View Full Version : Coming back to UT, just to be harassed by admins non-stop.

04-12-2015, 07:28 PM
Alright, I admit I am not the best player, I just got back to one of my favorite games of all time, good old UT instagib.

The first few days I might have chased/camped/lamed, but I am consciously trying my best not to, yet I keep getting kicked by admins (usually the same names, nordog, etc) and being warned for 300 matches bans and crap.

Can I please get a break and get a noob-pass till I can actively not be mistaken for chasing/back-killing etc? Stop harassing me and kicking me and threatning banning it's really annoying.

That or I wear a noob tag maybe? So you take me by the hand instead of banning me for goddamn 300 matches?

This game is amazing and I salute you for this, I will even donate once I feel welcomed but until then, I ask you to tone this ultra-sensitive administration down a bit, seriously.


04-12-2015, 07:45 PM

I played you today, you were constantly complaining... :)
I dont think the admins has a bias against low skill players, and you arent that bad but If you chase and bs you are going to get shit though. Just dont.

04-12-2015, 07:54 PM
Hello. We are just trying to keep a good playing experience for everyone. Read the rules and you won't have any problems. We have average roughly 2k+ players running through instagib alone, of various skill levels, on a daily basis and 99% of them have no such issues....

04-12-2015, 09:20 PM
I have not kicked you once. I have warned you several times. You should be happy i havent banned you yet, i have actually given you some slack due to you just coming back to ut. Stop being so mad. And yes, im getting tired of warning you. Read the rules, you can find them b typping !rules when you enter. Seriously its no harrasment, but simply a heads up warning.

04-12-2015, 10:01 PM
Hi, SupaMad! Welcome back. I did notice you chasing and backshooting some, but you probably weren't aware that you were doing it. This is acceptable only when you're covering your flag carrier or returning your flag. Otherwise, it's against uK's server rules. Make a mental note and adjust playstyle accordingly.


04-12-2015, 10:26 PM
Hope you change. Some never do.

04-13-2015, 06:20 AM
I have not kicked you once. I have warned you several times. You should be happy i havent banned you yet, i have actually given you some slack due to you just coming back to ut. Stop being so mad. And yes, im getting tired of warning you. Read the rules, you can find them b typping !rules when you enter. Seriously its no harrasment, but simply a heads up warning.

Lol . I have also managed to explain him how it works now . Some few days ago ( probably one of your very first games), after some warning and chat, he has won a 250 match ban on comboserver .
Constantly chasing, backshoting and not able to grab a flag . Also his crounching style shows he is used to Play some DM before .
As i see, i am not the only one slapping You .
Welcome back if You are able to listen us and learn a bit .If not, more bans to come . Next ban level comboserver is 500 for the record .
GJ Nordog :) i was Just jealous :) because You haven t got any complain about your mod job . You have your first troll complaint . Now a lot more know You are around now ;)

Update Ps : After checking my banlist, i saw i have ban him for team switching, not to make it even of course but just move to winning one ....

04-13-2015, 09:28 AM
Lol . I have also managed to explain him how it works now . Some few days ago ( probably one of your very first games), after some warning and chat, he has won a 250 match ban on comboserver .
Constantly chasing, backshoting and not able to grab a flag . Also his crounching style shows he is used to Play some DM before .
As i see, i am not the only one slapping You .
Welcome back if You are able to listen us and learn a bit .If not, more bans to come . Next ban level comboserver is 500 for the record .
GJ Nordog :) i was Just jealous :) because You haven t got any complain about your mod job . You have your first troll complaint . Now a lot more know You are around now ;)

Update Ps : After checking my banlist, i saw i have ban him for team switching, not to make it even of course but just move to winning one ....

Thank you for all the replies, it seems I earned myself a very non-comfortable position already as I was mistaken for a troll.

I assure you that I am not. Do I complain while playing? Yes, but do I decide to chase and backshoot and "fail at grabbing the flag"? no.

I wrote the note above in frustration because I have improved and remembered what chasing is a lot over the past week or ten days. But what nordog saw today is different from what you saw ten days ago (when I was way worst) and he still warned me with a 300 matches ban. This is not to say that it was unwarranted, it probably was and nordog knows far more than I do whether I chased or not, but it is to say that since each mods sees me once and proceeds to do that with other mods unaware, it becomes much harder each time I make a mistake.

That match you banned me for, for switching sides, that was me complaining about the guy from the other team not replying to my question about how was he jumping over the seprating side in "one way w00t". He spoke perfect english and was quite talkative and took advantage of jumping over the middle barrier without answering me how to. So I spent four or five flags just waiting for him to answer and he didn't. Then yes, I stupidly switched sides but not to be on the winning team (I am not 15) but to take the flag and hide with it (I am 15). I was camping with flag in that off-map small area you teleport to when I was banned and read your message.

Anyhow, sorry for the long explanation. I assure you I am not trolling, the tone above was just due to frustration.

I will make sure I play less lame. Thanks.