osama bin ladan is dead [Archive] - UnrealTournament Siege, Bunnytrack, Combogib, Instagib, UT99, UT4 clan & Server Discussion


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05-02-2011, 07:46 AM
Bout time eh? That bastard finally died:)

05-02-2011, 07:51 AM


05-02-2011, 09:15 AM
I actually find this quite alarming. While he more than deserved what he got (actually, he got off easy), I'm worried that he may have been more of a distraction than anything else and that his high-ranking will provoke a retaliation. I do like to think that by killing him we removed a threat from the world and potentially saved some lives, but I'm worried that maybe our efforts should have been focused elsewhere on much more serious threats, seriously how threatening do you think he could've been when he was on the run and not able to sit still? Do you think that maybe other, bigger threats may have existed besides him? Also, because he was such a high-ranking leader, do you maybe think that his network is going to retaliate? Think about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad this fucker has gone down, I'm just a bit worried that we put too much effort towards him when other threats exist.

05-02-2011, 10:58 AM
OK WE GET IT! Let's move on with our lives. I'm seeing these statuses all over my Fb.-.-

05-02-2011, 11:35 AM
@ Lee_Stricklin: But the UN was focusing so much time and effort on Osama keeping him 'on the run' and now they've free'd up those resources to focus on other threats. Think of what this does for the morale of the troops on both sides. This is a huge turning point in this war and I think that we may have won based on morale alone. It's not gonna be a turkeyshoot from here on, but our goals are in sight and we are making progress.

05-02-2011, 12:14 PM
@Pius a situation like this could rise the morale or create a fake(maybe) feeling of safeness.

And also, I see in the TV you USAns are really happy about his death, like if jesus was born again, that happy... deaths are supposed to bed sad, its sad that this situation ended this way, because a situation like this is not supposed to happen I think

05-02-2011, 01:23 PM
Lercs, I agree with you completely that it may provoke a false sense of hope and security, but with the morale of our troops up I think we'll be able to make some more headroom. It does suck that it had to end this way, but the guy was bound to die in one way or another, are you forgetting how many INNOCENT lives were lost due to him? I just wish we could have drilled him for some info or anything he could give us. I'm sure that he knew lots about how the AL-queida operate.

05-02-2011, 02:54 PM
:D happy Asama bin laden is dead day.

05-02-2011, 03:42 PM
This is a really sensitive subject for me. I'm going to post how I feel and think about all this. By expressing my views I am not trying to offend anyone so apologies in advance if I do.

Starting from the begining, I feel that 9/11 was an inside job Osama Bin Laden was just a scapegoat. What do you think Osama Bin Laden and co were? They were rebels towards a regime that the west did not agree with just like events in Libya, the "rebels" are being armed by the west. The west did the same with Osama, equipped "his rebels" to fight against regime the west opposed because they wanted to "liberate" the country. What liberation is there when so much blood is shed? What liberation is there when the underlying factor is oil? Why did America, Britain etc go to war to begin with? To begin with WMD, then reasons changed - Afghanistan because Osama was supposedly hiding there, Iraq because they wanted to kill Saddam because he was killing his people. Big fuckin woop who made America police of the world!

What do you think America will get out of all these wars? What do you think they will ask for? What can these countries offer them? Is it a coincedence that they only seem to "help" oil rich countries? Look at events in Egypt, Sudan etc do you see anyone helping them? Those countries are on brink of civil war in fact, they are in civil war. No help because no oil. I feel that once America has "finished the job" the only thing that will be a sufficient pay out is oil. What else do these countries have to offer them?

Death is a sad thing however America rejoices when they kill extremeists but when their comrades die, it's the saddest thing ever. If America was "so right" double standards would not be applied on basic shit like this.

Anyway, moving on. Right now with how world events are going, as a Muslim I feel discriminated against. Take events in France for instance. What right is it of the governments to DICTATE what a woman can and can't wear. This is democracy, does any government or any Muslim ever dictact that girls dressing like total whores should cover up? Why should someone be inclined to "dress a certain way"? This is corruption at it's best. What dignity is there in going out showing yourself for every man to literally peel you naked with his very eyes? What dignity is there in wearing so little that you are virtually naked.

I've experienced first hand what it is like to be a "Muslim". The first time I went to America, September 9th 2007 (Yes I chose the date as an experiement). I'd gotten to immigration, I was asked questions, where are you from, what are you doing here, where will you stay, who are you visiting, how much money do you have. I answered all these and the guy just kept repeatedly asking as if I had done something that he had to cross interrogate me. After a while, I lost my rag with him and asked why are you asking me all these questions, is it because I am Muslim? Because I just saw you let through at least 6 people before me without asking more than 4 questions and it lasting 2 minutes each person. Why have you held me here for 15 minutes? Don't you think people already think I am a terrorist or that something is wrong? After my statement, he told to stand on "the yellow line" for secondary inspection. So, I stood on this line, seperated from everyone it was in front of a really thick long yellow line, with SECONDARY INSPECTION written over it so clearly. It is the first thing you see as you walk towards imigration desks. So, there was me, a brown guy that everyone was assuming is Muslim (not incorrect) but assuming for all the wrong reasons. The immigration officers went and got my baggage and they checked through my whole luggage. They checked through all my personal belongings. Everything. After about 20 minutes, a lady came to see me. She wasn't American, I knew straight away. So after establishing a rapport with her within a quick five minutes I asked where she was from, she told me Iraq. That's when I just let loose and I told her what has been happening and she let me through because she knew this was going on.

Anyway, the point I am making is. This is how holocausts start. This is when someone who is actually "extreme" becomes just that and it is ok for them to because everyone thinks a religion is terrorists. No one accused the IRA (The Irish in Britain) who kept on bombing London Christian Terrorists or Christian Extremists because I am sure they were Christian.

