08-23-2015, 09:47 PM
Dev vs Brain Over Aim
Reg vs Papis & Parul
08-24-2015, 02:50 PM
Semifinals SS vs TsT
Uh....only dev one weekend and reg this weekend? Or what???
08-27-2015, 04:57 PM
Where's the H Y P E?
"faggot.dem" and "bitches.dem". Nice demo namings of IST matches haha.
08-27-2015, 06:40 PM
no challenge no hype jeje
08-27-2015, 08:46 PM
Yeah BerserK, tired of timing out during matches so I get "creative"
Yeah BerserK, tired of timing out during matches so I get "creative"
I bet there is a Penis.dem or even Pitbull.dem which has no difference anyways haha
08-28-2015, 07:42 AM
I will see if I can tell my team to post ss, I'm not home for 2 weeks, so I can't post.
Uh....only dev one weekend and reg this weekend? Or what???
So as usual I'm ignored and invisible...We did't play this weekend in regs or what???
Anybody got an answer???
09-01-2015, 03:11 PM
its finas captains are looking for a date.
09-01-2015, 05:38 PM
Moko the game was played but these nigs still don't post ss -.- I've reminded them so many times... -.-
09-01-2015, 08:18 PM
yeeah ape darren...only your team's reg semifinal screenshots are missing
09-01-2015, 08:36 PM
yeeah ape darren...only your team's reg semifinal screenshots are missing
I d k what the fuck they are doing, I have told them as well.
I have them (?) I think. But not home to do this.
09-01-2015, 10:14 PM
yeeah ape darren...only your team's reg semifinal screenshots are missing
no shit man if you hadnt told me i wouldnt have realized! I've told them thousands of times but they forget...
Also, I didn't play reg, so ofc I don't have them (Else I would've posted already)
09-01-2015, 10:21 PM
You disrespect my teammate and i'll come to hunt your ass, take that as a warning
09-02-2015, 09:29 AM
You disrespect my teammate and i'll come to hunt your ass, take that as a warning
I didn't disrespect Chavez lel cmon<3
Sry Krikor if I offended you <3
09-02-2015, 02:18 PM
You disrespect my teammate and i'll come to hunt your ass, take that as a warning
This got so personal.. it's gonna be fought in the finals m8's!
09-02-2015, 03:16 PM
This got so personal.. it's gonna be fought in the finals m8's!
incomming jetpack.
Okay so after I go and read through unwarrented drama, I read that the game was played...SO WHO WON?
I'm going to assume from comments my team won theirs????? Good heavens, I leave you boys to yourselves for a minute and look what happens! Lol
Fleece, straighten these boys out for me I don't have the time. =P
--- Updated ---
P.S: Sorry if I seem hostile. I get very anxious over matches (not because of me but something else) and I need to know what happened. :S
09-02-2015, 05:32 PM
Okay so after I go and read through unwarrented drama, I read that the game was played...SO WHO WON?
I'm going to assume from comments my team won theirs????? Good heavens, I leave you boys to yourselves for a minute and look what happens! Lol
Fleece, straighten these boys out for me I don't have the time. =P
--- Updated ---
P.S: Sorry if I seem hostile. I get very anxious over matches (not because of me but something else) and I need to know what happened. :S
Moko i seriously dont know what you are talking about...we only had semifinals last week, both regs and devs, and only BoA vs SS reg maps are missing. Finals have been schedule
Not to sound like im offending u but it seems u r the one lacking attention right now because as u can see moskva posted both our dev and reg match, so its not like people arent paying attention to you. chill :)
Moko i seriously dont know what you are talking about...we only had semifinals last week, both regs and devs, and only BoA vs SS reg maps are missing. Finals have been schedule
Not to sound like im offending u but it seems u r the one lacking attention right now because as u can see moskva posted both our dev and reg match, so its not like people arent paying attention to you. chill :)
DUDE! lol
I don't know what's going on that's right, that's why I'm asking.
I see only us playing vs BOA, so I don't know if that's both matches or what. I don't know what I'm looking at. I have big things to deal with and my trying to decode isn't really working out.... You're not offending anybody. Np. lol
Edit: Okay after trying to decode NOW I SEE IT. FINALLY. The "Reg" caption was hidden.
So we won regs is looks like. Yay us. lol
I don't see why somebody couldn't just say "oh SR won" since it's obvious I couldn't tell what I'm seeing but okey then.
If I'm seeing right, Good job guys! lol
I'm not myself right now sorry if I seem like an idiot.
--- Updated ---
Oh and I don't know the date for the finals in regs, what is it? Since people keep moving stuff around idk that either. lol
09-02-2015, 08:36 PM
Boa won against SS (regs). Cami should be on the demo as I'm writing this to find ss
The reg final IIRC will be on 13th~ (~cuz I'm not 100% sure).
Stay Calm
Ray attack incoming
zap zap paz zapitty zap
Ok enough.
09-03-2015, 12:13 PM
Idk why other team doesn't post their shit, I will post it when I'm home
09-03-2015, 12:47 PM
Sorry I took poor sshots or I woulda posted.
@Moko (
Boa won against SS (regs). Cami should be on the demo as I'm writing this to find ss
The reg final IIRC will be on 13th~ (~cuz I'm not 100% sure).
Stay Calm
Ray attack incoming
zap zap paz zapitty zap
Ok enough.
Praise God.
Gracias Darren. :3
09-03-2015, 02:55 PM
I sent dev playoffs SS's to moskva yesterday.
I can post here at night.
09-03-2015, 03:51 PM