06-28-2011, 08:31 AM
Name: As you need to know that >_> But either way it's Karl Nice to meet you ^^
UT Name (Common name and Aliases as well): DevilHawk ... Along with lots of others ^^
Email/MSN: Ask?
Location (What country you are from & are living in): UK ..... Can i move though?
What do you think of |uK|: Shit clan? I joke i joke....I miss it tbh </3
What can you bring to this clan: More spam? .... Oh and insta/sniper skillz ;-)
How many years have you been playing UT: idk =|
Preferred gametype (Siege, LGI, NGI, Binslayer, BT): All but siege 0_o .... But i can play seige when i'm bored =P
Have you been or are you in any other clans: YEAH... This one -.-
What is your UT history: This clan? and Sniper =P
Have you got or can use Teamspeak RC2: Haven't got. Could get it. Maybe i will?
Have you got XFire or can you use XFire: Most og you already have me =P
Other Comments: I miss the old people =(
UT Name (Common name and Aliases as well): DevilHawk ... Along with lots of others ^^
Email/MSN: Ask?
Location (What country you are from & are living in): UK ..... Can i move though?
What do you think of |uK|: Shit clan? I joke i joke....I miss it tbh </3
What can you bring to this clan: More spam? .... Oh and insta/sniper skillz ;-)
How many years have you been playing UT: idk =|
Preferred gametype (Siege, LGI, NGI, Binslayer, BT): All but siege 0_o .... But i can play seige when i'm bored =P
Have you been or are you in any other clans: YEAH... This one -.-
What is your UT history: This clan? and Sniper =P
Have you got or can use Teamspeak RC2: Haven't got. Could get it. Maybe i will?
Have you got XFire or can you use XFire: Most og you already have me =P
Other Comments: I miss the old people =(