I am going a bit off point here. I only wanted to post about Osama. Anyway, I will post something here for you all to watch. I hope you all watch it with an open mind. The truth is out there somewhere but it will never be discovered. I questioned some of the points bought up this video before it was even release, the fact that it questioned them and brought other things to the table made me believe 9/11 was an inside job.


05-02-2011, 04:19 PM
I was gonna quote you there scar, but i don't feel like sifting through that to pick out all the things to quote you on. I feel that 9/11 was an inside job as well. the americans need wars to fight, it's a known fact. Osama's family (the bin ladens) are very wealthy jewellers and there are many pictures circulating of them with george W bush. I watched farenheit 9/11 and I truly believe that it was a well formulated plan to get america a free pass into the middle east to basically take what they want. and what they want is oil. if a person were to take oil off of the market (hydrogen-fueled car) this whole thing would not have happened. The americans have been out of control lately with the wars in the middle east, H.A.A.R.P., even on the home front, shit's really hitting the fan. I'm not saying that americans are bad people, just people following bad leadership. What do you think the reprocussions of Osama's death are going to be? I can guarantee you there's a family out there missing a brother, an uncle and a cousin. I can also guarantee you there's a cell of terrorists plotting revenge right now. It's kind of like siege in a way really, if I were to take out your super booster, guaranteed you'd have a nuke ready for mine. I really hope all this violence can come to an end soon before a world war breaks out. This is not a time for celebration, but a time to rethink our priorities and accept one another for personality and not due to color, ethnicity, background, etc.

05-02-2011, 04:46 PM
I'm going to say one thing.

All these enemies that America is creating, they are going to join forces some day soon and shit is really going to hit the fan.

05-02-2011, 04:57 PM
SAM, there was a documentary about what you said with the inside job.
Was quite fasinating how it turned out the be 50% true.

05-02-2011, 06:11 PM
Im sorry Sam. I see it too. My mom tells me all Muslims are bad and want to kill americans, none of them are good. But I know that's not true. She tells me not to date african americans or darker people, we've got into this arguement many times before. Just know if you were in some camp because of what you believed in, id come and kill all the enemies and set you free :l promise.

05-02-2011, 06:22 PM
Im sorry Sam. I see it too. My mom tells me all Muslims are bad and want to kill americans, none of them are good. But I know that's not true. She tells me not to date african americans or darker people, we've got into this arguement many times before. Just know if you were in some camp because of what you believed in, id come and kill all the enemies and set you free :l promise.

Lies lol

I just saw some of this hurrah on the news. What I think of it is:

Where is his body? Why would they float it out into the ocean? Someone who has "caused" all this certainly they would parade with the dead body like they did with Saddam's?

That helicopter crash? I have never seen something so pathetic. It looks like cardboard box.

This is not him just look at pictures of him from the "past"

05-02-2011, 06:50 PM
It is funny, people is happy now that he is dead..

Poor them.

Yes, he may have killed people because of his ideals, but ask your government how many innocent lives they have taken, now guess who should be dead now.

05-02-2011, 07:27 PM
Yes, he may have killed people because of his ideals, but ask your government how many innocent lives they have taken, now guess who should be dead now.

Exactly. If this is how the world works then the bush and obama administration shoud both be wiped out. Everyone would be happy right? What about the soldiers, they should die too? I mean people would rejoice wouldn't they? After all, they killed people too?

05-02-2011, 08:13 PM
Lies lol

I just saw some of this hurrah on the news. What I think of it is:

Where is his body? Why would they float it out into the ocean? Someone who has "caused" all this certainly they would parade with the dead body like they did with Saddam's?

That helicopter crash? I have never seen something so pathetic. It looks like cardboard box.

This is not him just look at pictures of him from the "past"

Mhm. Just stay alive if it ever happens. Id go ask Foysol where they have you, and then id go on an airplane and fly there. Id buy a shovel and start digging beneath the gate. If it wouldn't work out like that ill just say im some soldiers daughter. John? Yea. And ill ask everybody if they know a Sam. And id bring some grilled cheese and water and food. Im relieved because bin laden killed so many people. Terrorist. Attacked usa france. He needed to go. He was a bad guy who jacks planes and organizes the killings. By killing him we saved alot more lives and avenged others. 1 life vs million. Especially if that 1 is causing it.

05-02-2011, 09:22 PM
Excellent post scar and yeah I definitely believe 9-11 was a false flag operation as do MANY other people I know including those who have served in the military.

Im sorry Sam. I see it too. My mom tells me all Muslims are bad and want to kill americans, none of them are good. But I know that's not true. She tells me not to date african americans or darker people, we've got into this arguement many times before. Just know if you were in some camp because of what you believed in, id come and kill all the enemies and set you free :l promise.

That would almost be like flashing back to 1942 and saying ALL Germans were bad and wanted to kill Americans (when in fact most of them were living in fear). While I was raised up mostly on Christian values I was given enough freedom to ACTUALLY THINK FOR MYSELF AND SEE THINGS FOR MYSELF and put together my own view of how the world operates. I honestly don't give a damn as to what anybody's view is, their racial background, religion, sexual preference, etc. and understand that whether we like it or not, we're all stuck in this world together. Personally I'd rather share this world than focus so much effort into fighting over it. With that said, the only time I really have a problem with someone is when they go out of their way to harm or otherwise cause problems for others. Such as when the security team discriminated against Scar on his trip over here.

05-02-2011, 09:51 PM
By killing him we saved alot more lives and avenged others. 1 life vs million.

i have a rule for myself, well, i have some rules, but this one is like my gold rule: I never do vengeance, but always try to do justice. vengeance an justice are not the same, this was (in my opinion) vengeance, not justice, and what is coming now seems like is going to be vengeance too.

05-02-2011, 10:23 PM
I'm not Muslim basher as you should be able to tell I.E. Blaze and Grimreaper, I think of them as good friends and really do care about them, but I think your faith is wrong to the teeth.

