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Thread: Butthurt Street

  1. #121
    Dominating sumbich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimTim View Post
    I asked for multiple sources to verify each point, not a single link to an mp3, which may or may not be the voice of someone or a conversation between people who I know nothing about.

    Okay so why didn't you include the best source(s) for verifying 100% of what you wrote?

    The other videos you've posted today also seem to hold very little merit. It follows the same pattern of thought you've presented in this thread - i.e., present some correlation or irrelevant factoid and expect people to make some connection to some conspiracy. But that's not logical... at all. Yes, 2 + 2 = 4. That can be easily proven. But what you and these other conspiracy theorists are trying to do is say that A = B and C = D and then you ASSUME that B = C therefore A = D BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE THESE ASSUMPTIONS BECAUSE THAT'S NOT HOW LOGIC WORKS. YOU HAVE TO FIRST PROVE THAT B = C. How hard is that to understand?
    The mp3 is a collection of fox news stories that were basically deleted from record and someone uncovered them, you will not find it in any fox news archive - cameron was the only MSM figure to do stories about the dancing israelis and the 50+ israelis that were arrested in the wake of 911. All scrubbed, because you apparently cant accuse the jews of doing anything bad.

    The other videos....AE911 hold little merit? 911 pilots for truth holds little merit? lol-worthy...did you watch more than 10 seconds of any of them or did you just dismiss 'em outright - you didnt even have time to watch them, so you have nothing to make a statement by, but hey, they hold very little merit anyway, without any examination.

    Gotcha. Just trying to get down what passes for "logic" here.

    Government makes statement If A then B then C then D. If A is false, what does that say about B, much less D? If A can be shot full of more holes than my gramps barn built in the 50s, what does that say about the sequence?

    Ignoring a truthful assessment of why A is false doesnt make A true.

    So basically, no matter how far I go here, you're unwilling to actually read or view anything about the subject and you've admitted you dont really know much about the subject to begin with. If you're not interested, why are you here responding?

    I've pointed out motive, opportunity, etc, etc, enough that anyone with a modicum of interest can go investigate them, but you're dismissing stuff because it doesnt "sound" right just by reading its cover. Hell of a way to judge a book, bro.

  2. #122
    Moderator TimTim's Avatar
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    You completely and utterly fail at logic and reading comprehension. Youtube videos by crackpots who make assumptions based on correlations hold little to no merit in any real world scenario.

    Quote Originally Posted by sumbich View Post
    If you're not interested, why are you here responding?
    Because people like you do more harm than good.

  3. #123
    Dominating sumbich's Avatar
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    Sorry you guys are having trouble separating fact from fiction, since you've been preprogrammed with fiction and seem to have a hard time reconciling reality or facts to it. You three have demonstrated over and over that the news basically has no standard of integrity to adhere to in order to be believed. I contend that people such as you guys, who automatically believe everything on the TeeVee, are far more harmful to society as a whole than people who are willing to call out their leaders when they pull corrupt BS and kill a handful if not thousands if not millions depending on the venue. You guys provide fertile ground for the propaganda machines to shape your opinion as they please, to their benefit, to your apathy. You have a hard time examining evidence and place yourself lesser on the totem pole than you should be - having your opinions given to you instead of forged from your own thoughtful and open minded analysis. You'll ridicule from an uninformed position, even. Amazing.

    You guys ridicule me for thinking, whereas you have not even begun to think. You havent debunked a damned thing I've posted, merely poked fun at it. You havent analyzed it, you havent taken a moment to examine the position with respect to the holes in the official positions, perchance you even acknowledged the holes in the official positions to begin with. *shrugs* Asking me how I can assume things when many times no assumption is even necessary, there's just a bunch of factoids on the ground that you can pick up and look at them and say jeez, this doesnt jive with the official story. Oh wait I'm assuming those factoids or something? *looks off into the distance, shaking head*

    And Uranus cant read or do math, preferring instead to call me a nazi when I put out MATH that shows you 6 million is an impossible number for the holocaust crematories. Math based on facts known. But no, this must be dismissed, because PC-speak says anyone questioning the holocaust is crazy, period, end of story, there can be no discussion or GOD FORBID examination of known facts to determine if a story was bullshit or not.

