View Full Version : Mid spawns

05-29-2015, 09:44 PM

Remove Insta from mid spawn

remove only if trans is removed, no need for insta if trans is removed altogether

Remove Hyper Leecher
Remove Ape Cannon

Mini Diamond to be spawned in the middle. It will contain the mid spawn. You must destroy it before getting the item inside it. (Ray said maybe to make the ru amount consistent)

First mid spawns at 10 mins. Then every 3 mins after the first mid spawns is taken.
Mid Items:
150 ru - underwhelming pickup
300 ru - decent pickup
600 ru - great pickup
1200 ru - too good
2400 ru - fucking lol naw
400 health - kinda dumb, don't like that it stacks so well with other powerups
Hyper Leecher - pretty useless
ASMD Pulse Rifle - fun but underwhelming pickup overall, doesn't feel like it ever made a good mid spawn
IG - too good
Ape Canon - fucking lol naw
Amp - decent pickup
Metal Suit - annoying camping encouraging suit
Rubber Suit - fun suit that feels pretty well balanced, maybe a bit too much combined with trans
Shrinker Suit - why is this here? feels similar to pulse rifle, no depth to this pickup
Flame - fun but overpowered, would like better as a buildable item but nerfed a lot

Mid spawn rate is ok, but the items are all over the place in their value to a team. A team that gets IG, Flame, and Metal Suit is going to dominate a team that gets some 150 ru, Hyper Leecher, and Amp. I've seen it happen this way a lot and it doesn't help the competitive aspect.
It's tough to decide what to change because mid spawns are exciting to get when they're good, but it needs to be consistent so defense/mid players have something to keep time on and not as overwhelming when one team gets a lucky mid pickup.
The simplest solution would be to only have a set ru bonus spawn at mid which would be consistently rewarding and worth fighting over.
Basically mid needs a huge overhaul, way too random for a competitive environment.


05-30-2015, 12:18 AM
New mid item: 50% (or whatever is appropriate) RU gain from the core for 2 minutes (or whatever is appropriate) for the whole team.

I think the new Hyper Leecher is much better? Haven't tried it myself yet.
Flame is buildable but Higor needs to nerf it. I wouldn't mind it either.
Agreed with removing Metal, Midget, IG and 150, 300 and 2400 RU and instead of 600 and 1200 have a 1000 RU spawning.

05-30-2015, 01:55 AM
I agree with everything Rays said, but dont feel the flame is overpowered at all since it does have a range which is not too big

05-30-2015, 08:13 AM
New mid item: 50% (or whatever is appropriate) RU gain from the core for 2 minutes (or whatever is appropriate) for the whole team.

sound pretty good

05-30-2015, 11:48 AM
Mid spawn ideas sound good. Excited to see them implemented!

Flame could have an ammo limit to make it more balanced as a buildable item. I was thinking around 50-60 ammo.

06-27-2015, 01:23 PM
Are any of these changes happening? Update pls.

06-27-2015, 01:55 PM
Yea it's implemented, looks much better now, you actually get punished for missing out on mid

06-27-2015, 02:59 PM
The current state:

150 RU removed
2400 RU removed
MegaHealth removed
Metalsuit removed
Shrinker removed
BlueFlame removed

300 RU 1st round spawn only
BlueFlame round 1-4
600 RU round 2-4
AMP from round 3 onwards
1200 RU from round 4 onwards
IG from round 4 onwards
Rubber from round 4 onwards
Flame from round 4 onwards

Moskva and me went over it. We initially decided to remove the blue gun but posting this list made me change my mind. It's a good first few round spawn and can take out protectors if used well. Also adjusted some timings.

InventoryList[17]=WildcardsRubberSuit?minw=200?properties(charge=50 )

SilverWing ask if TimTim could implement something like this:
New mid item: 50% (or whatever is appropriate) RU gain from the core for 2 minutes (or whatever is appropriate) for the whole team.

It probably won't happen :hide:

06-27-2015, 03:02 PM
Looks good chis

06-27-2015, 03:05 PM
I forgot.
Apparently, according to Higor items spawn faster in overtime and I'm guessing this WeightToExtraTimeScale=1 tells it how fast.
If it's that we can simply turn it off (0) and if not, we will have to know exactly the timings and let the people know. Otherwise they will be silverwing mad like when ppl crouch.

06-27-2015, 10:49 PM
Looking good. Only question I have regards ammo on IG/Flame. Are they reduced at all? I'd like to see IG/Flame have half their max ammo on pickup.

07-02-2015, 10:14 AM
Is the crouch headshot issue fixed yet or not?

07-02-2015, 12:48 PM