And I'm not up to arguing with anyone either so that's why I'm not gonna write the long post that I could to. lol

I'm just gonna say 3 things:

1: Saku you're mother has some problems, never not talk somebody because they are different, I say embrace them, unless is a perverted different ofc, I don't say disrespect your mother in anyway but I agree that all people are human we are NOT separated because of what we look like.
That's just stupid.

2: 9/11 has some funny stuff going on I agree I didn't really see the second plane that well but I know that the first one hit and that demon killed my people and when I say my I mean Americans, my country men I was very small when it happened but as I look and read about it I have so much pain.
Bin-Ladin was evil, not a sick in the head perverter he was evil I'm not taking that back.

3: Bin-Ladin did what he saw was right in his eyes from his holy book weather he read it right or not isn't the issue in and of itself, though I believe that the book says what he did.
Remember I said the BOOK not the people, no normal person would do what he did, only someone who either thinks he is god or someone who believes god would do all he did.

I have so much I could say but I'm not, and as far as I read I agree with Lee.

In a way it saddens me, Bin ladin is now in eternal fire in hell. =\

" I have a rule for myself, well, i have some rules, but this one is like my gold rule: I never do vengeance, but always try to do justice. vengeance an justice are not the same, this was (in my opinion) vengeance, not justice, and what is coming now seems like is going to be vengeance too. "

Wow Lercs, you have gained a huge respect from me.
I agree never do vengeance always do justice.

~ God Bless ~

~ Moko

05-02-2011, 11:19 PM
@SAM, That photograph is a fake. No photos have been released by the US government as of yet or please site you're sources.

I for one am glad Osama is gone, I have zero sympathy for these kind of people.

05-02-2011, 11:43 PM
Justice is when he gets charged with his wrongdoings. Vengeance is when he gets charged with his wrong doings. Vengeance is taking it what they gave you, you give them. It is pretty high believe of mine. Im sure life and murder go together though. Unless it was self defense. Id kill osama if I seen him on the street. He was dangerous and needed to repay for what he did.

Based on muslim beliefs, I read the quoran one day, and it had good ideas and morals in there. What really bothered me was the discrimination against women. Root of all evil? Nah that's one of my triggers I have is sexism. Bible makes me angry too.

05-02-2011, 11:44 PM
I see, the truthers arrived, now we're only missing birthers.

Anyway, moving on. Right now with how world events are going, as a Muslim I feel discriminated against.

Take events in France for instance. What right is it of the governments to DICTATE what a woman can and can't wear.
Those are probably the only statements I can agree with you.

What dignity is there in going out showing yourself for every man to literally peel you naked with his very eyes? What dignity is there in wearing so little that you are virtually naked.
That's none of your business. Mankind fought and died for centuries for such and other civil liberties.

The first time I went to America [..]
That's why I avoid the states. Obviously, I am not their target audience but all it takes is bad luck and you'll get stripped from your basic human rights.

Anyway, the point I am making is. This is how holocausts start. This is when someone who is actually "extreme" becomes just that and it is ok for them to because everyone thinks a religion is terrorists. No one accused the IRA (The Irish in Britain) who kept on bombing London Christian Terrorists or Christian Extremists because I am sure they were Christian.

The holocaust analogy is kinda far fetched. Jews have been discriminated for centuries all around the globe. Latent anti-Semitism was almost a cultural norm until it culminated in the holocaust.
As an outsider, I feel like the climax of islamophobia was reached a few yours ago but it never reached as alarming proportions as anti-Semitism did, not even close.
Though, in general, the world and especially the US became much more totalitarian with the patriot act being its poster child.

IRA's motives were different, much different in fact. They fought for liberty in the name of justice(?). Al-Qaeda fights against western imperialism in the name of Allah, that's probably why they are being called Islamic terrorists. Pardon my sarcasm.

but I think your faith is wrong to the teeth.
Which faith isn't? Uh oh, here comes the outcry.

Too bad he got away so easily, he should rot in prison just like GWB and others.

05-03-2011, 12:04 AM
Totally agree chis. Wearing shorts and what I want doesn't make me a slut.

05-03-2011, 12:21 AM
The more I think about it, I just want to break away from certain rules. I don't believe gay people are gross or its a sin to be gay. I don't believe in having more than one wife or husband. And whatever sexist comment any religious book has to offer I shoot it down and say fuck off to god. Leviticus. That was mean. I believe in jesus for salvation. Any other morals in religious books like qo'ran cool, it wont hurt to follow them.

05-03-2011, 12:28 AM
LoL always blame Bush, a child could die in Hungary and somehow Bush did it. XD
Don't get me wrong he's not an angel but what ever. lol

The only reason France did that is because men could dress as woman and suicide bomb a building...Not to mention the part where they tell woman to cover their faces only to oppress them, SAM have you ever looked in the mugs thread?
You have seen female faces before, we don't bite. LoL
How do you feel like your discriminated against? LoL

Everywhere Muslims go (besides Israel) they are given special rights, In my state in the USA we have the highest Muslim rate I believe in the whole USA and 3rd in the world..? They are allowed to use sariya (spelled wrong I know) law, my personal beliefs aside what right does ANY group of people have to make their own rules and go with them and against the law of the land?

Unless the law is to murder or something evil like that ofc, but we have no such laws.. Nor does the UK as far as I know.

People are arrested if they are Christian just for TALKING to Muslims about Jesus, again my beliefs aside, I don't want a Muslim arrested for talking to a Christian, it's idiotic.

