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77247 2 203 124642 318065.29

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Game Summary
Match Type Frags Kills Suicides Team Kills Matches Game Hours
Capture the Flag 61751983 62665186 906077 7126 119309 37700.31
Tournament DeathMatch 751618 760651 9033 0 7911 823.53
Tournament Team Game 4605 4652 40 7 31 3.02
Totals for All Players 62508206 63430489 915150 7133 127251 38526.86

Hourly, Daily and Monthly Activity Across All Servers
5447 (4.37 %)4201 (3.37 %)3113 (2.50 %)2865 (2.30 %)2358 (1.89 %)2545 (2.04 %)2809 (2.25 %)3420 (2.74 %)3939 (3.16 %)4270 (3.43 %)4737 (3.80 %)5027 (4.03 %)5362 (4.30 %)5713 (4.58 %)5979 (4.80 %)6371 (5.11 %)6795 (5.45 %)6931 (5.56 %)7035 (5.64 %)7304 (5.86 %)7428 (5.96 %)7536 (6.05 %)7113 (5.71 %)6344 (5.09 %)17312 (13.89 %)17246 (13.84 %)17279 (13.86 %)17062 (13.69 %)17442 (13.99 %)18993 (15.24 %)19308 (15.49 %)9831 (7.89 %)8842 (7.09 %)11357 (9.11 %)10774 (8.64 %)11699 (9.39 %)11475 (9.21 %)11383 (9.13 %)9847 (7.90 %)9831 (7.89 %)10001 (8.02 %)9757 (7.83 %)9845 (7.90 %)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 M T W T F S S J F M A M J J A S O N D

  Origin of Players  
United States of America: 15353 (23.71 %)Chile, Republic of: 6709 (10.36 %): 4493 (6.94 %)Mexico, United Mexican States: 4221 (6.52 %)Canada: 3437 (5.31 %)Netherlands, Kingdom of the: 2636 (4.07 %)United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland: 2415 (3.73 %)Germany: 1878 (2.90 %)Argentina, Argentine Republic: 1755 (2.71 %)Poland, Polish People's Republic: 1651 (2.55 %)Colombia, Republic of: 1467 (2.27 %)Brazil, Federative Republic of: 1292 (2.00 %)Dominican Republic: 1096 (1.69 %)Russian Federation: 1091 (1.68 %)France, French Republic: 1086 (1.68 %)Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic: 967 (1.49 %)Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of: 907 (1.40 %)Portugal, Portuguese Republic: 867 (1.34 %)Italy, Italian Republic: 760 (1.17 %)El Salvador, Republic of: 746 (1.15 %)Other Countries: 9928 (15.33 %)

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