View Full Version : Vote for map rotation to be lowered

07-12-2013, 06:38 PM
The current map rotation is set to 9/10 maps.

having it this high creates problems of maps being voted that no one cares to play and therefore a majority of the people leave server.

having to wait a few hours before you can get a chance to play your favorite maps shouldn't be happening with such a dieing game and people should have the right to vote what they like.

Therefore i call a vote.

With the following options below.

1. To have the rotation stay the same 9/10
2. Number of rotation maps to be lowered to 3
3. Number of rotation maps to be lowered to 5
4. Number of rotation maps to be lowered to 7

Please make your voice heard and vote for your chosen option thank you.

07-12-2013, 06:40 PM
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07-12-2013, 07:15 PM
Lol its only a tiny amount of maps per rotation.

07-12-2013, 09:52 PM
no man, the current rotation is good, if we decrease this, people will vote repetitive maps all time

07-13-2013, 06:35 AM
Repetitive is when people will leave, trying something new wont.

duku, eternal caves and coret are not the only maps on there you know.

07-13-2013, 09:14 AM
i really dont know what your talking about , example both duku's were available to be voted and a map like bad neighborhood or w00t would be voted to be played instead , its all up to the people in the server what they want to vote

if people feel so strongly about not wanting to play these certain maps over and over they have the choice to vote others which they do , but if there is a group of people in the server who wish to play

a map such as duku or command (i dono why you put coret it sux) thats there choice and shouldnt have to wait 2-3 hours before having the chance to play them

and with there only being 2 active ctf servers now theres a huge chance the servers will be full during your favourite map so then the problem there is you need to wait a possible 4-6 hours before ur next chance to play these maps

see what im getting at?

people have a choice and with that a choice should be possible , but if there is a map rotation of 9 there is NO choice just waiting around playing old crappy maps

also SAM 99% of the maps on the servers dont get played i dono why there even on there so much JUNK mabe its time for a cleanup

07-14-2013, 06:08 PM
Just because no one votes them at the time you play doesn't mean they should go off. And regardless of whether they are voted or not they should be on there in case people want a change. Limiting then to the ten played maps is not a good idea.

07-19-2013, 02:22 PM
i should of made this multiple choice , would of had a better chance to get it lowered to 5 or 7

09-17-2013, 01:53 AM
My opinion about maps on server is: the more maps the better. Thats no secret i love 2 play maps called "spam". But this is my choice and thats what i really like. And from the other way i understand people who hate this kind of maps. Thats their choice. I think calling some maps "junk" is not correct. All maps can be great, when People play reall team game and both teams want 2 win in fair competition. Voting maps is BEST way 2 making choice so plz just vote maps You want 2 play and dont discuss about erasing maps from server. Id like 2 ask why some action maps were deleted from server? In my opinion they should be back. Action VIII, Andaction Veo, in my opinion this maps should be on server, i think not only me likes 2 play them:-) So many times there is 12 players on server and only 5 or 6 vote! Thats a problem People dont vote, so plz VOTE, and dont affraid 2 try some new maps!!! Some times this works when some1 ask for some new map, so do it. And try 2 support other players. If You vote for some new map, because friend asked U than he will vote for Ur choice:-)
Best regards!

09-17-2013, 08:58 AM
Rather than reduce the rotation minimum, why not try to introduce more quality maps? Clearly there's a reason some maps are played more than others. Maybe with some trial and error we can figure out why that is, and add new maps or edit old ones accordingly. There's a similar discussion over at GU at the moment (see Global Unreal - iCTF.IV Maplist Chopping Block (http://www.globalunreal.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1250)) and obviously pub maps will differ greatly from pug and league maps, but the principle remains the same.

09-17-2013, 01:31 PM
why not try to introduce more quality maps?
There are thousands of quality maps, they just need to be discovered.
I once followed a link to the UM servers map database and got surprised with some maps I saw, it's just trial and error... and long download times.

09-17-2013, 09:47 PM
There are quite a few good new maps on the server, but there is so many garbage maps people probably just don't see the point in voting other maps that they do not know, because it will turn out to be a SLV or siege map, or the just another version of woot or andaction.