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View Poll Results: What Should Change with Siege

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  • Repair To Core Amount / Speed

    3 75.00%
  • Core Damage - to RU amount Ratio

    2 50.00%
  • Core Health / Total Damage to kill core

    1 25.00%
  • Invisibility ( Cost, tweaks, presence )

    1 25.00%
  • Mines ( Cost, Amount, Visibility, RU reward )

    1 25.00%
  • Match Time / Game Length

    2 50.00%
  • Cost of Nuking Items ( shield, speed, warhead, etc )

    2 50.00%
  • Seeing all players' build counts / Scoreboard

    1 25.00%
  • Mid Spawn ( Time Interval, Items, etc )

    2 50.00%
  • Not enough maps; we play same 4 -5 maps.

    1 25.00%
Multiple Choice Poll.
Results 1 to 2 of 2
  1. #1
    Whicked Sick 'Zac's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    The Ultimate Siege Community Contribution Thread

    Alright listen up community.

    This community has survived 20 years and we still actively pug and Siege as a game type as changed extraordinarily over time. As of this year since IST, there has been debate about what should be changed with Siege to have even more consistence and fun pugs/games, healthy-minded players, and keep the community going strong.

    In this poll, there is a variety of the common topics brought about to be changed with the Siege gametype.
    Change is something that as humans can be given great positivity or great negativity based on who you talk to.

    Now, let me give y'all a history lesson:
    Remember when there was the neutron?
    Remember when we took out the nuke siren?
    Remember when the grenade launcher was a mid spawn?
    Remember when there wasn't even mid spawns?
    Remember when there was 2400 RU mid spawn?
    Remember when the supplier could only supply one player at a time?
    Remember when you could build hyper leecher, blue gun, and ape cannon?
    Remember container X ?
    Remember when there was super jetpack?
    Remember the cost of invisibility?

    Perhaps it's time for something new, something to change, or something to go; there is obviously some controversy within our community.
    Discuss in this thread and perhaps we can come to a viable solution for all for Siege to continue to be fun, this community to thrive, and UT to live on another 20 years.
    Last edited by 'Zac; 06-14-2019 at 10:54 PM.

  2. #2
    The Big Ticket Moskva's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Siege Hall of Fame
    The suggestions on the poll are all good points, but personally a change I'd like to see would be a slight increase on the RU gain after hitting builds (not just core), as it'd entice offense to actually play offense instead of chasing because kills are more rewarding, while also making defense more rewarding for the ones with better builds/better capability of shutting enemy offenses down, all in all to try and reduce the DM fest in a lot of maps and make the game a bit more diverse.
    Season ranks: MLSG - #45 Semis, MLSG II - #38 Finals, MLSG III - #34 Finals, GU.Siege - #32 5th Place, IST - #11 CHAMPION

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