    Nope - you've been handed your story, now believe it or be ostracized.

    Sad, I was hoping some neurons would fire around here. Guess an orange's an apple around these parts, after all.

  4. #124
    Dominating seabass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sumbich View Post
    And Uranus cant read or do math, preferring instead to call me a nazi when I put out MATH that shows you 6 million is an impossible number for the holocaust crematories.
    Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistoria...number/cxpb75q

  5. #125
    Moderator TimTim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sumbich View Post
    such as you guys, who automatically believe everything on the TeeVee
    There you go with another logical error and another assumption.

    The reason people like you do more harm than good is because of shit like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/c...ly_not/cxq84qc

    And this:
    Boston bombing: How internet detectives got it very wrong - BBC News

    And probably countless other nonsense.

    Not to mention, you're spreading all kinds of FUD, which wouldn't be so bad if your methods in doing so attracted smart, logical people who can actually make a difference. But instead, your methods only attract idiots who leap to conclusions because they don't understand that correlation does not imply causation.

    And I'll link the entire thread from a couple days ago again for the lols: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/c...bsolutely_not/

    You never did tell me what you think about this: Who Built the Moon? - It's Incredible but True
    Last edited by TimTim; 12-09-2015 at 09:13 PM.

  6. #126
    Dominating uranus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimTim View Post
    ...because they don't understand that correlation does not imply causation...
    NEURONS FIRED!!1 That was beautiful friend *sniff*

    Did you know that MIT offers virtually all courses for free? http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/linguistics-and-philosophy/24-241-logic-i-fall-2009/index.htm Harvard, Yale and some other high quality universities do the same or similar. It's pretty fantastico.
    Last edited by uranus; 12-10-2015 at 07:34 AM.

  7. #127
    Dominating uranus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimTim View Post
    You never did tell me what you think about this: Who Built the Moon? - It's Incredible but True
    Make a pot of coffee before watching this, if you care to watch past the first lines when Astrology is proclaimed astro science

  8. #128
    Whicked Sick UT-Sniper-SJA94's Avatar
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    What was England
    I laughed when I saw this@
    I watched that whole mess unfold from the beginning, and sweet baby Jesus that has to be the dumbest shit I've ever seen. It was like watching a pack of dogs all start barking up an empty tree because one of them thought they saw a squirrel up there

  9. #129
    Dominating sumbich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seabass View Post
    given that I've been railed against for "having just a bunch of words that assume some things and doesnt have any actual concrete reference in it whatsoever"....smh....should I point out once again that the integrity standard for anything that supports the official story is so preposterously low so as to be nonexistent? you believe words that have no reference at all and is basically hearsay, someone just repeating something someone else said, exactly what I'm getting accosted for...*chuckles*...

    a little crematory math shows that even 2 million would be a touch accomplishment if crematories were strictly considered. so what, they cremated 500k and the other 5.5 million starved when the supply chains failed? if there were massive killing fields of millions, they'd have been found. that's not to say mass graves werent found, some were, but not to the extent that it would make up the balance from what could not be accomplished by crematories. people dont just say 6 is inflated for no reason. they dont say it to be anti jew. just like I dont say an AR-15 was invented live on the air in sandy hook to be an asshole about it - I watched it happen, I watched lt vance live on tv say they found him with two hand guns and then they found another unidentified long gun in the car, and then all the questions came about what kind of gun was it, well I cant say, was it an assautle rifle, I cant say, cue 3 more questions about assault rifles.....did you hear that? its an assault rifle! the lone long gun stayed in the trunk and then it magically became the kid shot the place up with an AR-15....but of course they had to raze the place within the month so nobody could ever examine what type of bullets were fired.

    all I'm saying is, from the entirety of everything I've read about the holocaust, the numbers are clearly inflated and there isnt enough evidence to back up 6 million without your fingers crossed behind your back. to what extent they are truly inflated, I cant tell. I know a shitload of people died, and I know that it was in the jews' (written down, even!) plans to create a large catastrophic event to garner mass sympathy to set the stage for the creation of israel. It is known and was documented long before the wars ever started. Who's got incentive to lie, again? Both sides, really.

