Kermit supplier spaming - Page 2

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  1. #11
    francoise's Avatar
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    Nov 2014
    Juste humoristique comme sujet...
    Le nombre de fois que des gens tirent sur les supplys, c'est incroyable.
    Pas plus tard qu'aujourd'hui sur clarion ça a été une pluie à plusieurs ennemis sur notre supply 2 heures durant, quand c'est pas des nuke !
    Sérieusement, c'est juste n'importe quoi ces bans supply !
    Apparemment, ce ban est décerné au faciès !

    Just about as humorous ...
    The number of times people get on supplys, it's amazing.
    Just today on it was a clarion rain several enemies on our supply during two hours, when it is not the nuke!
    Seriously, it's just anything these bans supply!
    Apparently, this ban is awarded facies!
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  2. #12
    Whicked Sick Higor's Avatar
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    Right, I should re-enable double enforce respawn now that priority has been fixed.
    That'll teach some sup spammers a lesson.
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  3. #13
    SicilianKill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Higor View Post
    Right, I should re-enable double enforce respawn now that priority has been fixed.
    That'll teach some sup spammers a lesson.
    Thanks Higor.

    It was a mess yesterday on Clarion-SwS...

  4. #14
    Rampage skaarj_dulog's Avatar
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    Oh come on, you noobs getting killed in sup cuz u stand there till all of your weapons fill....just took some weapon (takes few seconds) kill enemies, and go back to sup.
    Ofc you will be spammed, when whole team stands inside sup for long know you got enemy on base and still standing inside sup

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Higor View Post
    Right, I should re-enable double enforce respawn now that priority has been fixed.
    Thats stupid. What next? Spawning with minigun and 999 ammo?
    Ppl should stand in sup less, btw seems like 90% of server still doesnt know difference between suplier and super suplier


  5. #15
    Whicked Sick Higor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skaarj_dulog View Post
    Ppl should stand in sup less, btw seems like 90% of server still doesnt know difference between suplier and super suplier
    That is also a valid point, whenever I kill someone in supplier early in game, I never get the red RU counter... some ppl do idle in the supplier for a lot of time.
    So far the attacking team knows when bad sup-spamming is going on, but not the attacked team. Gonna have to think of something so that ppl realizes when they're idling too much and when it's actual spam.
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  6. #16
    francoise's Avatar
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    Voilà encore actuellement florencia et Kaef étaient à deux contre moi et ça tirait à qui mieux mieux sur mon supply à chaque apparition...
    Ce qui prouve bien que le ban supply c'est juste une immense farce.

    That still currently Florencia and Kaef were both against me and it drew vying to supply my every appearance ...
    Which proves that the supply ban it is just a huge farce.
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  7. #17
    Rampage skaarj_dulog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Higor View Post
    some ppl do idle in the supplier for a lot of time.
    "Some" is soft said. Most of them doesn't even understanding how sup works. Also its fucking annoying, when someone starting to chat while he standing in suplier....or stadning right in suplier and defending...

    Honestly, i dont even remember when last time i got killed in sup by rocket or bio spam (niven is exception ofc)...
    I just take some ammo in about 2 seconds, then make small circle on base and if no enemy in, refilling my ammo while sup is empty


  8. #18
    Whicked Sick Higor's Avatar
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    I'm going to be extremely honest here.
    After playing WAR mode in UT3, I couldn't like more this thing about weapon lockers where you touch and get X weapons and ammo instantly. (up to 4)
    Sure, they dumbed it down so you auto-touch nearest one upon spawn in patch 2.0 but the concept is something I really like.

    Let's say an enhanced constructor lets you build a weapon locker (type varies, ammo counts upgrades?, weapon count varies?) and you get to add which weapons go in it and upgrade the ammo count it brings in.
    Armor, health could count as 'weapon' slot as well, and it'd take X time to refill (10 seconds sounds ok, timer is per-player not global, amount of separate timers could also be a thing).
    You could place them together, or in strategic points depending on the needs of that strategic point and with just a touch you'd be equipped.

    With this system we'd be able to get rid of the no Sup Spam rule and spawn protection in a single strike, make the game's pace a LOT faster without harming attackers (as they'd be able to fire at will without any sort of punishment).
    (Buildable spawn points anyone?)
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  9. #19
    Rampage skaarj_dulog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Higor View Post
    Let's say an enhanced constructor lets you build a weapon locker (type varies, ammo counts upgrades?, weapon count varies?) and you get to add which weapons go in it and upgrade the ammo count it brings in.
    Armor, health could count as 'weapon' slot as well, and it'd take X time to refill (10 seconds sounds ok, timer is per-player not global, amount of separate timers could also be a thing).
    You could place them together, or in strategic points depending on the needs of that strategic point and with just a touch you'd be equipped.
    Sounds cool but damn that gonna take much time to code it imo...


  10. #20
    francoise's Avatar
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    Personnellement je pense que les supply devraient avoir un champ invisible de protection sur un rayon equivalent à 8 joueurs en attente d'armes (aucun tir ennemi ne peut le traverser). Ceci aussi bien avec les supplys ordinaires que les super supplys. Bien sûr, dans ce cas ils deviennent indestructibles, mais au niveau de la programmation il est possible de n'attribuer qu'au premier supply et au premier super supply ces qualités. Donc tout supply "défensifs" conserveraient les propriétés actuelles.
    Pour ces supplys protégés, il faut aussi que la programmation interdise de les placer dans une zone qui protégerait le core par exemple dans niven le supply ne pourrait être placé à moins de 10 mètres "skins" du core. Bien entendu, ces supplys protégés peuvent être traversés par l'ennemi, ce sont uniquement les tirs qui sont stoppés.

    Personally I think the supply should have an invisible protective field radius of an equivalent to 8 players waiting arms (no enemy fire can not cross it). This as well with ordinary supplys that super supplys. Of course, in this case they become indestructible, but the level of programming it is possible to attribute at the first supply and the first great supply these qualities. So all supply "defensive" retain the current properties.
    For these protected supplys also requires that the programming prohibit placing them in an area that would protect the core eg niven the supply could not be placed within 10 meters "skins" of the core. Of course, these protected supplys can be traversed by the enemy, it is only the shots that are stopped.
    Last edited by francoise; 09-09-2016 at 05:48 AM.
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