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  1. #51
    Moderator Jst2blond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by francoise View Post
    Ce qui serait bien c'est que les intervenants, évitent de dire que j'essaye de comprendre le jeu, il me semble avoir déjà expliqué que j'ai lu tous les documents relatifs à ce mode. En ce qui me concerne je comprends parfaitement le jeu autant que vous.
    It would be great is that stakeholders, avoid saying I'm trying to understand the game, I think I have already explained that I have read all the documents relating to this mode. In my case I fully understand the game as much as you.
    Ecoute @medor m'a demandé en tant que mod de t'appuyer dans ce "combat", il me semble que cela t'a aidé a être débanni, si tu estime n'avoir plus besoin d'apprendre aprés quelques semaines de SIEGE et ne pas avoir besoin de soutien, je ne vois effectivement aucune utilité de te venir en aide .
    Listen, Medor ask me as a Mod here to support you into this "fight", but it seems that i have helped you being unban so if you think you don t need to learn more after some weeks playing SIEGE and also don t need me anymore helping at you, i actually see no point to help you more .
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  2. #52
    Whicked Sick Higor's Avatar
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    Full sail ahead!
    Quick! Somebody call the ban detective.
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  3. #53
    francoise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jst2blond View Post
    Ecoute @medor m'a demandé en tant que mod de t'appuyer dans ce "combat", il me semble que cela t'a aidé a être débanni, si tu estime n'avoir plus besoin d'apprendre aprés quelques semaines de SIEGE et ne pas avoir besoin de soutien, je ne vois effectivement aucune utilité de te venir en aide .
    Listen, Medor ask me as a Mod here to support you into this "fight", but it seems that i have helped you being unban so if you think you don t need to learn more after some weeks playing SIEGE and also don t need me anymore helping at you, i actually see no point to help you more .
    Je te remercie vivement pour ton aide Jst2blond, via l'ami Médor. Toutefois, ce que je me contente d'affirmer, c'est que j'ai lu les documents Siege et que prétendre que je cherche encore à comprendre comment ce jeu fonctionne n'est plus, depuis 15 jours, raisonnable ni adapté à mon jeu actuel. D'où mon étonnement !
    Effectivement siege est un gameplay complexe pour en trouver la substancielle moelle et les finesses de jeu. Je n'est pas affirmé "maitriser" le jeu, mais le comprendre ce qui est très différent.

    Toutefois, j'ai pu aussi constater que des joueurs très affutés ont parfois des comportements "hystériques" envers les apprentis joueurs ou les joueurs moyens. Par exemple, le fait de "remover" d'office des constructions "justifiées" de joueurs (exemple un forcefield à un accès stratégique de la map) pour imposer d'autres constructions qui lui paraissent plus "avantageuses" (comme un Super Health Pod ou une nuke, par exemple) ! Il manque beaucoup de fairplay dans toutes ces actions et ce n'est pas sympathique de tout faire reposer sur les honnêtes joueurs qui arrivent.

    Pourquoi ne pas réaliser, dans ce cas, un serveur d'apprentissage qui permettrait à des joueurs novices d'apprendre le gameplay tranquillement sans se faire agresser. Ce qui est aussi déplorable c'est que la communauté siege n'est pas représentée à sa juste valeur (intérêt évident du gameplay) et que les serveurs siège soient quasiment absents dans toute la grande communauté UT99 !
    Vu le grand intérêt de ce type de jeu, il m'apparait opportun de lui accorder au moins une petite dizaine de serveurs dédiés, au moins un par nation. Cela permettrait aussi des rencontres (matches) amusantes.

    translate ON
    Thank you very much for your help Jst2blond via friend Fido. However, I am content to say is that I read the Siege documents and pretend that I am still trying to understand how this game works is no longer for 15 days or reasonable suited to my game current. Hence my surprise!
    Seat is actually a complex gameplay to find marrow substancial and the subtleties of the game. I do not say "master" the game, [B] but understand this is very different [/ B].

    However, I could also see that very sharpened players sometimes have "hysterical" behavior towards apprentices players or average players. For example, the fact of "remover" of office buildings "justified" players (such as a forcefield strategic access to the map) to impose other constructions that seem to more "convenient" (as a Super Health Pod or a nuke, for example)! It lacks a lot of fairplay in all these actions and it is not nice to do everything based on honest players arriving.