In the UK I see Muslims rioting in the streets calling your solders coming home baby killers and other offensive names, and no one is calling them out.
I believe in free speech don't get me wrong but don't paint the picture that Muslims are victims.
They get TV show eps taken off the air cause people joke about Mohamed, I'm not saying it's right to joke about Mohammad, but really that's uber touchy.
People rip Jesus all the time, am I offended? Yes. Am I gonna say take it off the air? No.
The people who watch that stuff don't care about either faith anyway and really aren't worth arguing with.

And before I'm called a Muslim hater, I'm not I don't like that religion but the people I love.
They are just people in my eyes, idc you're a person to me.

lol Chris I'm not a truther though SAM looks to be one. xD

LoL@Holocost I see Muslims killing each other tbh but that's just me... Like I say, I am blond.

Anyway BAck OT.

We've gone off the path, get back to Osama and not how we all lack peace love and unity in the world. xP

05-03-2011, 01:22 AM
I can see Obama using this to reelect....

05-03-2011, 02:09 AM
I want what Moko is smoking

05-03-2011, 02:29 AM
I fully support USA in actions taken to stop terrorism. U can hardly set a peace with bunch of radical monkeys who think that "their version" of Islam is ultimate religion , and that everyone who's against it or just not supporting it , should die.

05-03-2011, 02:54 AM
I don't smoke sorry.

Lercs, that's 2 you've done in one day!
I thought the same thing, as people are trying to get rid of him this will boost his support, or at the very least rally up his base.
He's gonna wave that around like a banner in a Pentecostal church. lol

05-03-2011, 03:43 AM

I couldn't get the Qur'an but I got these. I had to wait three hours for my mom to pick me up so I just walked to the library. I payed attention to the lady when I asked where the religious section was. She said fiction or non fiction and I said non fiction. She asked what book and I said the Qur'an or any Muslim books. She was normal about it, even led me to them.

Reading the ISLAM red one to the right. Women wear veils to show their inferior. Believe in Mohammad and Gabriel the angel. Is Allah the Christian and Jewish god? Is it the same god we all worship but Islam's just call him Allah? I find Allah to be a kickass name tbh. But later on in the book it said woman and men were equal, they both were equal parts as a whole. It contradicts itself a bit. I also found that they are tolerant to Christians and Jews believing us to be the "The followers of god" or something like that lol. Just different profits.

05-03-2011, 04:50 AM
Even if you found their holy book, you don't count unless you read it in Arabic, and you must have salvation professing in Arabic.
I find that silly at best and racist at worst.

Allah is NOT the christian God I'll say that straight up Saku. lol

05-03-2011, 05:08 AM
Yea and your not christian because you didn't read it in hebrew. What?

Allah = god and god is the one we all worship.

05-03-2011, 05:35 AM
No, Allah is totally different than the God of the bible, they aren't even in the same hemisphere.

There are many gods that are taught, the god of the Jewish, the god of Islam, the God of Christianity and MANY others.
There can only be one, that's one thing Christians and Muslims agree on. lol

I believe it's Jesus, Muslims believe in Allah and Mohammad, I'm not exactly sure what Jews even believe, I know they don't believe in Jesus and they only have the old testament.

We're not all worshiping the same one, if we were we religion wouldn't start wars because of one thinks they are right.
Religion was made for man, God is fine all by himself.

And yes that's what Muslims believe, you have to learn Arabic and read their book in Arabic, or a form of it.

05-03-2011, 05:42 AM
oh a discussion over the Islam..
im not gonna discuss this.
btw i read the Qur'an 6 times in arabic

05-03-2011, 05:44 AM
I told them to stop, and I think he just proved my point about Arabic. lol
I've been meaning to ask you about your views Grim, prepare yourself I'm very random. :P

05-03-2011, 05:51 AM
nah im not gonna take part of this discussion.
why discuss about islam while other religions are also the source of killings..

05-03-2011, 05:54 AM
lol I'm not talking about this context at all Grim, I personally don't want to argue about this but for some reason I come back.

I have real questions, that only you can answer.
And I promise I mean them as true questions not as AHA moments.
I'll even give you a heart if you don't believe me.

btw chk pms...

05-03-2011, 05:59 AM
ok you can ask me in pm

05-03-2011, 06:01 AM
=( im sad with that, united states continuous occupation and kill more people
I just want them to let the Arabs in peace .... I do not see Arabs invaded the United States and pestering people

note: when I talk about usa I mean the country not the people

05-03-2011, 06:01 AM
O.K. I promise I don't not mean to come off in anyway like an idiot.
If I do tell me and I will apologize.

05-03-2011, 06:09 AM
someone else thinks the US proud is dangerous?

05-03-2011, 08:37 AM


05-03-2011, 04:47 PM
I’m from the USA and totally agree that most of what the government does not make any sense. I think marijuana should be legal yet they won’t let it be. Yet alcohol and cigarettes which kill more people ever year are legal.
There’s so much to say on this topic it’s hard to come out with it all but here are some facts.
In every society you are going to have prejudices towards others. There are only a few societies with one religion with the majority of nations having mixed cultures and various religions. Nobody is perfect even though they would like to think they are. The U.S.A along with other countries has made mistakes involving war and how they treat their own people etc... For instance in any city you go to in the states you’ll see homeless people, you’ll see people getting turned away for medical care because they lack coverage and you’ll see many acts of racial violence, hate crimes etc. The so called "freedom of speech" we have as part of our constitution is a joke for the most part. With all that said we do a lot of good to. And for the most part it’s not the people that are to blame it’s the politicians and government who decide how life should be maintained. We as a people just have to adapt to it whether we like it or not and if we don’t then we end up in the back of the bus. I agree we take on more than we should and stick our noses in places where we should not. But sometimes we are doing the right thing to try to make peace for everyone. Have you asked yourself maybe other countries don’t do enough? Could you imagine if every country aided each other in disasters and could all agree on major topics and actually follow through? Then what would things look like?! On a side note I personally think 9/11 was a set up of some kind and someone other than Osama is to blame. But I think Osama being the vigilantly that he was deserved to die. He didn’t bring anything peaceful or beneficial to anyone else but himself. However I also think Bush in my opinion was one of our worst presidents ever and isn’t much better of a person.
I do think Obama is trying his best to do what’s right but people need to understand 1 guy can’t do it all. He has to go through the house and the senate among other things to get bills passed and approved. And it takes months sometimes years for one simple thing to get discussed and then finally worked on. Change doesn’t happen overnight.
As for the situation that Sam encountered I think it’s a sad thing he had to go through but it was not always this way. The United States has always accepted people into our country with open arms with little thought to any consequence and then 9/11 did happen and we had to change our thinking as upsetting as that may be to some. But to give you an example 30 minutes from my house maybe 5 years ago around 60 refugees from Africa where allowed to move over here and live and even become U.S citizens. We even built them home’s with accommodations.
Everyone has the right to their own opinion but remember when it comes down to it we are all human, have the same background of how we evolved and should all be treated equal, because when it comes down to it we all need each other in more ways than we know.

