View Full Version : Oh Yeah!

07-11-2017, 01:18 AM
Name: Mike

UT Name (Common name and Aliases as well): Dem` / hax0r / DeadlyRabbit

Age: 25

Email/MSN: Ask if u want it.

Location (What country you are from & are living in): Taco paradise

What do you think of |uK|: Probably the most efficient clan because you have survived so many years, and still up.

What can you bring to this clan: Mexican skillz and tacos... Just trying to help a little before this game finally dies.

How many years have you been playing UT: 13

Preferred gametype (Siege, LGI, NGI, Binslayer, BT): Any

Have you been or are you in any other clans:[R] [DR] nOs* {]TDN[} (The original one)

What is your UT history: Im pretty sure most of you know me well.

Have you got or can use Teamspeak 3: Y

Other Comments: I got 2 Championship rings :)

07-11-2017, 11:18 AM
Maybe you guys can pick up this shitter so we can finally play a game


07-11-2017, 11:58 AM
ill plei any game vs any1 too plis.


07-11-2017, 03:37 PM
Hi, will take your application to polls get back to you soon

07-11-2017, 05:02 PM
good luck!

07-13-2017, 02:19 AM
Dem its in nOs or not?? ummm...3692 (i was drunk that day)

07-13-2017, 04:07 AM
Haha looks like someone is butthurt for ignoring his invitations.

07-13-2017, 03:27 PM
strong pick here bois

good luck amigo

07-13-2017, 04:12 PM
gl pendejo !!!

07-14-2017, 09:00 AM
Good luck.

07-15-2017, 01:58 AM
Lol L0nEwolF the purpose of the screenshot? I could post countless demos or screens where some of your members have suffered humiliation, dont be an ass because Dem` declined your invitation to join rp, its his choice to make not yours

07-15-2017, 05:14 PM
Woow!! Bring the screen shoots xD lets see who had more.
I invited him before, yes i respected that he is or was on nOs thing that i didnt knew, i changed my mind after know him better cause hes just an asshole.
I hope you guys accept him i truly do, so next time i wont toy him ill rape him with UK tag.

07-15-2017, 05:51 PM
Woow!! Bring the screen shoots xD lets see who had more.
I invited him before, yes i respected that he is or was on nOs thing that i didnt knew, i changed my mind after know him better cause hes just an asshole.
I hope you guys accept him i truly do, so next time i wont toy him ill rape him with UK tag.

you suck probably at everything

07-15-2017, 07:44 PM
Woow!! Bring the screen shoots xD lets see who had more.
I invited him before, yes i respected that he is or was on nOs thing that i didnt knew, i changed my mind after know him better cause hes just an asshole.
I hope you guys accept him i truly do, so next time i wont toy him ill rape him with UK tag.


07-16-2017, 12:06 AM
Got so many screens raping u okami
Just a game
#care2bebest (http://www.unrealkillers.com/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=care2bebest)

07-16-2017, 01:38 AM
Such beast, rape much, very scare, never lose, many skill, so gamer, much mlg, huge pro, very tough, amaze

07-16-2017, 04:37 AM
I hope you guys accept him i truly do, so next time i wont toy him ill rape him with UK tag.
If your definition of rape is getting yourself humiliated then talk something new brah

07-17-2017, 06:34 PM
I hope you guys accept him i truly do, so next time i wont toy him ill rape him with UK tag.

Wow. I have not laughed like this in a LONG time. Thanks for that man.

07-17-2017, 08:02 PM
Wow. I have not laughed like this in a LONG time. Thanks for that man.youre welcome ;) lets see who laughs more.

07-17-2017, 08:03 PM
I laugh most?

07-18-2017, 09:47 AM
youre welcome ;) lets see who laughs more.

Trust me. I'm always the one who laughs the most.

07-18-2017, 06:56 PM
Trust me. I'm always the one who laughs the most. Dont take it personal sam, i am just a dick cause i like to be and there always have to be a villain dont you think? it makes the game more interesting xD (the dark side)

07-18-2017, 07:07 PM
Good guys always win in the movies.

07-18-2017, 07:36 PM
Good guys always win in the movies. yeah youre rigth! but this is not a movie its a game with lots of drama that seems to be a movie xD

07-19-2017, 10:14 AM
yeah youre rigth! but this is not a movie its a game with lots of drama that seems to be a movie xD

Whenever you play vs me i demo. Aaaand ... 😎 Haha j/k

07-19-2017, 09:06 PM
Whenever you play vs me i demo. Aaaand ... 😎 Haha j/k
Yes! lets doit i wanna play you... sorry about the other day i was rude =/ lets play a 1 vs 1 =D

07-22-2017, 01:40 PM
Woow!! Bring the screen shoots xD lets see who had more.
I invited him before, yes i respected that he is or was on nOs thing that i didnt knew, i changed my mind after know him better cause hes just an asshole.
I hope you guys accept him i truly do, so next time i wont toy him ill rape him with UK tag.

Haha wow i had not read this, you are an even bigger moron that i thought.

But dont worry buddy, ill be always in the server to keep shooting you back down to the scum level you belong at.

07-23-2017, 07:56 PM
ill be always in the server to keep shooting you back down to the scum level you belong at.

Shit about to get real

07-26-2017, 10:10 PM
ill be always in the server to keep shooting you back down to the scum level you belong at. hahahaha you are funny.

07-26-2017, 10:53 PM
Before he was in nOs, he was in DR. Come to think of it, he is a 1-man embodiment of the whole DR clan. Win-attitude, dangerous, don't-step-on-me, defiant... and... yes, the fearsome DR. Really, the whole DR clan was ALL like that. Like all members were carbon copies of this. That's why that clan resonates up to this day. But it's also something that makes a UKer: the killer instinct.

Btw back in the day... eheh... i was the only who could really defeat their top player of DR, Crash. It was another mod and i figured out his weakness, the more players against him the stronger he was. I would TK my own teammates to make it 1v1 and he was defeatable. Yes, this mod was unique in the sense that the more ppl were on Crash, the stronger he was. Not sure anyone else ever figured this out about him.

07-27-2017, 04:51 AM
Crash is black

07-27-2017, 02:52 PM
Before he was in nOs, he was in DR. Come to think of it, he is a 1-man embodiment of the whole DR clan. Win-attitude, dangerous, don't-step-on-me, defiant... and... yes, the fearsome DR. Really, the whole DR clan was ALL like that. Like all members were carbon copies of this. That's why that clan resonates up to this day. But it's also something that makes a UKer: the killer instinct.

At least someone knows what he's talking about :P

Just to point that i was in nOs first, then DR. I've used nOs tag for like 3 days this year because Guapo asked me to help them to defeat RP in weapons mode.

07-27-2017, 08:13 PM
Crash is black

Really, i didn't remember that. Some surprising Stands in unreal. Kushface was more blackish with his basketball style. Block shots, straight offensives. More atypical stuff elsewhere... Rixuel the asian moving around like a 300 pounds footballer tackling people down. Crash thriving on 5v1 complexity.