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View Full Version : Demo Manager

06-11-2013, 04:08 AM
This is a post on how to get Demo Manager. :)

Download link: http://www.unrealkillers.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=33

This is current version (3.3).

-----How to install Demo Manager-----

Quick Instruction below:

Step 1: Extract every file to the system directory of Unreal Tournament. (i.e. c:\unrealtournament\system)

Files to move into the system folder:

Step 2: Open Unrealtournament.ini (in the system directory)

Step 3: Find the line that says DemoRecordingDevice=Engine.DemoRecDriver

Step 4: Change it to: DemoRecordingDevice=udemo.uDemoDriver

Click Link below to see example of the set up:
9a0c7e952555f1939143c8fd1b483c9c.png (http://gyazo.com/9a0c7e952555f1939143c8fd1b483c9c)

Failure to perform steps 2-4 will prevent usage of the speed control, pausing, seeking, or any other nice feature of the new demo driver!

Now since you got the demo installed, you need to set it up. Find a path (location on the hard drive) to set the demo in. Normally, mine would be in my video folder so mine will look like this C:\Users\Chamberly\Videos

Click Link to see example.
098a1516b30a2b0e99a1af549e703af1.png (http://gyazo.com/098a1516b30a2b0e99a1af549e703af1)

So to make your like that, go in a folder that you need to set the demos in, click on the address bar and copy and paste it in the path... 1st one only.

Click Link to see example.
fa7f5895379e3a3a53d7978d754a4a34.png (http://gyazo.com/fa7f5895379e3a3a53d7978d754a4a34)

NOTE: Always have the backslash \ at the end of the line. Like this: C:\Users\Chamberly\Videos\ Otherwise, you won't be able to record or view any demos in specific folders.

Then click the close button, restart your UT and check to see if it still there. If not, try again.

Note: If you can't seem to paste it in there, you can do this alternative. Go to your system folder, look for udemo.ini and paste it in the line as shown here in the screen shot.

Click Link to see example.

Then that is all you have to do! If you want automatic recording, use the Auto-Record on Always (I find multiplayer seem to skip the Tournament recording (I think...) so I leave it on Always.)

& If you leave it on always, it will auto record the offline game as well (I think.)


Note: If you reconnect, the demo manager won't auto record, so if you reconnect you would have to start it manually. Or you can disconnect/cancel, then reconnect and it should auto record.
If the server disconnect you (someone reconnecting you as player or spec, lag, or whatever), your UT will automatically reconnect to it so you would have to manually start your demo.
NEW-ADDED!!! About using auto-spec/play (XConsole feature) and !S/!P (Nexgen Feature, or any feature that enforce your client to do such level switch) the demo manager doesn't recognize the switch by the automatic ones and it's just considered a detection flaw. So yea, you'll have to disconnect from server then reconnect manually so the demo will process the automatic recording.

Another thing to might be aware of, if you have more than 2000 demos and/or near 10 GB, clear that folder out or link your UT to a new folder (you can edit the file manually by looking at udemo.ini.) because if you don't... then there is going to be some problem.

Any question or whatever... ask me. :D
& If you feel like posting any useful information, please do so that relate to demo manager.

Where to upload demos? Any uploading host that will hold the file. Mediafire, for example.

Additionally you MAY update the demo manager's redirect with information here: The Unreal Admins Page - Forums - View Single Post - uz save (http://www.unrealadmin.org/forums/showpost.php?p=168029&postcount=6)

-----Playing the Demo-----

The Demo Manager 3.3 offer various of features that you can do.

