File | Date | Downloads |
Full UT99 Free download UnrealTournament GOTY : If you need a fresh, clean copy of unrealtournament, download the attached and extract. No need for ... | 05-23-2012 | 11,384 |
UTCacheConvert : This is a simple UTCacheConverter. All you do is, once extracted. You place the exe into your UT Ba ... | 05-23-2012 | 247 |
D3D10 v28 : Latest Kentie D3D10 driver version 28 | 05-23-2012 | 373 |
D3D9-R13 : D3D9 Driver for UnrealTournament Once you extract this file, drop it into your UT System folder. Wh ... | 07-13-2012 | 323 |
xconsole : New version | 07-21-2012 | 156 |
ConsolChecker : A serverside protection against illegal consoles. | 07-21-2012 | 34 |
AntinetHack : AntiNetHack makes people suicide who change netspeed in-game. | 07-21-2012 | 29 |
NoCannon : Server actor that kills off the first auto-cannon in Guardia. | 07-21-2012 | 11 |
ServerLog : This is a server mod that logs all players joining a game on a map-by-map basis. Logs names, IDs, IP ... | 07-21-2012 | 29 |
ServerLogLean : This is a stripped down version of the original server log which logs only names and IPs. This vers ... | 07-21-2012 | 40 |
Linux Cache Converter for UT99 : These are linux cache convertor scripts for UT99 | 07-21-2012 | 13 |
ACE_Client_v08h+NPLv16b : ACEv08h & NPLoaderv16b client files. | 08-03-2012 | 137 |
UT_S3TC_Server_Packages : The sole purpose of these downloads and explanations is to make it possible for S3TC players to go p ... | 09-23-2012 | 71 |
UT99 Siege Server List Tab : Unzip and drop this into your System folder. In your UT Server browser will now appear a "Siege" ser ... | 10-04-2012 | 74 |
UT99 Siege Server List Tab : Unzip and drop this into your System folder. In your UT Server browser will now appear a "Siege" ser ... | 10-04-2012 | 83 |