Stupid Camilo, Heineken and Alucard removing my harmless container countless times... (VIDEO)

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  1. #1
    Dominating RTG`'s Avatar
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    Stupid Camilo, Heineken and Alucard removing my harmless container countless times... (VIDEO)

    Just now I played a McSwartzly game and since there werent many people on it I decided to test a defence i just came up with. This video shows a defence I tried to make, please notice where the SuperMine is placed, beacause no one did and some ppl started doing "pro" moves. Please watch the video:

    You see, in this match I had to spend 1500 RU for SH, then 1600 for the SC and 700 for lv3 upped SuperMine, I could easly build bunch of nukes and go finish the blue core like everyone else in my team went for. But I just wanted to test my defence idea I had in mind and I think it was pretty solid, I looked around it and no one can get pass trough it. Maybe that 1 weak container that was blocking the path wasn't strong enough to encounter a nuke, but I could place 2 containers on that place instead with a ForceField. But no one gave me that chance, because my container was removed every time i builded it.

    First Alucard removed it once, I had to yell at him with harsh words so he can notice me to explane why I did this defence and tell him that there is another path he can take, but still he didn't noticed or cared.
    So I decided to build that container again, but it was removed most of the time by Heineken like 5 times trough the whole game (the game lasted 5 mins after i made this defence). But then Camilo had to join the party and remove it couple times (I don't remember, watch the demo if you wish). Just leave my container alone dude.. Are you blind that you cant see their Core HP is 10? This single container won't make any leech, and they won't be even able to reach it if they are pressured like this.

    Since ur an experienced siege player I want an explanation why my container was removed by you... I had to use harsh words in the title to get ppl's attention, because no one gives a shit so they have to be yelled at.

    --- Updated ---

    Link to the demo:

    I got a timestamp if you guys know how to use it, type "seekto 1140" in the console. If you don't use the demomanager's driver enabled from your UT ini, then this command won't work.

  2. #2
    Whicked Sick Higor's Avatar
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    Full sail ahead!
    This has to be one of the best defensive buildings i've seen on McSwartzly.
    I do that same kind of supermine in Burning, Coret and Niven and net at least 3000 ru before the mine gets killed.

    I would place a forcefield a few steps ahead to prevent the container and SC from taking an extra 20% damage from the point blank explosion ticks, which will make a huge difference if the entrance gets double nuked.
    ------------------------------------- * -------------------------------------

  3. #3
    Dominating RTG`'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Higor View Post
    This has to be one of the best defensive buildings i've seen on McSwartzly.
    I do that same kind of supermine in Burning, Coret and Niven and net at least 3000 ru before the mine gets killed.

    I would place a forcefield a few steps ahead to prevent the container and SC from taking an extra 20% damage from the point blank explosion ticks, which will make a huge difference if the entrance gets double nuked.
    Yes its really effective to make that kind of defense pattern with squared entrances, like in that DoA map, I covered half of the entrance with 2 containers and for the other half i made a SM away so no one can nuke it or enter trough. They nuked it thousand times, tried to get in but my mine killed them every time. An unreachable leech above the entrance was keeping my containers alive from nuke attacks.

    I'm really curious in what way you can make that into Niven. That map is really round and there is no safe place for a SM. Maybe you can block the door entrance with 2 SuperContainers and leave a little gap on the right, where you can put a SM a bit away from it so nukes won't reach it. Is that it? If I do that in a game smart ppl will yell at me and remove my SC.

    As for my McSwartzly case I hope some of the admins would warn these 3 guys for removing my buildings, if it's not a leech they have no right to touch it.

  4. #4
    Rampage BONZ's Avatar
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    I was speccing Alucard this game and saw what you were trying to do, however a booster or something to get past the builds was badly needed or you will have blocked a major exit to your base, so I can see why it was removed. You can't expect everyone to piston out of base, if there are enemies waiting it can be a faff to piston and then kill them.

  5. #5
    Dominating RTG`'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BONZ View Post
    I was speccing Alucard this game and saw what you were trying to do, however a booster or something to get past the builds was badly needed or you will have blocked a major exit to your base, so I can see why it was removed. You can't expect everyone to piston out of base, if there are enemies waiting it can be a faff to piston and then kill them.
    here we have another blind guy that cant jump? Please watch the video again closely, You can see how I demonstrated that you can get pass trough that gap on the left where the SM is placed.

  6. #6
    Killing Spree Booty's Avatar
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    Is that supermine shielded from nuke blast? it looks really solid if it is... and btw booster would get destroyed if you nuked it.. but higors idea is great... lets combine these things together and see!

  7. #7
    Dominating RTG`'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booty View Post
    Is that supermine shielded from nuke blast? it looks really solid if it is... and btw booster would get destroyed if you nuked it.. but higors idea is great... lets combine these things together and see!
    It is and it can't be destroyed from nukes at any angle. You don't need a booster, you just have to jump over it like i did in the video.. that's all.

  8. #8
    Moderator HIGH+CAMILO's Avatar
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    At the moment you called me STUPID you are no longer getting an answer.

    Next time grow up and be a man before making a thread.


  9. #9
    Dominating RTG`'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HIGH+CAMILO View Post
    At the moment you called me STUPID you are no longer getting an answer.

    Next time grow up and be a man before making a thread.

    Meh, some admins here call people idiots when they do something wrong or when they are banned. So this time YOU did something wrong and stupid. But now that Camilo is involved you guys won't warn Heineken and Alucard anymore? It would take only 2 clicks, my demo is timestamped.

  10. #10
    Killing Spree Janssen's Avatar
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    I was there, it did block the exit somewhat because people had to JUMP on the left side to get through. Some prolly didn't understand so they removed cont.

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