For admins and broadcasters.

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  1. #1
    Whicked Sick Higor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Full sail ahead!

    For admins and broadcasters.

    Siege spectator commands:

    - Chase _playername_
    Unlike ViewPlayer this command takes partial name matches.

    - FindFlamer _optional_skip_
    Spectates anyone with a flamethrower, skip means go ahead an extra 'skip' flamer (if more than one in game).

    - FindNuker _optional_skip_
    Same as above.

    - ToWall
    - Grab (XC_Spec only)
    Teleports spectator to wall it's aiming at.

    - JumpOutOfPlayer
    - Jump key (XC_Spec only)
    Stops chasing a player, puts spectator at the player's current location instead of going back to old view.

    Setting up team names.

    Spectator must login as admin and type these commands:
    - TeamName Red _red_team_name_
    - TeamName Blue _blue_team_name_
    Then logout.
    ------------------------------------- * -------------------------------------

  2. #2
    Dominating RTG`'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    this works really well and its perfect

  3. #3
    Moderator |uK|kenneth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Lightbulb New Idea

    @Higor is it possible to get something up for spectators streamers etc...
    that if mid spawn and a player takes it up spectators see what it was when it was taken and who took it think this would be really helpfull for us especially in maps like blackriver.

  4. #4
    Whicked Sick ~~D4RR3N~~'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    What about a XSpec_camera actor that points to mid spawn and it can be configured with a timer to auto switch to spawn.
    For example: Camera actor placed poiting at midspawn and its timer var is set to 10 secs; when 10 secs remain for mid to spawn, spec camera switches to the actor.
    It could even have a config allowing the spec to let the actor switch for himself or auto switch (False by default imo)
    Quote Originally Posted by |uK|UNrealshots View Post
    You're playing a game that came out in 1999 in the year 2012 who is the fucking nerd here?
    All of us. Enjoy.

  5. #5
    Whicked Sick Chamberly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Vandora Temple
    Quote Originally Posted by |uK|kenneth View Post
    that if mid spawn and a player takes it up spectators see what it was when it was taken and who took it think this would be really helpfull for us especially in maps like blackriver.
    That's also in xconsole too.

    Mainly, most of the stuff that was configured for spec is in xconsole. It just no one seem to care to do much about it I guess. for uscript discussion.

  6. #6
    Whicked Sick Shotman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    San Diego, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by ~~D4RR3N~~ View Post
    What about a XSpec_camera actor that points to mid spawn and it can be configured with a timer to auto switch to spawn.
    For example: Camera actor placed poiting at midspawn and its timer var is set to 10 secs; when 10 secs remain for mid to spawn, spec camera switches to the actor.
    It could even have a config allowing the spec to let the actor switch for himself or auto switch (False by default imo)
    I don't know if anybody remembers but during OwnedWell's SDOM season, i think it was mr where he had 4 UTs opened and all the cameras were pointed to different sdom points and was wondering if it can happen with the siege streams as well. Have 4 UTs open and each will look at different areas of the map. Like one camera at midspawn, one at Blue Cores, one at Red Cores and the last camera Cella or whoever the streamer is can control it.
    "What's Yours Is Mine" Garret Thief (2013)
    Roberto Gómez Bolaños "Chespirito" fue si querer queriendo. You'll be missed.

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