View Full Version : Wish to join - GET

05-10-2012, 02:50 AM
Marek Sadlo

UT Name (Common name and Aliases as well):
GET, EclipsEx, Sinner


MSN: [email protected]; Mail: [email protected]

Location (What country you are from & are living in):
I am from Poland, but living in UK for more than one and half year.

What do you think of |uK|:
Great people, always a lot of fun around I really enjoy the game while playing here.

What can you bring to this clan:
Well, I'm very active player, and experienced. I can bring some fun, kindness, always willing to help out, advertising the clan.

How many years have you been playing UT:
I'm playing UT since it has been released, with few breakes.

Preferred gametype (Siege, LGI, NGI, Binslayer, BT):

Have you been or are you in any other clans:
I've been in many clans, but at the moment I'm not.

What is your UT history:
Very long as I play UT for quite some years. I started on NW arena with friends on LAN, later I went online. Next was SA which i played the longest. I was quite good I must say. :wink-new: Played in league matches (ClanBase). While I was playing SA I discovered BT. I was playing both arenas, than I think 2 years ago I quit SA and playing BT only.

Have you got or can use Teamspeak 3:
I don't have but can have and start using anytime.

Have you got XFire or can you use XFire:
Yes, I do. Username: furious69.

Other Comments:
I don't know what I should add, just let me know if you are intrested in anything. I'll answer any questions you got.

See you around!

05-10-2012, 03:00 PM
enjoy ts man that would be great:smile:

05-10-2012, 03:03 PM
Good luck!

05-10-2012, 03:27 PM
Good Luck im guessing your trying out for BT team. If so ill msg MiniWick

05-10-2012, 07:18 PM
enjoy ts man that would be great:smile:

I will of course! :nevreness:

Good luck!

Thanks a lot. :)

Good Luck im guessing your trying out for BT team. If so ill msg MiniWick

Thanks and yes I am trying for BT team. :)

I forgot to add that I have been also playing (combo) InstaGib.


05-10-2012, 11:34 PM
damn im so unluckie, i wish i had a good ping on the bt server i would of beat the fuck out of it. robo setting all the recs :(

05-11-2012, 12:11 AM
Good luck there specially since Mini is too lazy to get in lol

damn im so unluckie, i wish i had a good ping on the bt server i would of beat the fuck out of it. robo setting all the recs :(


05-11-2012, 02:13 PM
Good luck there specially since Mini is too lazy to get in lol


Ow, any possibility that he answer this year than ? :D

Just joking, I will wait of course. :)


05-13-2012, 11:31 AM
we'll discuss your app in the private area shortly and create a poll in the meantime spend time with us on ts!

05-13-2012, 02:10 PM
we'll discuss your app in the private area shortly and create a poll in the meantime spend time with us on ts!

Many thanks, I'll sort out TS shortly, need new mic since my seems to be dead.

05-13-2012, 03:17 PM
Have fun & good luck! ;)

Siemanko ;). Powodzenia życzę!

05-13-2012, 04:14 PM
Have fun & good luck! ;)

Cheers bud! ;)

Siemanko ;). Powodzenia życzę!

Siemano! Dzięki wielkie, mam nadzieję, że się uda. ;)

05-13-2012, 04:47 PM
Good luck:)

05-13-2012, 10:44 PM
I wonder if I have seen you in FBT servers as it has been 2 years
Anyway Good luck :)

05-13-2012, 11:42 PM
Good luck:)

Thank you!

I wonder if I have seen you in FBT servers as it has been 2 years
Anyway Good luck :)

I'm almost sure you did, because I've been playing there for long time. :)

05-14-2012, 12:11 AM
I just remember a GIT not a GET D:
What name do you play under?

05-14-2012, 12:18 AM
Only this one or I can't remember more, GIT isn't me. I seen this guy on FBT too even few days ago. :)

05-14-2012, 12:33 AM
I will keep an eye on you when I play next ;p

05-14-2012, 12:44 AM
Sure not a problem mate! :) see you in game than! :D

05-21-2012, 06:40 PM
GL =)

05-21-2012, 07:26 PM
your poll is up we will get back to you shortly just some words of advice you might want to start joining us on ts even if you cant speak, sometimes hearing and typing in the channel is what usually happens often is enough to get to know us slowly until you can speak!

05-22-2012, 01:39 AM
GL =)

Thanks mate. :)

your poll is up we will get back to you shortly just some words of advice you might want to start joining us on ts even if you cant speak, sometimes hearing and typing in the channel is what usually happens often is enough to get to know us slowly until you can speak!

Thank you for informations Blaze. Okay it's not a problem for me, I'll join you guys just to listen & chat for now. I ordered mic on eBay so soon I should get it. :)

Kind regards,

05-28-2012, 07:06 PM

we would love to expand our BT team but it seems MiniWick is too much of a lazy ass to do anything with the BT team when he pushed and harassed me so badly last year to provide him access so he could build a successful BT team

because of this at the moment your application will be on hold until i give miniwick a good kick up the ass for not pulling his weight and giving me empty promises when he has all the tools at his disposal. there could be a logical explanation to him not trying. anyway i will get back to you asap!

05-28-2012, 11:23 PM
blaze has spoken!

05-29-2012, 02:53 AM

we would love to expand our BT team but it seems MiniWick is too much of a lazy ass to do anything with the BT team when he pushed and harassed me so badly last year to provide him access so he could build a successful BT team

because of this at the moment your application will be on hold until i give miniwick a good kick up the ass for not pulling his weight and giving me empty promises when he has all the tools at his disposal. there could be a logical explanation to him not trying. anyway i will get back to you asap!

It's fine Blaze, thank you for all informations. If I can help somehow with BT team just let me know. I belive it need only a little bit of improvement. I am sure that MiniWick has good reson for beeing offline and taking less care about UK. Thanks a lot anyway mate and there is no rush! ;)

blaze has spoken!

uK God has spoken, you mean. :P


05-29-2012, 03:19 PM
hang around i'll get back to you shortly

05-30-2012, 12:42 AM
hang around i'll get back to you shortly

I am all the time around mate, can't wait!

06-11-2012, 06:52 PM
is never too late for a 'good luck dog' post!!!

so... good luck!!!

06-11-2012, 11:26 PM
Yeah... it was only a week late :P

06-12-2012, 10:35 AM
Yeah... it was only a week late :P

oh damn hahaha, but it isn't settled yet is it?

06-12-2012, 01:20 PM
The way I understood it, depends on Miniwick

06-12-2012, 10:29 PM
oh damn hahaha, but it isn't settled yet is it?

Better late then never. ;D

06-13-2012, 05:43 PM
we are still on business!!! hahaha

06-19-2012, 05:51 AM
It's still up. ;)