05-03-2011, 07:46 PM
Wars are all about religon and $$. Most religons are flawed. You can be spiritual without being "religious". Think about it, religous people are following the rules someone else set up for them. Religon is control.

That's why I'm a SUBGENIUS!

05-03-2011, 09:27 PM
Wars are all about religon and $$. Most religons are flawed. You can be spiritual without being "religious". Think about it, religous people are following the rules someone else set up for them. Religon is control.

That's why I'm a SUBGENIUS!
Without control, you get a high murder rate, rape rate, kidnapping rate ect...
I believe in a God but if nothing else atleast take for what it's worth the feeling of acountability that comes with knowing that all you'll do will be seen and judged.

A child that is taught not to steal with love, will most likely not.
A child left to themself will steal to survive.

Think about it. =)

But I agree, Churchy people are sickening and hipocrites, that's why you don't depend on Man to be your soul guide but God Himself.
But Those that are like that aren't God's anyways, we are called to be wittnesses and we fail we do the same thing as everyone else.
Forgive our failures, please.

05-03-2011, 09:42 PM

Moko is right, it won't count until you read it in Arabic. The translation to English may possibly be biased or incorrect understanding. The Quran has never been re-written.

There are alot of things Muslims and Christians would agree on. I suggest you revise your statement that it's only one thing. In fact, did you know we Muslims believe Jesus existed, he wasn't the son of god, he was a prophet.


05-03-2011, 09:45 PM
Hey when is Ramadan? I want to do that :D the holy ninth month. Me and my friend are gonna do it together. I showed her my islam book and she's like mailing muslim britians and now this :0 . I was like yep :) . And she's like good way to loose weight let's fucking do it. Those days I will literally come in veils to school lol. We got like two muslim stores in the mall ill be like how do u put this on? I want a purple... or black.. or..

Im expecting people to yell at me wtf u doing saku ur not muslim. :l well im celebrating Ramadan for god so so yeah :l take that in advanced. I wasn't always christian. But you know christianity sounded more logical then what I was doing. You don't eat for three days? Fuck yea ill do that and cross country at the same time. I can handle this :l

And ill be PROUD AND LOUD!! Haha. With my forbidden books in my bag >:l forbidden in my household. Sneaky saku :D

05-03-2011, 09:48 PM

Moko is right, it won't count until you read it in Arabic. The translation to English may possibly be biased or incorrect understanding. The Quran has never been re-written.

There are alot of things Muslims and Christians would agree on. I suggest you revise your statement that it's only one thing. In fact, did you know we Muslims believe Jesus existed, he wasn't the son of god, he was a prophet.


Well are they letters like the alphabet or is it complicated like chinese -.- .

Also reminds me. Their was this show that had cartoon Muslims. Basically they played checkers and watched TV all day. And they wore like, drapes? And all the family lived in one house.

05-03-2011, 10:43 PM
Ofc I knew that SAM. LOL

I also know Jesus died and rose so I could have a relationship with God, so I can feel his love and care and live forever in paradise.
Muslims believe he's just a prophet and your God didn't die for you, I mean no offense but then what Good is Jesus?
Allah from what I know and feel free to correct has a whip and doesn't have a relation ship with each person as a child, he has a domination spirit not a spirit of love, care and hope.

I've heard some quotes from your book, I found them rather crude at best. Oo
Again no offense meant.

Unless you are a believer in the 12th imam(spelled wrong I know sorry xd), then you need to cause as much violence as possible for their messiah to comeback.

And also @ SAM:
I said it's one thing, not the ONLY one thing. xD
And I Keep saying this, I love you no matter what you are, I just believe that your faith isn't right at all.
You believe mine is wrong too so whatever, who ever has the right one will prevail and who ever has the wrong one, well, if we both know our faith enough we know about the non believers and how that ends.

And when I say prevail, I don't mean on earth I mean in the after life.

lol I have a feeling SAM is gonna stalk me in TS for all this. XD

Saku, be careful you can't serve the God of the bible and the God of Islam they are not the same.

It says in the Christian Bible the following:
Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

I don't know the Islamic bible.

And They have a different system, it looks like Hindi a little.


05-03-2011, 11:53 PM
Idc ill do what I want. Ramadan for god. Im not a "strict" christian and ill do what I want. Nothing is going to happen if I go and do Ramadan for God.

Because ill go to hell for doing Ramadan for my own god right? Wii sure christians can go fast anyways. Ill just do it on the Ramadan days and with drapes that middle easterners wear. I don't see a problem. Then were all worshipping god ya.

05-04-2011, 12:10 AM
Just pick a god and go with it all I can say.