    Why not realize in this case, learning server that allow novices to learn gameplay players quietly without being mugged. What is also sad is that the community is not represented siege at fair value (obvious interest of gameplay) and servers seat are virtually absent in the greater community UT99!
    Given the great interest in this type of game, it seems appropriate for me to give him at least a dozen dedicated at least one nation by servers. This would also matches (matches) fun.
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  4. #54
    M/\D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMaiden View Post
    Just yesterday Kermit built a useless SC in core room in Niven. Somebody removed it and Kermit started rage removing random shit including my SC.
    Useless SC?? -) Lol,

  5. #55
    Dominating IronMaiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M/\D View Post
    Useless SC?? -) Lol,
    Kermits SC: did not recharge anything valuable (2 cons around) and also didn't cover the core (it was to the side).

    My SC: recharged 2 SPs, which died because you removed my SC and later on 2 SM.

    With your todays comments you proved one more time one thing: ignorance by definition. You remove my stuff again, call me names, boost me and I will report you again. All against the rules. End of discussion.

  6. #56
    Whicked Sick Chamberly's Avatar
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    I don't know if anyone has posted siege guides or not...
    For building information. Use translation as possible but I don't know how that will go.

    For building tips. I don't know about the translation for this video, unless someone can make it?
    Keybind for SiegeIV.
    To download the SiegeIV mod!!! Can play offline! If there is anything you need help with this, let me know.

    I'm not sure if I could make a French keybind set and a French profile for SiegeIV mod... (Like "Upgrade" will be "améliorer", etc. and I used google translate for this.)
    If someone can help me with that I could make em. @Jst2blond would you help? for uscript discussion.

  7. #57
    francoise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M/\D View Post
    Useless SC?? -) Lol,
    Ceci est fort bien expliqué plus haut (lisez correctement et n'en déduisez pas un comportement systématique) et relève initialement du fait d'un joueur très fort et compétent, qui s'appelle kiwi, celui-ci n'hésite jamais à remover tous ce qui le dérange et donc considère les autres joueurs comme des idiots. Je l'ai vu faire hier, le 11 novembre, envers une construction d'un bon joueur.
    L'aberration de ce comportement hautain et non fairplay est que désormais, lorsque je joue dans l'équipe de Kiwi, et bien je garde tous mes RU, je ne fais aucune construction, je n'upgrade plus celles de Kiwi mais les autres OUI, et je me contente de m'équiper pour les attaques.

    Ce mode SIEGE est très intéressant et permet de redonner une nouvelle jeunesse à ce jeu UT99 pour lequel je joue presqu'exclusivement bien que possèdant les versions plus récentes d'UT et d'autres jeux comme sniper elite 3, Battlefield 4, etc... Il manque de nombreux serveurs à cet excellent mode.

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    This is well explained above (read properly and do not deduct a pattern of behavior) and initially falls due to a very strong and competent player, called kiwi, it never hesitates to remover all what bothers and considers the other players like idiots. I've seen it done yesterday, November 11, to a construction of a good player.
    The aberration of this haughty behavior and fair play is not that now, when I play in the Kiwi team, well I keep all my UK, I make no construction, I can not upgrade those Kiwi but other YES and I just equip me for the attacks.

    SEAT This mode is very interesting and helps restore new life to the UT99 game that I play almost exclusively although with the latest versions of UT and other games like sniper elite 3, Battlefield 4, etc .. . It lacks many servers this excellent mode.
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  8. #58
    Moderator Jst2blond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chamberly View Post
    I don't know if anyone has posted siege guides or not...
    For building information. Use translation as possible but I don't know how that will go.

    For building tips. I don't know about the translation for this video, unless someone can make it?
    Keybind for SiegeIV.
    To download the SiegeIV mod!!! Can play offline! If there is anything you need help with this, let me know.

    I'm not sure if I could make a French keybind set and a French profile for SiegeIV mod... (Like "Upgrade" will be "améliorer", etc. and I used google translate for this.)
    If someone can help me with that I could make em. @Jst2blond would you help?
    Probably a waste of time Chamy, Francoise doesn t need it translated, and i am pretty sure there are no more frenchies who are waiting for this but if you really want to make it, u can pm you translation then i can turn it into an understandable text for us .
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  9. #59
    Whicked Sick Chamberly's Avatar
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    I think other Frenchies like to have the translation to play too! for uscript discussion.

  10. #60
    francoise's Avatar
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    Ben vous savez nous les frenchies on est quasiment obligés de connaître d'autres langages, ce n'est pas le cas des anglosaxons qui sont totalement ignares dans ce domaine et lorsque que tous ces acteurs viennent au Festival de Canne ou sur nos médias français, ils ne savent dire que 3 mots : les mêmes !
    Alors soyez plus conciliants envers nous et sachez que je parle espagnol et que je sais utiliser un google translate !
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