    "What good fortune, for governments, that the people do not think" -Hitler

    Quote Originally Posted by TimTim View Post
    There you go with another logical error and another assumption.

    The reason people like you do more harm than good is because of shit like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/c...ly_not/cxq84qc

    And this:
    Boston bombing: How internet detectives got it very wrong - BBC News

    And probably countless other nonsense.

    Not to mention, you're spreading all kinds of FUD, which wouldn't be so bad if your methods in doing so attracted smart, logical people who can actually make a difference. But instead, your methods only attract idiots who leap to conclusions because they don't understand that correlation does not imply causation.

    And I'll link the entire thread from a couple days ago again for the lols: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/c...bsolutely_not/

    You never did tell me what you think about this: Who Built the Moon? - It's Incredible but True
    not seeing the apples and oranges here?

    1) a bunch of redditers basically create a fkn story out of nothing, nothing whatsoever. there wasnt some event where the news reports didnt add up or something. hey that guy LOOKS suspicious.
    2) a bunch of redditers try to "help" police and they find the wrong man. the wrong patsy-scapegoat. I'm not trying to help cops solve crime here, I'm pointing out straight up fuggin treason.

    and then you follow it up with correlation vs causation, lol irony. if your correlations are not correct...

    both inapplicable to this situation.

    Entirely different from....oh.....say the GE CFM-56 engine found on the street after 911. Which is pretty interesting, because those engines go in 737s, not 767s. Why do we have a 737 engine there in the debris, and no black boxes? Let's employ logic now...the engines are from a completely different aircraft from what was in the official report, which by the way, they only spent $16 million bucks on, the lead investigator quit, and other investigators spoke of how it was set up to fail and they were prevented from doing their jobs! (fck they spent at least 80 million investigating what clinton did with cigars for chrissakes) At the point of such a discovery, it should have been up to the investigators to explain why we have an engine in the rubble that is from a different type of plane that what they contend crashed. And I contend that neither you nor I would have been able to tell from the video evidence available if it was a 767 or 737 as it crashed. They have different diameters and thrust levels so this is not just an accident or a case of "well they were short an engine and needed to grab one from somewhere" because the engine would not be compatible. Now.....what am I assuming here, pray tell?

    Anyway, I apologize for reacting just above appropriately harsh for being called crazy, I dont want to argue like assholes with you guys. I'm just not the type to not speak my mind, especially when challenged on something I feel I've done enough homework on to be roughly correct. I just facepalm at these things I point out that go against what the official story is. I'm not the one producing these discrepancies, I just see them and point them out. I dont and cant know 100% of any of these events, but when I find puzzle pieces that assemble to be rocks when the picture on the outside of the box is a pure concrete metal glass city landscape, something aint right.

    oh right, that kooky moon story! lol!!! Honestly I stopped reading at "someday we will have to go back in time to create the moon"....I've heard plenty of stories that the moon did not naturally come to its current resonance solely via natural gravitation....those, perhaps plausible but ultimately unverifiable. Our moon does have a very curiously tuned orbit - if the earth was indeed a lab for alien genetic experiments that saw apes become cavemen become homo sapiens, then its not out of the realm of possibility that the moon was given an assist from a sufficiently advanced species so as to help create optimal conditions for life here. Plausible given the right technology, but also utterly and completely unverifiable.

  10. #130
    Dominating uranus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sumbich View Post
    from the entirety of everything I've read
    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

    Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744) An Essay on Criticism, 1709

    A little learning is a dangerous thing;
    drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
    there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
    and drinking largely sobers us again.

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