05-04-2011, 12:20 AM
If he did die, may soon have several attacks nuke the White House


05-04-2011, 12:26 AM
Hey when is Ramadan? I want to do that :D the holy ninth month. Me and my friend are gonna do it together. I showed her my islam book and she's like mailing muslim britians and now this :0 . I was like yep :) . And she's like good way to loose weight let's fucking do it. Those days I will literally come in veils to school lol. We got like two muslim stores in the mall ill be like how do u put this on? I want a purple... or black.. or..

Im expecting people to yell at me wtf u doing saku ur not muslim. :l well im celebrating Ramadan for god so so yeah :l take that in advanced. I wasn't always christian. But you know christianity sounded more logical then what I was doing. You don't eat for three days? Fuck yea ill do that and cross country at the same time. I can handle this :l

And ill be PROUD AND LOUD!! Haha. With my forbidden books in my bag >:l forbidden in my household. Sneaky saku :D

Yeah watch out, they might think your book bag is a bomb.

Moko, I don't think anyone's faith is wrong. If it's what you believe then it's what you believe.

05-04-2011, 12:45 AM
If he did die, may soon have several attacks nuke the White House


build a forcefield!

05-04-2011, 12:46 AM
lol fine.

I better not get stalked by you for this or else I'll have Blaze own you. XD
Idc if he's younger or not. lol


05-04-2011, 01:36 AM
For easter, christians have a month of lent. I gave up pop. My friend who went to my church said "oh no you can't do that your a protestant, our church doesn't do that". I was like why not? And she just kept saying your wrong! I've been doing lent since I was four. I don't like to be dictated on how I worship. And the church is not my god. So I gladly call myself a christian, follower of jesus christ. Instead of labeling myself as catholic, protestant, etc. That is the main goal to all of it anyways.

Ill see what happens. Ill take a picture and post it on mugs too. Ive seen only one muslim at my school. I know people will be coming up to me and saying that's wrong. But you gotta look back, Muhammad and jesus wore drapes too.

05-04-2011, 01:44 AM
For easter, christians have a month of lent. I gave up pop. My friend who went to my church said "oh no you can't do that your a protestant, our church doesn't do that". I was like why not? And she just kept saying your wrong! I've been doing lent since I was four. I don't like to be dictated on how I worship. And the church is not my god. So I gladly call myself a christian, follower of jesus christ. Instead of labeling myself as catholic, protestant, etc. That is the main goal to all of it anyways.

Lol, here we agree, I'm not a catholic I guess you could call me a protestant but I"m not.

I'm not a follower of man I'm a follower of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.
The chruch isn't a building either, it's the believers.
God says how He wishes to be worshiped just read His word.

You can fast all you want to, God LOVES it as long as you dedicate it to Him, if you dedicate it to Allah not Jesus, God doesn't like that at all because they are not the same.

If someone worships a spider and calls it God, are we worshiping the same one?

05-04-2011, 02:35 AM
moko your a hick?

05-04-2011, 02:48 AM
moko i will inform u when its ramadan and will explain the rules about it..

05-04-2011, 02:54 AM
What i find funny is that maybe we are following the wrong God, lol.

Im Christian btw.

05-04-2011, 03:09 AM
That's where faith come in Chronox.
Btw I had no idea, I would of sent you my Easter prayer on Easter weekend.
I hope you had a nice one. =)

I'll take any information about your Holiday, even if I don't believe it's always right to see both sides of the story.

@ Blaze:
LOL what do you mean by hick?
I don't live the back woods and I'm not simple so I have no idea what you're asking me. xD

05-04-2011, 03:11 AM
I dont like church -.-
I´m not really part of any religion, but i do think there is someone, a god, I dont know if his name is God or Buda or Allah, I like to think he has a plan for us and he loves the creations he made, I dont think the church is his home, so I dont really see the point of the church (building) and what they do in there. So I fix my own issues with this god. Aaaaaaand I think this god wants us to live a life at some point.

05-04-2011, 03:20 AM
build a forcefield!

UAHAUHAUAHUAHAUHA make a forcefield FAST !

05-04-2011, 03:25 AM
Just a side issue since this was about Osama Bin-Ladin, our media keeps saying Obama instead of Osama. LOLOLOL!

I agree to a point AGAIN Lercs!
Wow you're batting it buddy. lol

I don't believe in the Church as an Organization in and of itself, it has only lead to strife, if you're not part of OUR group you're not right (referring to Christians) why do I need to be in a group to be right?
I read the bible ask God to tell me what is says, and HE will tell me the truth.
But don't get me wrong, it does say to join with believers, but that doesn't mean you have to go to a building.
People in the early stage of Christianity were underground as to not get killed by Rome hardly a building.
You could be at Church just being at a store with one believer in the same store, in the simplified sense.

The Sabbath was made for Men (humanity), the reason is to go it to be blessed and to learn from the more mature believer/s I.E the pastor and the other people of the church.

Church is the people not the building.

I believe that the True God is Jesus, and He calls everyone in a Different way.
Even if 2 are called to witness in a country in the same town, they will talk to different people.

Lercs, if you ever wanna look more in to being a Christian you could ask me any question you'd like, if I don't know I'll tell you, same with prayer if have a problem you can PM me and I'll pray for you. =)
Not just for him but any of you.

05-04-2011, 03:29 AM
I haven't gone to church since high school. :(...i think thats 5 years now.

05-04-2011, 03:33 AM
What kind of Church Jelly Cream? :o

05-04-2011, 03:36 AM

05-04-2011, 04:40 AM
I never knew you were Christian, or at least used to attend a Church.
Lol wow.

05-04-2011, 04:49 AM
lol thats because i went to a catholic high school, they made us go there. We had classes just for religion too.
We also had to wear proper uniforms in school. D:

05-04-2011, 04:58 AM
btw ramadan is coming soon..

