i honestly dont see how you can think something as dumb as that but i will explain why we post logs, "even if they couldnt cheat" the intention of wanting to cheat is there and they have something on their pc to aid them in aiming or cheating in UT which they shouldnt have on their pc if they want to play on our servers. by you saying this your almost saying its ok to cheat as long as its for 10 seconds of a game it doesnt matter.

please just think before you type or say things as stupid as this thanks.

12-26-2011, 11:46 AM
your tools worked because I wanted you to know that I was using them{..}
easy, press ALT+0160 it generates an ASCII code <space> and UT recognizes it as a character{..}

Now, go and try to search how many hashes I have LOL, last three months I used the same hash and mac address but before it I used to delete nexgen entries and change mac address each day (well I did a script sry.. I'm guilty about using knowledge against a moron that thinks is a genious for using tools made by others and for understanding his own LANGUAGE LOL).

Get over yourself this is an obvious cry for attention; if you were as smart as you think you are you wouldn't be bragging about this.

Deleting nexgen entires and changing a mac address yet alone having a script do it for you isn't difficult and I don't see any good reason behind it. What are you trying to accomplish by getting around a system designed for a 12 year old game that people keep alive in their spare time?

I could do the same thing but what would I gain from all that knowledge? I could evade more severe versions of |uK's| bans too, but it'd require changes to my computer hardware or software that wouldn't be worth my time. If I took a different aproach hidding behind a vpn or a similar connection I'd increase my ping have less fun and eventually get caught.

It's really not worth the trouble when you can just do the right thing and enter the server with no effort. So rather than telling blaze to grow up for banning people like you who think they can do what they want; you can start by doing it yourself.

P.s. I don't think you're really aware of how much detailed information those logs give about your computer; that and the fact that and internet service providers gladly drop clients involved in malicious internet activities. Law enforcement is less likely to catch you, but shit! You're such a bad ass you just had to brag and let everyone know what you're capable of by describing your activities on a public forum. LOL

12-26-2011, 12:06 PM
lol neff he hasnt changed shit nexgen id is easy to change even a 2 year old could do it

12-26-2011, 12:28 PM
He probably was refering to having changed the mac on his router in order to allow his ip to change. I've helped people with that who were constantly getting ddosed with a dynamic ip but the routers setup causes it to reacquire the old one. sounds to me like this guys into some serious ban evading watch out he can change a couple digits of his ip! =D

12-27-2011, 03:27 PM
lol neff he hasnt changed shit nexgen id is easy to change even a 2 year old could do it

i cant and i dont even want to do it so NP. NEXT!

12-27-2011, 05:13 PM
dejen de chuparle la tula a blazze y dejen q se defienda solo paren de ser tan soba weas y ni ay con traducirles las weas q digo dense la paja de usar google traductor por q ni ay con escribirles las weas en ingles si no es mi idioma a si q o se adecuan al mio o se van a ala mierda

12-27-2011, 06:59 PM

12-27-2011, 07:21 PM
He probably was refering to having changed the mac on his router in order to allow his ip to change. I've helped people with that who were constantly getting ddosed with a dynamic ip but the routers setup causes it to reacquire the old one. sounds to me like this guys into some serious ban evading watch out he can change a couple digits of his ip! =D

I'm talking to the master of the circus no with it's puppets (cough.. !"#Neff!"#, cough). :)
And, is right banning him if you have the necessary proofs (screenshots and logs), but post it as an "intention" not as an "act". And I boost people on sup when they boosted me first, so don't cry about it, because one shot in the supplier means "move all we need weapons not only you". Well this post has no end, and many people talking shit trying to defend both parts. GGs if they were it, bye!

12-27-2011, 08:50 PM
^m4r!o*;21609']dejen de chuparle la tula a blazze y dejen q se defienda solo paren de ser tan soba weas y ni ay con traducirles las weas q digo dense la paja de usar google traductor por q ni ay con escribirles las weas en ingles si no es mi idioma a si q o se adecuan al mio o se van a ala mierda

use el traductor usted su maricon !

12-29-2011, 12:02 PM
lol scarface funny pic

12-29-2011, 12:22 PM
Hola, pueden traducir esta mierda por favor???
soy un gringo de lo mas maricon y no entiendo ni mierda porque soy un torpe estúpido que no sabe usar el traductor


Neff lameculos, arrodillado hijo de las rremilputas

agregado aqui nadie lo llamo, no se meta en lo que no le importa GRINGUITO CHUPA PITOS

12-29-2011, 01:08 PM
^Dikhan;21724']soy un gringo

gringo saying spanish gg !

12-29-2011, 02:18 PM
I'm talking to the master of the circus no with it's puppets (cough.. !"#Neff!"#, cough). :)
And, is right banning him if you have the necessary proofs (screenshots and logs), but post it as an "intention" not as an "act". And I boost people on sup when they boosted me first, so don't cry about it, because one shot in the supplier means "move all we need weapons not only you". Well this post has no end, and many people talking shit trying to defend both parts. GGs if they were it, bye!

Name calling? The best response to being mocked for what you thought to be intelligence? Way to prove me right.

for now I'm waiting for the ban to search the way to evade it, because I love ITC security and I really love to be searching backholes and many shit that can be exploited (even the UT encoding charset ).

You're honestly one of the stupidest people I've encounterd.

First of all, you like to search for ways into and around systems that you're not supposed to so what moral high ground are you trying to speak from? Stop wasting your time exploiting a 12 year old game start finding your way into past some chicks pants.

If someone has cheats on their computer and try using them on servers wheather they actually put it to use before getting caught or not their name should be tarnished. All posting "Intention" or "Act" would do is seperate the stupider ones from the some what smarter ones that still got caught. Nobody is going to look at a failed cheater any better than one that beat the system.

I'm cool with "move we all need wepons not only you" if that is what you mean when you boost someone in the supplier but why boost back? Are you too good to eat your own words?

12-29-2011, 02:25 PM

12-30-2011, 01:35 AM

12-30-2011, 05:34 AM

01-01-2012, 11:26 PM
I'm talking to the master of the circus no with it's puppets (cough.. !"#Neff!"#, cough). :)

03-03-2012, 10:27 AM

Lmfao .. HAHAH +1

03-03-2012, 11:43 AM
alright il give it to you, you are probably the dumbest person ive seen in a while who thinks he can hide from admins when hes done something wrong

osyris asked me to close the thread because he didnt want any more to be said so go talk to him about it not me and he also showed me an image where he asked me to find out who the other beetlejuice was and i told him who it was and thats what i meant when i said i told him who the imposter was. i never said you were the player20 admin or an imposter admin you just assumed that with your feeble brain that you have.

and now my quote from the topic

it seems you need to learn how to read retard.

ok now to prove to you that you have been aliasing as other people team removing and doing loads of other stuff i will now show you the previous nicks you have used to try to get other people in trouble.
2011-10-09 01:48:14
2011-09-29 22:07:56
2011-10-01 00:41:39
2011-09-25 23:13:07
2010-08-17 01:29:04
2011-10-01 20:12:05
2011-07-20 13:13:41

now please kindly shut the fuck up

thanks for coming

what dumbass, used the nick of various players but with same ID, even a moron

03-03-2012, 01:00 PM
heyy!! why did you use my nick :(

03-03-2012, 01:58 PM
yes sovvie HIAEHUI
my nick too, with PlanBetter tag yet

I remember when a player done it, but i only asked for him change the nick what he changed (but put the nick of other player)

03-03-2012, 03:19 PM

03-04-2012, 05:39 AM
this is just the biggest retard ever xD