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  1. #11
    Rampage Cella_V2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Banny go fuck and kill yourself in that order, you`re really as retarded as you look . If it wasnt for your dumbass fucking bans we mightve actually had players to field since round 3. After SAM pretty much ended the tournament for us week 4 by one of his outplays on his server for his brother I couldnt care one bit for the tournament anymore since the whole tournament itself has been nothing but a shitshow. This is but a small amount of matters that happened during IST let alone the amount of malfunctions due to `server fixes` one day before tournament days and other stupid shit that came to play. I honestly dont even know why you were in the FWB server in the first place, nobody fucking likes you except for danger maybe. hope you guys drown in quarters for free along with OP.

  2. #12
    Administrator SAM's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    This is really interesting Cella. You really think I would do something so stupid, that could practically end my luxury life, just so you can lose a game? Grow a pair of balls you fucking pussy. You rage quit, admit it and be accountable for your actions, you stupid waste of space.

    At everyone else, including berserk. Stop throwing around wild accusations. I really don't care about the league or who wins it and I don't care to sabotage it for the sake of or benefit of anybody. We were considering putting up a cash prize (out of our own pockets) but after I witnessed your behaviours, that certainly wasn't going to happen.

    It's a shame that the ban happened but the behaviour of your players was unacceptable. The fact of the matter is, I gave them many chances but they chose to continue to escalate the matter, through their very own actions. They are not puppets, I did not force them to behave in this way.

    I would just like to reinforce - that using our servers and resources are a privilege. If people abuse them, there are and have always been consequences to those. The admin and mod team have slacked on that a little, but I certainly do not.

    I made it very clear, when I placed the ban, that this ban will affect IST, that I am not an IST admin however you can play the match elsewhere. I also made very clear that the players would not be unbanned and that once the ban has lifted the players were free to play. I gave plenty of notice - not that we or I have to. We provide services at our discretion.

    If from that, the only option you chose, was to reschedule, then that was your decision. Not mine.

    The only decision I am accountable for is banning players that abused our services. You are free to disagree but I am still confident I made the correct decision.
    Last edited by SAM; 12-06-2018 at 08:39 PM.

  3. #13
    Rampage Spiderman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    It seems like very much of the things started with the kinda ban like muting jigsaw on discord which was removed after sometime. M asking why the hell u guys 1st did that ban and why removed after sometime, either stick with your decision or just unban all those who got banned with the effect of ban on jigsaw. no you guys say that Sam was not agree to unban them then do take time before muting or banning others for stupid reasons. What they say is -they spammed due to stupid ban on jigsaw and Sam did not responded or whaever. The 1st thing here is whenever any admins or mods do ban on players from pug also then at-least add proper reason with it , may b by making separate channel for it like #Bans or can b done via forums here, also for #Unban appeal kinda things , so what it means is that player can actually see that why that player got banned and that player or others can even do respond to that ban in that particular section rather than spamming. And Sam the thing you said earlier that other players should not involve in the bans of others is Wrong, why the hell others cant involve when your mods do stupid bans. Other players are not puppet to see calmly those kinda shit things, if its a community then all have that right to respond. There is also mistake of mods who banned Jigsaw at start and then unbanned him, till time skarn and skarj got their bans just because they spamed and reacted towards stupid kinda ban on jigsaw, i know jigsaw got banned for not using mic but that was also due to new pug bot which removed his tag after 1 match in which he tagged for "no mic". Admins and mods should think twice before banning players, you guys banned players for shity reasons ever. I dont have personal problems with admins or mods but the way they act is kinda stupid. But still nothing much improving which is shame and killing the things.

  4. #14
    Rampage Cella_V2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by SAM View Post
    This is really interesting Cella. You really think I would do something so stupid, that could practically end my luxury life, just so you can lose a game? Grow a pair of balls you fucking pussy. You rage quit, admit it and be accountable for your actions, you stupid waste of space.
    You actually think I give a single fuck about a desperation siege cup that was butchered from week 2, no thank you I wouldve captained if I did. You suddenly seem to have a lot of time on your hands regarding the servers and community, so I dont think its farfetched at all. Knowing what kind of person you are along with the enjoyment you have seeing other people 'fail' I wouldn't be too surprised if this was an action done by you.

    Hope you dissapear from UT forever, thanks mr.nobody :-)

  5. #15
    Administrator SAM's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Spiderman View Post
    It seems like very much of the things started with the kinda ban like muting jigsaw on discord which was removed after sometime. M asking why the hell u guys 1st did that ban and why removed after sometime, either stick with your decision or just unban all those who got banned with the effect of ban on jigsaw. no you guys say that Sam was not agree to unban them then do take time before muting or banning others for stupid reasons. What they say is -they spammed due to stupid ban on jigsaw and Sam did not responded or whaever. The 1st thing here is whenever any admins or mods do ban on players from pug also then at-least add proper reason with it , may b by making separate channel for it like #Bans or can b done via forums here, also for #Unban appeal kinda things , so what it means is that player can actually see that why that player got banned and that player or others can even do respond to that ban in that particular section rather than spamming. And Sam the thing you said earlier that other players should not involve in the bans of others is Wrong, why the hell others cant involve when your mods do stupid bans. Other players are not puppet to see calmly those kinda shit things, if its a community then all have that right to respond. There is also mistake of mods who banned Jigsaw at start and then unbanned him, till time skarn and skarj got their bans just because they spamed and reacted towards stupid kinda ban on jigsaw, i know jigsaw got banned for not using mic but that was also due to new pug bot which removed his tag after 1 match in which he tagged for "no mic". Admins and mods should think twice before banning players, you guys banned players for shity reasons ever. I dont have personal problems with admins or mods but the way they act is kinda stupid. But still nothing much improving which is shame and killing the things.
    We discussed the detail in this thread, didn't we. We've explained the reasoning and rationale behind it all. There's no point in going back over what happened.

    Let's keep the thread on topic.

  6. #16
    Whicked Sick 'Zac's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    guys chill

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