05-04-2011, 04:58 AM
Weather you're religious or not you gotta give them Credit for teaching you something useful in their schools. lol
I personally find it better for a school to have a uniform than let the child run free like that, teaches discipline.
lol, something about you learning religion sounds odd, no offense. lol

Saku will be glad to hear it bunny hopper. =p

05-04-2011, 05:00 AM
i thought you wanted to get info

05-04-2011, 05:05 AM
Saku is the one doing it, and will NEED it, but I'd like to learn more as well.
So we both want it now hand it over. LOL

05-04-2011, 08:22 AM

Well, the important part of what I try to say is not about church but religionS (plural) itself and I think I know a bit about christianism and catholicism and not really much about the other religions and thats why I got to my conclusion. And btw I do believe in chating with this god and praying.
I tried to ask to a friend of mine in the school about catholicism and he got sooooooooo mad, I just wanted to learn, but well xD

05-04-2011, 08:31 AM
I'm not Catholic, but I'll answer any questions you have if I can. =)

lol why so mad? xD


How we got on this don't ask, lets ether let this die or get back OT. =)

05-04-2011, 09:07 AM
okay, back OT, something doesn't looks right about the 911 and what Osama had to do about that, and where is his body, it might be truth it might be fake, but something doesn't fits

@agentMoko i guess he thought i was trying to disrespect the religion or something like that, I told him I just wanted to learn, but he got mad anyway =p

05-04-2011, 11:22 PM
Ahahaha what a sourpuss. lol

And I agree, this whole thing looks a lil fishy, I mean if we knew where he was why didn't we kill him a wile ago? LoL

05-05-2011, 12:58 AM

I now belive 9/11 was an inside job thank you for posting that video i watched the entire video and most of what was said in it was true...Our goverment is so dam corrupt

05-05-2011, 01:24 AM
And weather you like or not Obama is more corrupt.

I personally don't believe it was an inside job, people who tell you that don't want truth they want to be different for difference sake... And when I say that I mean the leaders or the founders if you will, that say those very things.
People that have videos like that one have an agenda, they don't want truth they want to show their view by showing everything that makes the person or event look bad and not show another side, or they will show anther side but as they show it keep reminding you they are most certainly right and this we are showing you is only so we can say we did.
I do believe that many people truly believe it, but the people who started it just needed a reason to beat on Bush cause they were sore that Gore didn't win.... Silly people. xD

Don't get me wrong, that whole thing looks really weird, I mean they were told that something was up and they didn't move a nerve or cell in their bodies, until 3,000 people were dead.

Someone tell me why a person would kill 3,000 taxpayers who probably would be in the upper class with loads of money that the govt likes to take for some oil?
That's idiotic, we could just DRILL on our bordering shores, Brazil can but we can't?...Really?
No offense to you Brazilians I'm for you having oil too. lol
If that's true Bush is a moron and a murderer.

I find that whole scenario idiotic, you have to be truly sick in the head to even find that logical if you are the person doing it.
Who the heck really thinks like that?
Only idiot sickos do, and Bush isn't a sicko though when it comes to economics he's not that bright, I think my bird is a little more intelligent. lol

Either way, what's done is done.
If it was in the name of evil I don't support it, but truelove I believe Bush wanted to keep us safe.
And no matter his intentions out troops risk their lives wile we play UT or smoke our various substances, so you can be free to do so, they do it out of love of country and out of honor, they don't have the hate and racism that people try to make them out to have.

We will always have a shmuck in the group and whoever that is deserves lifetime imprisonment or death for treason.

05-05-2011, 01:34 AM
Only watch this video if you think you can handle the truth


05-05-2011, 01:38 AM
Why do I have a bad feeling about looking at this. LoL

05-05-2011, 01:43 AM
I would recommend you not watching it :). Maybe in a few years Moko.

05-05-2011, 01:51 AM
You're smarter than me so O.K. sir. xd
It this guy an anti USA guy or just an overall telling you what he truly sees guy?

05-05-2011, 03:59 AM
Too lazy to watch it :( it seems interesting o.o

05-05-2011, 04:05 AM

05-05-2011, 04:11 AM
Spam much ?

05-05-2011, 04:37 AM
Dude, that is not Bin Laden being assasinated in that video. MOKO CLOSE YOUR EYES!!

05-05-2011, 05:22 AM
I only watched 2 minutes of it. I'm not a fan of modernization. I'd rather fight with swords then those big ass guns. Machines made for killing. That doesn't sound right. If you see 'The Last Samurai' you might agree too.

05-05-2011, 05:47 AM
Then you better get off that computer and stop playing that game with machine guns Saku. =P

Haha I kid ya girl. ;]

I personally like how less of our people have to die with the machines, but we lost the guts we had in WW2 when we looked a man in the face, but don't get me wrong, I'd never be a solder, our people are still immensely brave. =)

05-05-2011, 06:17 AM
guns dont kill people, people kill people....

well you get the point

05-05-2011, 06:52 AM
4... Lercs stop agreeing with me, it's unhealthy. :P

05-05-2011, 07:16 AM
Hey, its not my fault to be right all the time

05-05-2011, 08:19 AM
@SogeKing: 'I for one am glad Osama is gone, I have zero sympathy for these kind of people.'

Well Soge, I kinda took that in since I myself is a Muslim. No big deal tho, those types of Muslims should not exist in the world and I am also glad that Osama is dead. Just wanted to point out that not all people following Islam are bad... I won't say some aren't, but where does love exist in the world we live today?

05-05-2011, 08:25 AM
I also believe that 9/11 was an inside job. I always had a feeling that the American government was corrupted.

05-05-2011, 05:29 PM
its zeitgeist.
it tells 3 stories about religion, 9/11 and banks.

05-05-2011, 06:58 PM
i watched all of the link shiva posted

took ages to watch but it really was an eye opener

05-05-2011, 10:54 PM
To anyone who took me like all Muslims are monsters, I don't think that at all. lol
I'm sorry if I come off that way. oO

I personally, when I watch something I don't take sides I just see what they have to say.

