View Full Version : REG FINALS RESULTS

09-13-2015, 06:20 PM






Good games BoA, was a fun and tense final

09-13-2015, 06:26 PM
I think Moskva was screaming naked outside on TS

09-13-2015, 06:46 PM
GG everyone, apart of all the issues involved, it was a nice season :)

09-13-2015, 07:05 PM
I wanna thank SW for his wish to the shooting star "I wish to win IST"

09-13-2015, 07:20 PM
ggs friends

09-13-2015, 08:16 PM
Gg was fun wish some things happened differently but eh it happened. Congrats to them for out playing us. Im trying not to be too salty about it :P It is just a game after all yes?

Although during this finals match it didn't effect me too much, something needs to be looked at about the crouching, and some of the weapons not registering. My advice is we shouldn't launch another league until those 2 key things are fixed.

Was a fun season guys appreciate the pick up camilo, Hopefully there will be another season next year or sometime but until then ggs was quite the season. :S

09-13-2015, 10:21 PM

09-14-2015, 02:13 AM
for the people who weren't there MOSKVA WAS SCREAMING OUTSIDE!!!



Broken Clock
09-14-2015, 11:45 AM
Congrats Sternritter! And Moskva yelling sounds hilarious. Haha.

09-14-2015, 02:33 PM
did aim really won over brain? ;(

Congrats to SR!

GG's And id like to thank all the peeps for mah 1st time in tourney, you were all so soft, caring, gently and yet so hard and experienced ;o TY

09-14-2015, 03:35 PM
OH MY JESUS! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! YAYAYAYAY! Congrats to all, and a special congrats to our wonderful captian. He Deserves his win. Moskva

09-14-2015, 03:36 PM

09-14-2015, 03:39 PM
btw does this mean I can kick paco out whenever I want again? I was being nice cause we were "teammates". LOL

wait really? LOL
haha I missed it, oh well. XD

09-14-2015, 06:54 PM
OH MY JESUS! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! YAYAYAYAY! Congrats to all, and a special congrats to our wonderful captian. He Deserves his win. Moskva
This was a fantastic season and a fantastic win. I want to congratulate the starting lineup and my dev bro and broettes..

Moskva, you are to Siege what Donald Trump would be to America if he became the President.
Rays, you made it past the draft and I love you. I never thought I would love anyone from Oklahoma.
Demi, you are now a top ten South American amigo of mine. I am friends with many gringos so you are on an exclusive list.
Krikor. You are dope and you do dope shit.
n0b.. You're like Clint Eastwood telling everyone to stay off of his lawn. Nice lawn friend.
snakeware, please respect my friend and thank your neighbors for their wifi.

and last but not least, the most important and integral part of the team: Moko

Moko we had some amazing times playing together. I got to know so much about you and you made me reevaluate whether I should become a vegetarian or not. Ultimately I have decided to continue eating meet but you have a way with words that dazzles me and makes me weak in the knees. My favorite memory was when you subbed in and I thought we were down a player until you typed that everything was okay and that the teams were even.

The season might be over but these friendships will last a lifetime.

Good games SR. Good games Siege.. you just lost to a man who takes a solid 4 minutes to boot up Unreal Tournament 99 Game of the Year Edition. Good games.

PS: BOA nice try. Maybe next time. hehehe

09-14-2015, 07:40 PM
PACO, do me a huge favor and never play siege again and never talk to me again...oh yeah and learn how to tell time.
Thank you very much have a nice life. lol

09-14-2015, 08:02 PM
This was a fantastic season and a fantastic win. I want to congratulate the starting lineup and my dev bro and broettes..

Moskva, you are to Siege what Donald Trump would be to America if he became the President.
Rays, you made it past the draft and I love you. I never thought I would love anyone from Oklahoma.
Demi, you are now a top ten South American amigo of mine. I am friends with many gringos so you are on an exclusive list.
Krikor. You are dope and you do dope shit.
n0b.. You're like Clint Eastwood telling everyone to stay off of his lawn. Nice lawn friend.
snakeware, please respect my friend and thank your neighbors for their wifi.

and last but not least, the most important and integral part of the team: Moko

Moko we had some amazing times playing together. I got to know so much about you and you made me reevaluate whether I should become a vegetarian or not. Ultimately I have decided to continue eating meet but you have a way with words that dazzles me and makes me weak in the knees. My favorite memory was when you subbed in and I thought we were down a player until you typed that everything was okay and that the teams were even.

The season might be over but these friendships will last a lifetime.

Good games SR. Good games Siege.. you just lost to a man who takes a solid 4 minutes to boot up Unreal Tournament 99 Game of the Year Edition. Good games.

PS: BOA nice try. Maybe next time. hehehe


09-14-2015, 08:07 PM
This was a fantastic season and a fantastic win. I want to congratulate the starting lineup and my dev bro and broettes..

Moskva, you are to Siege what Donald Trump would be to America if he became the President.
Rays, you made it past the draft and I love you. I never thought I would love anyone from Oklahoma.
Demi, you are now a top ten South American amigo of mine. I am friends with many gringos so you are on an exclusive list.
Krikor. You are dope and you do dope shit.
n0b.. You're like Clint Eastwood telling everyone to stay off of his lawn. Nice lawn friend.
snakeware, please respect my friend and thank your neighbors for their wifi.

and last but not least, the most important and integral part of the team: Moko

Moko we had some amazing times playing together. I got to know so much about you and you made me reevaluate whether I should become a vegetarian or not. Ultimately I have decided to continue eating meet but you have a way with words that dazzles me and makes me weak in the knees. My favorite memory was when you subbed in and I thought we were down a player until you typed that everything was okay and that the teams were even.

The season might be over but these friendships will last a lifetime.

Good games SR. Good games Siege.. you just lost to a man who takes a solid 4 minutes to boot up Unreal Tournament 99 Game of the Year Edition. Good games.

PS: BOA nice try. Maybe next time. hehehe

hehe, i already say thanks to them, i never really meant to disrespect n0b, it was a moment of mind struggling when i tought demi would be a better choice for some maps than n0b, i admit i never really analized that shit, so yes i was wrong as fuck, and yes n0b is the MVP of this season, and of course i want to apologyze my team fucking up dev so bad. YOU GUYS WERE GREAT, ESPECIALLY YOU RAYS, ALWAYS IN A GOOD MOOD, ALWAYS MAKING US LAUGH, ALWAYS DOING JUST AMAZING, THANKS RAYS, EVERYONE IN SR MADE THIS A VERY FUN LEAGUE.

09-14-2015, 09:17 PM
PS: BOA nice try. Maybe next time. hehehe

Lmao. G1 tho, gg.

09-14-2015, 11:50 PM
K can I get my autograph now PACO, you beat my team = you beat me :v

09-15-2015, 12:01 AM
paco moral support in twitch chat eheh

09-15-2015, 04:02 AM

Looks good on my finger and not pretentious at all.. as if it belonged there.

Good games BOA! Wish I could have played more than one full map.



09-16-2015, 05:12 PM

Looks good on my finger and not pretentious at all.. as if it belonged there.

Good games BOA! Wish I could have played more than one full map.

Chis how did you manage to break your ring already? Omd.

Here's the whole thing man, wear it happily.


09-18-2015, 02:58 AM

09-19-2015, 02:26 PM
moskva becoming a profesional league of legends player now.

09-19-2015, 02:31 PM
moskva becoming a profesional league of legends player now.

Damn you guys stealing my man like that...

09-23-2015, 10:38 AM