01-27-2011, 10:02 PM
Name: Patt
UT Name (Common name and Aliases as well): MiniWick
Age: 17
Email/MSN:[email protected]
Location (What country you are from & are living in): Canada son
What do you think of |uK|: I think uK has it all really, What they need is a new gametype to expand their clan to really make it the best of the best
What can you bring to this clan: Well I'm hoping to really push the Bunny tracks gametype to people , it's dying slowly but, we can get it back up and make uK a better Clan and bring more people to expand this sikk community and clan.
How many years have you been playing UT: 5 years. ( of and on )
Preferred gametype (Siege, LGI, NGI, Binslayer, BT): Siege, LGI , Binslayer and BT
Have you been or are you in any other clans: T1 ,{ UTA } , {FTB}, TLA, G0D , HOZ <--( "MOZ" ), uK
What is your UT history: Minidick..nuff said
Have you got or can use Teamspeak RC2: Yezzir
Have you got XFire or can you use XFire: Yezzir
Other Comments:
I know my last left was " foolish " but I'm here and I always stuck around this forum day in and day out, I have a couple people from old clans and very popular amazing bt players to attract the attention to the sever. I'm really gonna lay my foot down for this gametype and hopefully I can do good for you lady's
Thanks ...M|ni
UT Name (Common name and Aliases as well): MiniWick
Age: 17
Email/MSN:[email protected]
Location (What country you are from & are living in): Canada son
What do you think of |uK|: I think uK has it all really, What they need is a new gametype to expand their clan to really make it the best of the best
What can you bring to this clan: Well I'm hoping to really push the Bunny tracks gametype to people , it's dying slowly but, we can get it back up and make uK a better Clan and bring more people to expand this sikk community and clan.
How many years have you been playing UT: 5 years. ( of and on )
Preferred gametype (Siege, LGI, NGI, Binslayer, BT): Siege, LGI , Binslayer and BT
Have you been or are you in any other clans: T1 ,{ UTA } , {FTB}, TLA, G0D , HOZ <--( "MOZ" ), uK
What is your UT history: Minidick..nuff said
Have you got or can use Teamspeak RC2: Yezzir
Have you got XFire or can you use XFire: Yezzir
Other Comments:
I know my last left was " foolish " but I'm here and I always stuck around this forum day in and day out, I have a couple people from old clans and very popular amazing bt players to attract the attention to the sever. I'm really gonna lay my foot down for this gametype and hopefully I can do good for you lady's
Thanks ...M|ni