@ Lercs:

Minister. xD

05-06-2011, 07:54 PM
@SogeKing: 'I for one am glad Osama is gone, I have zero sympathy for these kind of people.'

Well Soge, I kinda took that in since I myself is a Muslim. No big deal tho, those types of Muslims should not exist in the world

think the word your looking for is extremists. and why did you take that in? he didnt even mention the word muslim he said those kind of people.....who woudnt hate extremists...?

05-06-2011, 10:12 PM
so wtf is it now ?
hij leeft = he's alive
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/227066_10150180278729592_703334591_6895401_1487409 _n.jpg

05-06-2011, 10:35 PM
so wtf is it now ?
hij leeft = he's alive
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/227066_10150180278729592_703334591_6895401_1487409 _n.jpg

well, that interesting.....

05-06-2011, 11:05 PM
Bunny Hopper, I'm gonna be honest.
That wouldn't surprise me in the least.
If his group confirms he's dead there's a pretty good chance he's alive, why would they confirm if it would make them more threatening if he's alive?

But that could be photo-shopped, people have some real talent.

05-06-2011, 11:41 PM
That is clearly shopped, I've seen Osama looking EXACTLY (same EVERYTHING, even his watch is in the same position) like that in photos ten years ago in the same pose and everything. You can also tell by looking closer at his fingers.

05-06-2011, 11:48 PM
He does look too healthy compared to the reports.
Like I said it wouldn't surprise me but it does look a little to...Convenient.

05-07-2011, 06:36 AM
You people and your conspiracy theories.

The fact that people mention 9/11 was staged by the American government shows how your minds cannot possibly grasp what you are saying, or what would have to take place in order for that to be even possible.

Then again, that's how the conspiracy theorists are. They'll never go away.

The facts are, it was Osama Bin Laden and the terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda who plotted and executed 9/11 including sending four planes (2 to the World Trade center twin towers, one to the Pentagon, and one to the white house which got thwarted by hero civilians). This is already proven and known as a FACT.

But don't take my word for it; educate yourself and open your mind while your at it.

05-07-2011, 06:41 AM
Nice links Shiva btw.

05-07-2011, 06:54 AM
Mattie, how can you say that? America has the best anti air defence in the world. The planes were in no fly zones, especially so low. It was established an hour before anything even happened that the planes were hijacked. So why weren't they deployed?

The fact that the US Govt released three different versions on three different days of events that unfolded when Bin Laden was shot dead should give anyone food for thought. I'm sorry but if Obama watched it live, I'm sure there shouldn't be any discrepancy in what happened or any changed stories.

05-07-2011, 07:07 AM
I can say it because it's the truth.

As for why they weren't deployed, I personally don't know because I never looked it up.

05-07-2011, 07:32 AM
Osama´s daughter said that the US solders captured him alive and then killed him, or something like that

05-07-2011, 08:09 AM
NO !



05-07-2011, 08:43 AM
Barack Hussein Obama..... thats sooooooooo ironic

05-07-2011, 09:34 AM
Lercs don't go there unless you want SAM to get ticked off and ban you. Lol xD

MattieCCCCCCCC for one we agree almost totally on something. LOL

How is this possible? :O

05-07-2011, 09:40 AM
There is too much evidence pointing at 9-11-01 as a false-flag operation, I aint talking conspiracy crap either. A simple google search will show a SHIT TON of results with actual evidence in them. The government's official story just doesn't add up.

05-07-2011, 04:18 PM
I haven't won't and am not going to ban anyone for having a constructive discussion/debate with me. Whether they agree or disagree with my postings. I'm not a conspiracy theorist however being on the 'other side' I know how things feel to me.

05-07-2011, 04:25 PM
but why would al qaeeda deny doing it, surely if america were after bin laden he would stand up and take blame for it anyway, even with him denying it they still went after him assuming it was him. what resources did al qaeeda have in 2001 that could even try and out smart the u.s. they were simply rebels with no smarts or money in my eyes, well at least when 9/11 happened. CNN:

"The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said.

"I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.

Asked Sunday if he believed bin Laden's denial, President Bush said, "No question he is the prime suspect. No question about that."

around 6 billion people in the world and he blames 1 muslim or at least someone who thinks hes a muslim, typical.

05-07-2011, 04:39 PM
Barack Hussein Obama..... thats sooooooooo ironic

shaadup you dum ass! if the bottom does falls out & Obama just all of a sudden suicide bombs the house/senate- would that be a bad thing?

its just a name not a prophecy... you watch too many movies

05-07-2011, 07:09 PM
lol its just stupid i mean cmon

how can a government happen to run a simulation of what is going to happen 20-30 minutes hell even when its happening and then say it was this guy he did it........ if it really was why werent any backup fighter jets called out to take the planes down? its the same with the london bombings "we just happened to run a simulation of whats going to happen at the exact time that they happened"

i smell bs.

having the best defence systems in the world and still fail to take down planes that were flying as low as they were?

thats like saying a noob ran into your base with a nuke STRAIGHTLINING with 1 HEALTH nuke sirens going beserk and no one manages to kill him

05-07-2011, 07:14 PM
Lol Blazeeeee you do that all the time and we can never kill you. :P

USA failed pure and simple.

BTW SAM Sorry for calling you a Shmuck yesterday.
You really did highly insult me but that wasn't needed, sorry. xd
Forgive me? xd

05-07-2011, 08:17 PM

not official but you get the point im making

05-07-2011, 08:21 PM
shaadup you dum ass! if the bottom does falls out & Obama just all of a sudden suicide bombs the house/senate- would that be a bad thing?

its just a name not a prophecy... you watch too many movies

you can say what you want, but that is an ironic name.

05-07-2011, 09:52 PM
His father was Muslim, and that was his father's name.
Lol I don't think there really is a connection.