-Pausing demo
-controlling demo speed
-seeking to any point in the demo
-Transitioning between playmodes and 3rd/1st person modes during playback
-Recording: Unloads demo file when done recording/playing. Thus, you can safely delete a demo file
after playing or recording.
-Smoother playback in noframecap mode.
15 redirect servers have been hard-coded by default. In case a demo lacks a file, udemo will ask you if you would like to download the missing files. Hopefully, it'll be able to find it on these servers (80% of the time it will). If not, you are SOL. (This is why you want to update your demo manager's redirect.)
-Pre-demo playing file requirements mismatch checking! And if there is a version mismatch, you can use the download the correct version!
-screenshot window now tells length, frames, and average FPS of demo
-demo summary now shows file size of custom files (seemed people wanted)
-3RD person in client demos works near flawlessly now
-in playback, in first person, your weapon hand settings are used for the player you are viewing (so you control where the weapon is seen on all players)
-LIMITED ability to rotate view of players during pausing. I'll really need help from epic though to pull this off correctly though :p
-jolt demo enhancer 2 code for multikill/killing spree message restoration!
-smoother first person rotation changes in spectator demos and when viewing other players in client demos
-no longer need to open manager to start auto-record!

During playback:
PAUSE KEY: This will pause the demo...
FIRE KEY (in 3rd person): View next player
Console commands during playback: (x denotes a number!)
-StopDemo: Stops playback
-slomo x: Controls speed of playback. (e.g. slomo 0.5 sets speed to 50% of normal, slomo 2.0 sets to 200% of normal, slomo 1.0 is normal). NOTE: I recommend using values >0.2 and <4.0
-CurTime: Tells how long demo has been playing in DEMO TIME. (i.e. how many seconds in game since start of demo)
-CurFrame: Tells what frame # the demo is currently reading from
-TotalTime: The total ammount of time the demo lasts (NOT REMAINING TIME) at speed 1.0 in seconds
-TotalFrames: The total ammount of frames the demo contains
-Spectate: Go into spectator mode (as though 3rd person was checked)
-Behindview 1/0: toggle behindview! (I recommend you bind a key to this)
-FirstPerson: Go into first person mode (as though 3rd person was not checked). Does not work in server demos!
-PlayBack x: Toggle playback mode mid-demo. 0=timebased, 1=framebased, 2=noframecap
-SeekTo x: The ULTIMATE COMMAND. Seek to the demo at time x. (i.e. seekto 130 goes to the 2 minute, 10 second mark).
-Viewself: View from the spectator in 3rd person mode
-ViewRecorder: view from the player who recorded the demo. (only client demos!)
-FollowPlayer: View from the player you are currently looking at.
-FindFlags: View from the flags in a CTF game.

& More notes from the OriginalReadme.txt that is attached with the package.

You also may want to be aware some rewinding play back may crash. So download for the demo playback fix is here: unrealtournament.99.free.fr/utfiles/index.php?dir=Utilities/udemo/&file=demoplaybackfix.rar

Should you have any issue, feel free to take a look and hopefully find some solution.

-----End of Demo Manager information-----

---Using both XConsole and Demo Manager---

Yes, it is possible to use both XConsole and Demo Manager. Since it seem that Xconsole's demos will be recorded and set into the system folder, it won't show up in Demo Manager until you set the path (can be 1st line, 2nd, any line) in udemo.ini and it will be viewable.


I hope everyone find this useful.


01-31-2016, 11:21 AM
How can i open a video in windows?in stead of in ut? i mean.... can i upload a vid shot from there into youtube? or open it in media player?

01-31-2016, 02:31 PM
How can i open a video in windows?in stead of in ut? i mean.... can i upload a vid shot from there into youtube? or open it in media player?

There is no .dem file for any other program except UT. In order to actually watch a demo in a regular video, they have to be RE-recorded into a different format (.avi via virtual dub, etc.) then upload to youtube.

03-01-2016, 07:28 AM
Added a new mention thanks to Nordog. I see I didn't make it all clear but had to do it anyway.

Added to the first post: About using auto-spec/play (XConsole feature) and !S/!P (Nexgen Feature, or any feature that enforce your client to do such level switch) the demo manager doesn't recognize the switch by the automatic ones and it's just considered a detection flaw. So yea, you'll have to disconnect from server then reconnect manually so the demo will process the automatic recording.

01-13-2017, 07:51 AM
update http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=Utilities/udemo/&file=udemo34.zip

01-24-2017, 09:53 AM
Hello, I have a problem When I play a demo I do not have any crosshair anymore. Can someone help me? thank you