Welcome to the UnrealTournament Siege, Bunnytrack, Combogib, Instagib, UT99, UT4 clan & Server Discussion.
Anything goes.
Introduce yourself here!
Got some jokes? Share 'em in here.
Special thanks to people who have helped and supported |uK|.
This section is dedicated to concrete examples and step-by-step tutorials
Anything related to UT.
Kicked that suckers ass? Post 'em in here.
Post your clan information in here!
Made a new map? Have any map suggestions or questions?
Code reviews, optimisations, suggestions and discussion
Everything UT4 Related
Frag and brag
Code reviews, optimisations, suggestions and discussion
Instagib CTF server discussions, questions, requests & updates.
BT Server discussions, questions, requests & updates.
Combo Instagib, Normal Weapons & Sniper CTF server discussions, questions, requests & updates.
TeamSpeak 3 Server information
PUG Rules, must read.
PUG server discussions, updates & questions.
Have an annoying problem? Post it in here.
Post your lovely spam in here!
|uK| Members past & present.
Results & Screenshots of matches.
Think you got what it takes to be in |uK|?
Updates on any in-clan actiivity.
Think you got what it takes to beat us?
Rules and regulations.
Any info, talk, questions etc
Where all the ownage happens!
Old people's memory
Hall of Shame for banned players & cheaters.
Cry and get emotional in here if you've been banned or have someone to report.
There are currently 415 users online. 50 members and 365 guests, with 26 spiders
Most users ever online was 6,523, 06-24-2024 at 01:59 AM.
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Welcome to our newest member, ckieraytar